
MMORPG Reviews

MMORPG Reviews

BioWare has announced a Weekend Pass Free Trial for Star Wars: The Old Republic

Posted: 14 Mar 2012 09:30 AM PDT

BioWare is going to celebrate the first "Weekend Pass" event for Star Wars: The Old Republic. Players will be able to access the first fifteen levels of the game, as well as explore all the starter and capitol worlds between March 15th and March 19th. “Today we are excited to announce the Star Wars™: The Old [...]

Forge of Empires has released new information of the player interaction

Posted: 14 Mar 2012 08:58 AM PDT

InnoGames has released additional information regarding the elements of player interaction in its browser game Forge of Empires. Players, divided by the game in neighborhoods of eighty, can decide for themselves to either peacefully cooperate or aggressively compete with each other. Forge of Empires offers ways to achieve either goal. So, peaceful rulers can visit [...]

Seven Souls Online has started its Open Beta

Posted: 14 Mar 2012 08:11 AM PDT

NEOWIZ GAMES has started the open beta for its a combat MMORPG Seven Souls Online, set in the fantasy world of Akkadia. In addition to raising the player level cap to 40, the open beta also introduces an entirely new in-game zone called Dragonscale Valley, and introduces open-world player versus player (PVP) combat. In Seven [...]

MechWarrior Online has released a new gameplay trailer

Posted: 14 Mar 2012 07:32 AM PDT

Piranha Games Inc. has released a new gameplay trailer of MechWarrior Online, the first officially licensed free-to-play title in the long-standing and award-winning MechWarrior franchise. The game is set to launch in the second half of 2012. Set in the year 3049 during the early stages of a massive interstellar war, MechWarrior Online puts you [...]

DC Universe Online has released its third DLC pack titled The Battle for Earth

Posted: 14 Mar 2012 05:41 AM PDT

Sony Online Entertainment LLC has announced that the third DLC pack for DC Universe Online, titled The Battle for Earth, is now available. Featuring an all-new Earth Powers set, and new multiplayer and open-world content, The Battle for Earth delivers legendary adventures as players prepare for the ultimate showdown with Brainiac. DCUO's third DLC pack [...]

New trailer from the pre-alpha of The Repopulation

Posted: 14 Mar 2012 03:54 AM PDT

Above and Beyond Technologies has presented a new trailer that shows the pre-alpha of The Repopulation. The game has been developed by a independent studio, and utilices the Hero Engine.

Blacklight Retribution has launched a new map video and has announced its release date

Posted: 14 Mar 2012 03:17 AM PDT

Zombie Studios has launched a new map video highlighting Vertigo, a new map that has arrived to its MMOFPS Blacklight Retribution‘s Open Beta. In addition Perfect World Entertainment Inc., has announced that Blacklight Retribution, is set to launch on April 3, 2012 in North America and Europe. “After five successive months of closed and open [...]

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