MMO Updates |
- BioWare: Average SWTOR play session tops four hours
- MMObility: Let's make a mobile MMO, part four
- Uncharted Water Online bribes greenhorn sailors with gifts
- The Daily Grind: Are you a fan of account-wide rewards?
- Guild Wars 2 info keeps on comin'
- A second look at The Secret World
- PlanetSide 2 devs run through a hypothetical battle scenario
- EverQuest sets sights on March 16th for free-to-play
- Spiral Knights update introduces new mission types and more
- Fallen Earth entices Marketplace shoppers with first-time purchase package
- The MMO Report: MMOs are Casey's children edition
- No subtlety to Champions Online's SMASH Alerts, just straight-up brawling
- What a tangled web Lord of the Rings Online weaves, especially for Weavers
- The Summoner's Guidebook: Get back, get back!
- Unraveling DDO's Web of Chaos: Turbine talks Update 13
- City of Heroes announces Spring 2012 Player Summit
- The Guild Counsel: Stop yelling!
- The Perfect Ten: Clever ideas
- HeroEngine licensing takes off thanks to SWTOR's success
- Ask Massively: Big questions deserve big answers edition
BioWare: Average SWTOR play session tops four hours Posted: 24 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST Filed under: Sci-fi, Interviews, MMO industry, News items, Star Wars: The Old Republic Star Wars: The Old Republic players are consuming game content in four- to six-hour sessions on average, according to Kotaku and BioWare bigwig Greg Zeschuk. "When they play, their sessions are absurd," he said recently.Zeschuk goes on to say that the retention is a sign of the title's addictive "just-one-more" gameplay, and that the firm is pulling an "intense amount of analytics and telemetry" from the title. Finally, he hints at the theory that most SWTOR players are happy due to a general drop in forum tomfoolery. "You can tell when things are going really well in the game," Zeschuk explains. "The amount of forum chatter drops. People don't go to forums. They just play." Take that as you will, and let us know how long your average SWTOR session lasts.
MMObility: Let's make a mobile MMO, part four Posted: 24 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Business models, Culture, Opinion, Free-to-play, Browser, Hands-on, Casual, Humor, Miscellaneous, MMObility So here we are at the last part of a four-part mini-series in which Dave Toulouse, indie developer of games like Golemizer and Star Corsairs, and I have attempted to make a working mobile MMO. I started the series with the hopes of fostering discussion over design as well, and we have gotten some great conversations going in the comments section! I think many MMO gamers dream about game design at some point, and some go beyond that point and actually create a game. It can be tough, as this series has shown, just to get the basics down.Well, here we are at the last. I wanted to go over some of the best ideas the readers had, cover what we were able to do with the actual game, and debate how much further it would need to go to be considered officially "done." Continue reading MMObility: Let's make a mobile MMO, part four
Uncharted Water Online bribes greenhorn sailors with gifts Posted: 24 Feb 2012 06:00 AM PST Filed under: Historical, War, Free-to-play, Promotions Netmarble really, really wants you to play Uncharted Waters Online -- and it's not ashamed of a little bribery to make that happen. To tempt players into giving this nautical MMO a try, Netmarble is giving every new sailor a gift pack for the next month. The pack includes basic supplies, a skill handbook, an "anti-natural disaster item," and, er, LifeSavers. Probably not the candy, though.In addition to the novice pack, players can earn up to three additional gift packs by leveling up. If a player hits level 20 in all three main skills, he or she will even be gifted with a fine new sea vessel of his or her very own. The giveaway goes through March 21st, so if you've been eying Uncharted Waters Online, you might want to make your move sooner rather than later to get in on this deal. [Source: Netmarble press release]
The Daily Grind: Are you a fan of account-wide rewards? Posted: 24 Feb 2012 05:00 AM PST Filed under: Game mechanics, MMO industry, Opinion, The Daily Grind, Miscellaneous Guild Wars has long been a source of mild frustration for me because not all of the game's achievements are account-wide. While aspects of the Hall of Monuments are based on your account's accomplishments and skill unlocks are accessible by alts, the game nevertheless discourages me from devoting time to my secondary toons, not when there are factions and titles still to grind on my main.I'm intrigued by games that offer parallel power tracks that show your overall investment in the game, not just in one character. Lord of the Rings Online's Destiny and Star Wars: The Old Republic's Legacy systems do just that: They reward you for playing multiple characters by allotting you currency that can be spent on special rewards. So today we ask you: Are you a fan of account-wide rewards like Destiny and Legacy points? Or do you think they unduly reward scattered play rather than specialization in one character and class in the game?
