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General gaming

God of War: Ascension Promises Multiplayer, Extreme Eye Violence

Posted: 30 Apr 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Luis Buñuel and Salvadore Dali's 1929 experimental short Un Chien Andalou contains one of the most iconic and provocative scenes in film history -- even if this title sounds unfamiliar, you've undoubtedly witnessed the scene in question at some point in your life. Within the first few minutes of this film, we see an anonymous man sharpening a straight razor on a strop, testing its effectiveness on his thumb, and taking a few errant puffs of a cigarette. He glances up at the moon, and then, without warning, the scene cuts to a close-up of a very nonplussed woman who proceeds to have her eye sliced by Chekhov's razor. After a clever shot of a thin cloud drifting past the moon, we again cut to the eye, which proceeds to leak and goo, as an eye would in such a situation.

This brief bit of cinema makes for a disturbing, haunting, and effective scene that artistically portrays a shocking act of violence -- and one that's made film buffs more than a little queasy for the past 83 years.

People with weak stomachs probably shouldn't have watched that.

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