MMO Updates |
- Hyperspace Beacon: Holocron Files -- Zabraks
- Flameseeker Chronicles: I hope you like PvE stuff
- CCP's North American president steps down
- Turbine releases GameStop-exclusive LotRO Mithril edition
- World of Warplanes' Soviet tech tree revealed
- Players manipulate SWTOR's guild system to create a premature Oceanic server
- The Daily Grind: Are you playing GW in anticipation of GW2?
- Not So Massively: Diablo III expectations, polishing Torchlight II
- Captain's Log: Operation Gamma
- Performance tweaks coming to Fallen Earth
- Vindictus has the beatdown, and so do other players
- Wings Over Atreia: Ode to 3.0, second verse
- SOE president John Smedley announces that all players will be able to play on any server
- Latest Otherland trailer gives players a glimpse of the Net
- BioWare doctors discuss Mass Effect MMO
- Jump into Black Prophecy's past with gamigo's Nexus Conflict
Hyperspace Beacon: Holocron Files -- Zabraks Posted: 28 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST Filed under: Sci-fi, Lore, Opinion, Star Wars Galaxies, Roleplaying, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Hyperspace Beacon Holocrons serve as storage devices for Jedi and Sith lore. These objects store not only information from their creators but also their essence. Every once in a while, I highlight a specific aspect of Star Wars lore and apply it directly to Star Wars: The Old Republic. I want to impart my knowledge of that part of the Star Wars universe as well as what I have learned from roleplaying in games like Star Wars Galaxies and other venues.Since the first appearance of Darth Maul in The Phantom Menace, fans have been curious about the Sith with the horns on his head. Some fans also noticed the Jedi council member with horns on his head and wondered if he was related to the previously mentioned Sith. Both are, in fact, Zabraks, a humanoid species originating on the planet Iridonia. A freighter full of lore has been written about this species, from a fan-fic language to canon medical analysis. There is no way I can dissect it all in this article, but let's talk about the specifics of how you can apply Zabrak lore to your Zabrak character. Continue reading Hyperspace Beacon: Holocron Files -- Zabraks
Flameseeker Chronicles: I hope you like PvE stuff Posted: 28 Feb 2012 08:00 AM PST Filed under: Fantasy, PvE, Opinion, Guild Wars 2, Flameseeker Chronicles Guild Wars 2 folks: What a week it's been, am I right? After the flood of impressions and videos after the select press embargo lifted, ArenaNet decided to whip fans into a veritable frenzy by accepting beta signups from Wednesday to Friday. Fan response was insane -- over 1,000,000 signups in under 50 hours. While a few cool kids on the internet have tried to scoff at that number, I really can't -- it's just staggering to me.If you were on vacation, sick, or hiding under your pet rock between Wednesday and Friday, I'm sorry -- there was a lot going on. You might consider checking out ArenaNet's blog post to catch up, as there's now a link roundup for your convenience. It's like the team wants you to be able to find out stuff about this game it eventually wants you to buy. Next the devs will be making themselves available for question-pelting on Reddit in an effort to promote clear and rapid comm-- oh wait. Continue reading Flameseeker Chronicles: I hope you like PvE stuff
CCP's North American president steps down Posted: 28 Feb 2012 07:30 AM PST Filed under: Horror, Sci-fi, EVE Online, MMO industry, World of Darkness, DUST 514 It's been a long run heading up work on spaceships and vampires, but after 19 years at the helm, North American CCP President Mike Tinney is saying goodbye. Tinney announced that he is departing the studio on February 29th to work at an unnamed company that will combine health and fitness with games.Tinney has no regrets with his prior role, but is excited about the future: "CCP has gone through a fast-paced growth cycle. It's been a fun run and a lot of good experiences and memories. But I would like to move to a younger, earlier stage company, and plan to start one myself." CCP's management expressed gratitude toward Tinney's service: "We are grateful for Mike's energetic and effective leadership and for all his valuable contributions to CCP. We will miss him. We wish him well with his next endeavors. And we're eager to see what he comes up with next." Tinney's 19 years of service includes being CEO of White Wolf, which was snatched up by CCP in 2006. He will continue to assist CCP in an "advisory capacity" for several months to help the transition.