Guild Wars 2 info keeps on comin' Posted: 24 Feb 2012 04:00 AM PST Filed under: Fantasy, News items, Guild Wars 2, Community Q&A If you're a Guild Wars 2 fan, you're used to the jarring transitions between droughts and floods of information. This week, happily, it's flood time. It's been a busy week for ArenaNet, but the team gives no signs of slowing down. After a successful press beta weekend and opening up a signup form for upcoming beta tests, ArenaNet has kept up the flow of information -- and excitement -- by gracing GuildCast with the presence of a few of its devs, clarifying some points on world vs. world in a new blog post, and setting up a Reddit Ask Me Anything session for 11:00 a.m. EST on Friday the 24th. The blog post clarifies some of the more prominent questions the community has been voicing about WvW over the last few days, while the Reddit AMA is a good chance to get in those nit-picky questions that you're still dying to get clarified (no, "can I have a beta key" should not be one of 'em). The most important information out of all of this? Mike Ferguson put a stop to a debate that might otherwise have been endless: WvW is "wuv-wuh." You're welcome.
A second look at The Secret World Posted: 24 Feb 2012 03:00 AM PST Filed under: Sci-fi, Galleries, Screenshots, Events, real-world, MMO industry, New titles, Previews, Opinion, Hands-on, The Secret World, Massively Hands-on Funcom recently held another special hands-on event for The Secret World at its Montreal, Canada offices, where we sent freelancer François Blondin to cover all the exciting details. Enjoy his latest preview of the game!Last weekend, I nabbed a second look at Funcom's upcoming MMO The Secret World, now scheduled for a June 19th release. I was going in with high expectations, having been blown away by my first playtest of this modern-world-based MMO, and I'll say that this second visit managed to convince me that this game is on the right track to impress gamers with fresh gameplay, vicious puzzles, an ability wheel full of synergies, and new elite abilities at the top tiers of weapon specializations. I Continue reading A second look at The Secret World
PlanetSide 2 devs run through a hypothetical battle scenario Posted: 23 Feb 2012 07:00 PM PST Filed under: Sci-fi, Interviews, Previews, PvP, Free-to-play, MMOFPS, PlanetSide 2 The gulf between sparse previews of an MMO and actually getting your hands on it is wide indeed, but the makers of PlanetSide 2 have an idea. If they can't allow you in the game yet or show you a hands-on, why not describe how a battle scenario might go from start to finish? Creative Director Matt Higby did just that for fans, conjuring up an imaginary skirmish between two forces over the fate of a base, and in doing so highlighted how such PvP fights might occur in the game.In this scenario, he envisions a base being attacked; that attack is then repulsed by its defenders. The former defenders proceed to launch aircraft to continue the rout until the attackers have retreated into their own base. Attack aircraft and air transports, he says, will be the first responders on the scene, as they're the quickest to get anywhere. From that point, he imagines the attackers rallying support to go on the offensive once more, with vehicles leading the way and ground troops following, swarming the base and capturing it for good. Higby says that the tug-of-war between bases will be anything but dull and simple: "Now, distracting that tug of war is all the other regions that are all around here... There's lots of little strategic decisions and options that you can do in there that radically change the balance of the big battle that's happening."
EverQuest sets sights on March 16th for free-to-play Posted: 23 Feb 2012 06:30 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, EverQuest, Business models, Contests, Events, in-game, Launches, Free-to-play On March 16th, 1999, Sony Online Entertainment launched one of the most monumental MMOs in history, and 13 years later, the studio is taking EverQuest to the next level with a free-to-play model. That's right, SOE's set the date for EQ's F2P conversion to be Friday, March 16 in order to coincide with the game's anniversary.SOE promises that this won't be the only highlight of the teenage game's big day, as anniversary events will arrive in the game on that date as well. In the meanwhile, the studio is asking for talented map-makers and artists to submit their own custom maps to be included in the game. There's no specific details yet on this process, but SOE says that it will be asking for these maps soon.
