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MMOGaming News

WoW: Let us Talk Updated Scroll of Resurrection


WoW: Let us Talk Updated Scroll of Resurrection

We recently re-launched the World of Warcraft Scroll of Resurrection with new mounts, instant character boosts to level 80, free upgrades to Cataclysm for players who don’t own all the expansions, and much more. Today, we’d like to take a look at some of the finer points of this powerful new way to reconnect with your friends in Azeroth.

WoW Fan Art: The Megaboomer


WoW Fan Art: The Megaboomer

The World of Warcraft Fan Art Section has been updated with five new pieces of fan artwork.

Continue reading WoW Fan Art: The Megaboomer.

Rumor: Bethesda to Announce Elder Scrolls Online in May


Rumor: Bethesda to Announce Elder Scrolls Online in May

Except for the May 2012 announcement, Elder Scrolls Online will also be presented at E3 2012 in June and then Quakecon 2012 in August, along with id Software's Doom 4 and several other titles, according to Tom’s Guide.

gPotato Announced Action MMORPG Eternal Blade


gPotato Announced Action MMORPG Eternal Blade

The game features six classes, each of which brings distinct strengths and strategies with the opportunity to grow in rank and add powers based on the player’s custom enhancements.

TERA Live Stream of EU CBT4


TERA Live Stream of EU CBT4

M3ximus40, a french fan of TERA, will manage a WEBTV and keep it live all night from Saturday to Sunday this week.

Continue reading TERA Live Stream of EU CBT4.

EverQuest 2 Community Built In-Game Wonderland for Dying Boy


EverQuest 2 Community Built In-Game Wonderland for Dying Boy

Most of the time, virtual world is a place where people don’t know or care about others, but when someone really needs help, the world shows its love and unity. EverQuest 2 is the kind of world we’re talking about.

DotA 2 Lane Matchups Leshrac vs Jakiro


DotA 2 Lane Matchups Leshrac vs Jakiro

Before you comment, I know, Leshrac vs Jakiro is NOT a typical matchup, but I wanted the first video to have casual random heroes that will allow me to analyze the thought processes before we get into extremely strong solo laners. Also, go check out my website.

RIFT Library of the Runemasters Walkthrough


RIFT Library of the Runemasters Walkthrough

In the Library of the Runemasters, it’s easy to get lost due to all of the action taking place. Having a good understanding of how to successfully win the warfront is crucial to success. Here we’ll take a look at how winners are determined, as well as strategies for ensuring your victory!

[Part1]Hands-on Review: Tera Is Not Terrible


[Part1]Hands-on Review: Tera Is Not Terrible

I wasn’t sure if I was going to enjoy Tera when I first heard about the game. The fantasy MMO genre is very saturated at the moment with a lot of lackluster games, but the fact that Tera had been out for a year already across the ocean reassured me it’d at least be polished, and it doesn’t disappoint with that.

Blade Chronicle: Samurai Online - A Journey to the Japan Edo Period


Blade Chronicle: Samurai Online - A Journey to the Japan Edo Period

Compared with other MMOs, Blade Chronicle also offers players more freedom. Considering the popularity, Aiming decided to bring it to the international market.

Temporary Maintenance for MMOsite Highspeed Download


Temporary Maintenance for MMOsite Highspeed Download

In order to make the experience of downloading better for all MMOsite fans, MMOsite Highspeed Download will be brought down for temporary maintenance.

Amazing Blade & Soul Cutscene: Blade Master vs Gunner


Amazing Blade & Soul Cutscene: Blade Master vs Gunner

One of the best cutscenes from NCsoft’s upcoming MMORPG title, Blade & Soul.

C9 Assassin Skill Build Guide(for PvP)


C9 Assassin Skill Build Guide(for PvP)

In order to serve my guild, I chose to play Assassin during the test. To tell the truth, I had a rough time at PvP combat in the last few days of my play and the game did not run smoothly at all in my server.

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