Turbine releases GameStop-exclusive LotRO Mithril edition Posted: 28 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Lord of the Rings Online, Business models, MMO industry, News items, Free-to-play Turbine snubbed box collectors with its last two Lord of the Rings Online expansions, but the company hasn't abandoned retail altogether.The new Mithril edition is exclusive to GameStop stores, and while it may not be as valuable as Frodo's life-saving waistcoat, it does provide $50 worth of content for a paltry $29.99. Exclusive bonus items include a Steed of the Horse-lords mount, Path of the Fellowship quests, and 2,000 Turbine points to spend in the game's cash shop. It's worth noting that the Mithril edition is basically a starter kit for the full game, as it does not include the Siege of Mirkwood expansion or the Rise of Isengard expansion. Further details are available at the official LotRO website. [Source: Turbine press release]
World of Warplanes' Soviet tech tree revealed Posted: 28 Feb 2012 06:30 AM PST Filed under: Betas, Historical, Galleries, Screenshots, Trailers, Video, Game mechanics, MMO industry, New titles, News items, War, Free-to-play, World of Warplanes Ready for World of Warplanes' third tech tree reveal (and a load of in-Soviet-Russia jokes)? It's here, and Soviet aircraft take center stage in today's update. Twenty classic warbirds have been added to the action combat game, including the La-5 fighter and the renowned Il-2 Sturmovik.As with the American and German tech trees, says it will add additional aircraft to the Soviet tree as the game nears launch. World of Warplanes is currently undergoing global alpha testing, and you can sign up to be a part of it at the game's official website. Before you go, though, have a look at the new Soviet tech tree and a new video clip after the cut as well as new screenshots in our WoWP gallery. [Source: press release] Continue reading World of Warplanes' Soviet tech tree revealed
Players manipulate SWTOR's guild system to create a premature Oceanic server Posted: 28 Feb 2012 06:00 AM PST Filed under: Sci-fi, Culture, Star Wars: The Old Republic We find that player ingenuity is always quick to take up the slack left by MMO studios. In the case of Star Wars: The Old Republic, the initial lack of Oceanic and Asian servers prompted players in those regions to come up with a unique solution: to create a server of their own, using BioWare's own system to their advantage.Many MMOs have unofficial servers for regions and rulesets, but pulling them together can take an incredible amount of work and still end up halfway done. However, Oceanic and Asian players wanted to make sure that they all rolled on the same server right on launch day, so guilds began to get in contact with each other and use BioWare's own guild registration system to link Republic and Empire groups together in an Oceanic "daisy chain." Because the system was designed to put as many allied and adversary guilds together on a server, the entire daisy chain was planted on a NA west coast server, Swiftsure. In one smart move, the Oceanic and Asian population had their own place to call home. The story of Swiftsure as a temporary refugee camp for these players is coming to a close, as SWTOR is officially launching overseas on March 1st -- and the population will be offered a free transfer to the new servers. Still, it goes to show you just how inventive players can get.
The Daily Grind: Are you playing GW in anticipation of GW2? Posted: 28 Feb 2012 05:00 AM PST Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Guild Wars, MMO industry, New titles, Opinion, Guild Wars 2, The Daily Grind So last week was basically Guild Wars 2 week around these parts. There were the press beta reveals, ArenaNet's 48-hour beta signup blitz, and a general we-can't-wait-for-this-game vibe in the air.All of that conspired to drive me back into the world of Tyria for the first time in six years, and after I patched the original Guild Wars client, I spent a few hours poking around the pre-Searing bits of the Prophecies campaign. What about you, Massively crew? Assuming you're not in the Guild Wars 2 beta, are you getting ready by playing (or replaying) the original game?