Spiral Knights update introduces new mission types and more Posted: 23 Feb 2012 06:00 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Patches, News items, Free-to-play It's been a little while since we heard from Three Rings' free-to-play dungeon-crawling title, Spiral Knights, but today we have some new information regarding the game's latest patch, and it brings a whole new degree of structure to the title in the form of new mission types. The team is adding four different types of missions in order to give players a solid path of progression as well as a quick fix for players who don't have a ton of time on their hands.The first of the four mission types is known as a rank mission. Rank missions comprise the main campaign of Spiral Knights and will allow players to climb the ranks of the organization. Each rank mission will grant players pre-set awards in addition to any loot found on the mission itself. Prestige missions, the second type of mission, are daily tasks that will reward players with prestige. Players with high prestige scores will receive an unspecified bonus sometime in the future. The third mission type, expansion missions, operate similarly to rank missions in that they "feature set rewards," but the missions must first be "unlocked with purchase," though as of now we don't know whether that means a microtransaction or an in-game-currency purchase. Lastly, we have arcade missions, which are the same arcade missions that players know and love, except now they can be joined directly from the mission interface instead of making you run to the arcade itself. For the full details on all the new mission types and features being added in the new patch, just head on over to the Spiral Knights forums and take a look.
Fallen Earth entices Marketplace shoppers with first-time purchase package Posted: 23 Feb 2012 05:30 PM PST Filed under: Sci-fi, Fallen Earth, Free-to-play, Promotions, Post-Apocalyptic Studies have shown that if players make the big step to buying something -- anything -- in an online game's cash shop, then they're much more likely to do it again. Ergo, studios are coming up with all sorts of methods to sweeten that first deal, such as GamersFirst's new Fallen Earth "first time purchaser package."The package is a bundle of 13 items, unlocks, and abilities that will be sent to the character of your choice once you make your first purchase in the Fallen Earth Marketplace. It's a very tempting deal, especially for free players, as it increases character slots to four, adds access to global chat, removes the chip limit, unlocks the core wardrobe slot, and tosses in a couple of mobile garage/stable managers for those too lazy to walk back to civilization after an accident. It's not clear whether this package applies to players who have made a purchase in the Marketplace before today.
The MMO Report: MMOs are Casey's children edition Posted: 23 Feb 2012 05:00 PM PST Filed under: Video, MMO industry, News items, Opinion, Humor, The MMO Report, Miscellaneous This week on The MMO Report, Casey (not pictured above) discusses The Secret World's new release date of June 19th, Guild Wars 2's console version and beta weekend, and Star Wars: The Old Republic's expansion into the Asia-Pacific region. He also peeks at the new raid and content coming to DC Universe Online, which still exists.Casey's usual journey into the mailbag may or may not reveal an image of a dog drinking wine and playing World of Warcraft. Finally, The Beard teases next week's special RIFT anniversary episode. All that and more in the video behind the break! Continue reading The MMO Report: MMOs are Casey's children edition
No subtlety to Champions Online's SMASH Alerts, just straight-up brawling Posted: 23 Feb 2012 04:00 PM PST Filed under: Super-hero, Game mechanics, Patches, Previews, News items, Free-to-play, Champions Online The most basic superhero stories are pretty simple -- a villain is attacking the city and the hero has to go stop him or her. That's the spirit behind the new SMASH Alerts coming to the Champions Online test realm, quick instances that pit players against signature villains in a straight-up brawl. The villain may or may not have any minions, but the real test is to see if the heroes can knock out the villain within the time limit.Players will notice that the new Alert system also has gained a new minimap icon and improved queue functionality, allowing you to sign up for a quick and dirty brawl with your nemesis of choice from anywhere. There are also new team-up GRAB Alerts available for testing against paired villains, which should give every hero a chance to pop in and beat the living daylights out of a villain up to no good. And, really, isn't that all you can ask from a superhero game?
What a tangled web Lord of the Rings Online weaves, especially for Weavers Posted: 23 Feb 2012 03:30 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Lord of the Rings Online, Classes, Game mechanics, Patches, Previews, News items, Free-to-play If your idea of a good time in Lord of the Rings Online is to be a scuttling eight-legged monstrosity in PvMP, you've no doubt spent plenty of time with the Weaver. The developers aren't entirely happy with the Weaver; they feel that as players have grown more powerful, the finesse of a Weaver has less of a place on the battlefield. Rather than reworking the class from the ground up, however, the team is pushing through some big new upgrades for Weavers to keep them as terrifying in a mechanical sense as they are in a physical sense.The two biggest changes are the addition of Venom pips and the Ensnared debuff. Venom pips will increase a Weaver's poison damage and can be consumed via two new skills. Ensnared, on the other hand, stacks on players whom a Weaver has slowed and can be converted into Venom pips and damage. The control elements of the class are also seeing some upgrades and enhancements aimed at keeping spiders dangerous in the battlefield, ensuring that the first reaction of "smash that spider!" is in fact the correct one.
The Summoner's Guidebook: Get back, get back! Posted: 23 Feb 2012 03:00 PM PST Filed under: Game mechanics, Opinion, Free-to-play, Guides, MOBA, League of Legends, The Summoner's Guidebook Last week, I said I would avoid doing articles on the situational "soft skills" in League of Legends. Well, this week kind of ruins that already. Today we're going to talk about lane positioning, zoning, and harassment. These things are not something I can just give you blanket tips on. There are a lot of nuances involved in good positioning, and every single matchup is completely different. You do not stand in the same places laning against Cassiopeia as you do against Kennen, and those positions change depending on which character you're playing, too.Even though there is a lot of matchup-specific knowledge involved in lane positioning, there are some general tips I can provide. This week I'm going to only teach you about the basics of lane safety but give you some dirty mindgame tricks that will absolutely ruin your opponents. Interested? Read on! Continue reading The Summoner's Guidebook: Get back, get back!
Unraveling DDO's Web of Chaos: Turbine talks Update 13 Posted: 23 Feb 2012 02:00 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Galleries, Screenshots, Dungeons and Dragons Online, Classes, Events, in-game, Game mechanics, Interviews, Lore, Patches, Previews, Free-to-play, Dungeons The vanguard of the free-to-play MMO movement is bearing down on the industry this spring, as Dungeons and Dragons Online prepares for its sixth birthday, its 13th update, and its first expansion. We sat down with Turbine Executive Producer Fernando Paiz and Senior Producer Eric Boyer to talk about this coming Monday's Update 13 and what players have to look forward to once it goes live.Update 13 comes at what could be seen as a renaissance in the game's history. Following DDO's transition to F2P, Turbine saw an upsurge in players and profits that continues to this day. Paiz said that "the game is doing very well," and while he did not disclose numbers, he feels that DDO's status as one of the first F2P adaptations gave it a lead that others have yet to overtake. Even so, with only five updates in 2011, it's hard to deny that DDO has faded into the background somewhat as newer titles and more recent F2P transitions hogged the spotlight. Turbine means to rectify this: "I think it's safe to say that this year we're making some noise again," Paiz said confidently. He went on to share just why this Monday's patch will be one of the most pivitol in DDO's history. Continue reading Unraveling DDO's Web of Chaos: Turbine talks Update 13
City of Heroes announces Spring 2012 Player Summit Posted: 23 Feb 2012 01:00 PM PST Filed under: Super-hero, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Events, real-world, News items, Free-to-play City of Heroes players, have you ever wanted to meet with the Paragon Studios devs and spew your ideas at them? Of course you have. Well, your chance to do just that is on the horizon, as City of Heroes' second annual Player Summit (or Pummit, for short) will be taking place on April 28th of this year at Dinah's Garden Hotel in Palo Alto, California. Tickets are on sale now via Brown Paper Tickets for the discounted price of $40 US. Tickets will also be available at the door for the slightly higher price of $50 US. The price of admission includes access to the event (durr), a City of Heroes t-shirt, dinner, and "a promo code [that the studio will] announce at a later date." The Pummit itself will be chock-full of events that are sure to pique any CoH player's interest, such as a variety of panels, workshops, and -- most importantly -- cocktail hour with the development team. Between the Design a Costume Set and Design a Power Set workshops, the story and endgame panel, and booze and karaoke with the team, players of all types are bound to find something that tickles their fancy. For the full details on City of Heroes' 2012 Pummit, just click on through the link below to the official announcement.