Not So Massively: Diablo III expectations, polishing Torchlight II Posted: 27 Feb 2012 05:00 PM PST Filed under: Betas, Game mechanics, New titles, News items, Free-to-play, Not So Massively, MOBA, League of Legends This week Diablo III's Bashiok caused a stir over a cheeky forum post asking a fan to lower his expectations of the upcoming title. He continues posting rampantly to the forum this week to defend recent game design decisions. Dota 2 delivered its first test build using its new deployment system, and Gaming With Gizmoh raised over $1,000 US for Child's Play with a 24-hour marathon of the beta. League of Legends took a look at its Filipino playerbase, while Heroes of Newerth was struck by a massive exploit that saw the European servers taken offline for days.Web show Extra Credits teamed up with Red 5 Studios to offer its support for the studio's ambitious development plans for Firefall. The month-long Blacklight: Retribution open beta started today, with the introduction of three beta events with prizes and a new video tutorial for the Heavy Metal map. Rise of Immortals celebrated its first anniversary of unveiling the game to the public this week and offered a sneak peek of its creepy new Immortal Azcadelia. Finally, Torchlight II developer Patrick Blank talks about polishing content and delivers an update on where the team is in development. Continue reading Not So Massively: Diablo III expectations, polishing Torchlight II
Captain's Log: Operation Gamma Posted: 27 Feb 2012 04:00 PM PST Filed under: Sci-fi, Launches, PvE, Opinion, Star Trek Online, Free-to-play, Captain's Log Like previous columns about The 2800, this is an overview and will contain spoilers. If you have not yet played this mission or do not want to know about what happens, stop right here!Episode three of Star Trek Online's featured episode series, The 2800, was released over the weekend, and developers at Cryptic Studios were able to give the players who enjoy flying small vessels their first new mission since The Vault in the Cloaked Intentions series. So jump into your shuttle (or fighter or captain's yacht) and join me as we head toward the Gamma Quadrant. Continue reading Captain's Log: Operation Gamma
Performance tweaks coming to Fallen Earth Posted: 27 Feb 2012 03:00 PM PST Filed under: Fallen Earth, Bugs, News items, Free-to-play, Post-Apocalyptic We announced just last week that popular post-apocalyptic sandbox title Fallen Earth had been released on Steam. Well, opening that can of worms seems to have taken its toll on many of the game's more populated areas, causing performance issues and crashes for some players. Needless to say, GamersFirst is not about to let that fly.In fact, GamersFirst's Napalm stopped by the game's official forums earlier today in order to notify players of some small tweaks that are being made to the game in order to solve these performance issues. For starters, Embry Crossroads and all starter towns are being moved onto "much, much beefier hardware," which "will have an immediate impact, and should decrease the amount of lag that players are seeing in those areas." Improvements are also being made to server memory management, and the studio is even upgrading to a "more capable branch of the xScape engine" that should hopefully allow the game to handle a higher number of players in any given area. For the full details on the improvements, just click on over to the official announcement below.
Vindictus has the beatdown, and so do other players Posted: 27 Feb 2012 02:00 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Game mechanics, Patches, PvP, News items, Free-to-play, Vindictus Vindictus has long given players a variety of ways to smash enemy creatures into the ground, and it's had plenty of players. But remarkably, the game has been missing ways to smash those players into the ground, an oversight that the game's new PvP patch is addressing through obvious means. Having just hit the live servers, the new patch allows for a variety of skirmishes between players as well as offers the obligatory rewards for settling disputes like violent, heavily armed men with poor impulse control.The game offers two options for PvP. Capture the Relic is... well, replace "relic" with "flag" and you probably have a good idea. Monster Brawl, meanwhile, pits two teams against one another with each team fighting alongside a boss monster -- keep your monster alive while killing the other team's beast and you win. Players can also unlock powerful rewards in the form of buff items, a nice incentive for those not already motivated by the simple joy of smashing another player's face in.