The Guild Counsel: Stop yelling! Posted: 23 Feb 2012 12:00 PM PST Filed under: Guilds, Opinion, The Guild Counsel, Miscellaneous Guild leaders and raid leaders have a bad reputation for being loud, cantankerous, and well, mean. If you make a mistake, you'd better brace yourself for an in-your-face, five-minute reaming-out in front of friends and guildmates. Not all leaders are like that, but it's common enough that it tends to be the standard M.O. that players picture of those in charge.It's time for the yelling to stop. It's giving guilds, and MMOs in general, a bad image, and it really isn't necessary. In fact, it's quite likely that all that yelling ends up making your guild less productive when all is said and done. In this week's Guild Counsel, we'll look at four reasons it's time for guild leaders to calm down and stop the screaming. Continue reading The Guild Counsel: Stop yelling!
Posted: 23 Feb 2012 11:00 AM PST Filed under: World of Warcraft, City of Heroes, EVE Online, Guild Wars, Game mechanics, Warhammer Online, Opinion, Star Wars Galaxies, Star Trek Online, Vanguard, Guild Wars 2, Humor, RIFT, TERA, Perfect Ten, Miscellaneous I'm a sucker for a good, clever idea. You know the type: the ideas that make you slap yourself on the forehead and shout, "Why didn't I think of that first?" Or for the less humble of us out there, "Why, I did think of that first! But I got lost on the way to the patent office and I'm pretty sure that someone stole my dream journal to pilfer my genius notions!"While critics point their fingers at the MMO industry and proclaim it a barren wasteland of innovation, there are quite a few awesome -- if small -- ideas that bubble up in MMO and move the genre forward. Maybe they're teeny-tiny baby steps; maybe they're giant hopscotch leaps over the six-spot with the rock in the middle. But these ideas can and have had the power to change how these games are made and played. So this week I'm saluting 10 clever ideas, both large and diminutive, as a reward for a job well done! Continue reading The Perfect Ten: Clever ideas
HeroEngine licensing takes off thanks to SWTOR's success Posted: 23 Feb 2012 10:30 AM PST Filed under: MMO industry, News items, Miscellaneous The HeroEngine is making waves in MMO development circles these days, primarily as a result of BioWare's having used it to build Star Wars: The Old Republic. Idea Fabrik says thousands of would-be developers have licensed the tool suite in recent weeks.The firm has also seen a sharp increase in subscribers for its HeroCloud service offering, which is basically a hosted system for making online RPGs, FPS titles, and social/casual games. Idea Fabrik COO Neil Harris says the technology is now a proven commodity thanks to its widespread adoption. "We crossed a major milestone once large games built on HeroEngine proved that our server technology can handle a hugely successful game. This lowers the perceived risk of developers in adopting the HeroEngine platform," he said. The HeroEngine is also powering several indie sandbox titles, including Origins of Malu, The Repopulation, and Dominus. The engine was initially developed by Simutronics for a now-defunct MMO called Hero's Journey. [Source: Idea Fabrik press release]
Ask Massively: Big questions deserve big answers edition Posted: 23 Feb 2012 10:00 AM PST Filed under: Opinion, Humor, Ask Massively, Miscellaneous Some questions are just too good to leave to my sole discretion. I like to think that I can provide a reasonable response to a number of questions, but I also think there are some questions that merit more opinions. Case in point: a question last week from potaco about whether or not it's harder to focus on a single game instead of several games as a Massively employee. So I'm consolidating responses from the whole team right now, and we'll have an answer to that question this week.This week's Ask Massively is still packed, however, with questions about getting a new computer for World of Warcraft and Star Wars: The Old Republic as well as whether or not Guild Wars 2 will provide credible competition for other games when it launches. If you've got a question you would like to see answered in a future installment of the column, mail it along to or leave it in the comments below. Questions may be edited slightly for brevity and/or clarity. Continue reading Ask Massively: Big questions deserve big answers edition
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