Wings Over Atreia: Ode to 3.0, second verse Posted: 27 Feb 2012 01:00 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Aion, Expansions, Patches, PvP, Opinion, Wings Over Atreia Encore!You are my expansion, My favorite expansion, You'll make me happy With a house and more. You have to know, dear, How much I want you! Please hurry the expansion to my door! Just when I thought I was getting a handle on waiting for Aion's sorta-soon-to-be-released 3.0 patch, NCsoft went and announced a slightly less nebulous launch date of "this spring." Our patch-to-be even has the auspicious privilege of having a name: Ascension. And you know a name means extra special! WOOO! I, of course, started a requisite wing-flapping celebratory dance, but my tune soon changed: As exciting as this news was, I quickly realized that the more concrete the knowledge, the more I wanted it to release already. GAH -- this wait is truly taxing my patience! There is just so much to look forward to. Last week I regaled you with a stirring, soulful rendition of anticipation for 3.0. Together we explored just a few of the goodies in store for patient and -- luckily for me -- not-so-patient Daevas alike. This week the recital continues, and as promised, Wings Over Atreia takes another peek at more of the features coming our way and highlights some of the more tantalizing additions and changes, including new fortresses with their own unique siege system, XP changes, mounts, and more. Continue reading Wings Over Atreia: Ode to 3.0, second verse
SOE president John Smedley announces that all players will be able to play on any server Posted: 27 Feb 2012 12:15 PM PST Filed under: Culture, MMO industry, News items, Miscellaneous Smedley promises us that there are "more details to follow," so stay tuned and hopefully we'll have some idea of what's in the works before too long.
Latest Otherland trailer gives players a glimpse of the Net Posted: 27 Feb 2012 12:00 PM PST Filed under: Sci-fi, Trailers, Video, News items, Free-to-play, Otherland Fans of Tad Williams' cyberpunk series Otherland, rejoice. The MMO adaptation of the series, which is being published by gamigo AG, has received a brand-new trailer showcasing many of the varied worlds you can visit on Otherland's Net. The trailer takes players on a tour of many of the game's interesting environments, which range from a medieval fortress to a Blade-Runner-esque metropolis. Fans also get a small taste of the game's combat set to some appropriately cyberpunk, wubwubwub-filled dubstep. To watch the trailer for yourself, just click on past the cut and log in to the Net. We'll see you on the other side. Continue reading Latest Otherland trailer gives players a glimpse of the Net
BioWare doctors discuss Mass Effect MMO Posted: 27 Feb 2012 11:00 AM PST Filed under: Sci-fi, MMO industry, New titles, News items The fast-approaching Mass Effect 3 hype bomb doesn't have much to do with MMOs, except maybe it does. Gamespot cornered BioWare doctors Greg Zeschuk and Ray Muzyka and asked the duo point-blank about a Mass Effect MMO, and the answer might surprise you."It's daunting, but the neat thing is it would lend itself to a different type of gameplay. It's fun to think about," Zeschuk told the website. Does that mean that the so-called fourth pillar of MMO story won't factor as heavily into the theoretical title as it does in Star Wars: The Old Republic? It's anyone guess at this point, but Muzyka offers a further fanboy nugget that hints at the possibility of a new direction for BioWare MMOs. "When you deliver a game, and you deliver it for a player, you have to capture what they think is the possibility space," he explains. "You need to let them do everything they think they should do, and you can't block them from doing anything they think they should be able to do. You have to nail all the features and content that should be in that possibility space."
Jump into Black Prophecy's past with gamigo's Nexus Conflict Posted: 27 Feb 2012 10:00 AM PST Filed under: Betas, Sci-fi, MMO industry, New titles, News items, Browser The world of Black Prophecy hasn't always been like it is today. In the past, the Second Species Wars raged between the cybernetically augmented Tyi and the genetically modified Genides who fought for control of an area known as the Nexus, where universes collide. In a press release today, gamigo AG announced that its new title, Nexus Conflict, will allow players to take a trip back in time to participate in these wars not behind the controls of a fighter ship but on the command bridge of a colossal battle cruiser. Nexus Conflict is being billed as a "tactical real-time strategy game," and players will be able to run it right in their browsers thanks to the Unity engine. The title will offer both PvE and PvP missions, meaning that there will be something for the co-operative and competitive crowds alike. And of course, players will be able to customize their ships with a variety of upgrades in order to turn them into the biggest, baddest, planet-blowing-up-est starships in the Nexus. If this sounds like your idea of a good time, then just head on over to the Nexus Conflict official site (linked below) to sign up for the game's beta test, which is scheduled to begin in March. [Source: gamigo AG press release]
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