Bright Shadow is Available to U.S. BEANFUN! Players Posted: Gamania Digital Entertainment announces Bright Shadow is now open to anyone using a U.S. Beanfun! account. Since a successful European re-launch back in July, Bright Shadow was only available to E.U. Beanfun!  |
Project Blackout to Celebrates Its 1st Anniversary with a Bang Posted: Project Blackout, an online first person shooter (FPS) published by SG Interactive, celebrates its first anniversary with a line-up of exciting and lucrative events for old and new players alike. The first anniversary events will run for two weeks, starting on Wednesday, Jan. 11.  |
SWTOR VS Rift VS WoW, Experienced Players Come and Discuss Posted: I quit WoW since Cataclysm is out and then I turn to play Rift. I don't think I will return to WoW as Pandaren is coming soon. I think Blizzard has gone too further and it wont be my cup of tea any more. After the Addons and LFG toosl are out, I also quit Rift. I am wondering why Trion Worlds are making Rift so WoW alike?  |
G-Star 2012 May be Hosted by Non-governmental Organization Posted: It is learnt that G-Star, the largest game show in South Korea, may start to be hosted by a non-governmental organization from 2012.  |
Bus Ro DAH!!! Posted: Bus Ro DAH! Feel the strength of the dragon born.  |
Aeria Games: Sci-fi Themed MMOFPS Repulse CBT Begins! Posted: Aeria Games announced today that Closed Beta testing has begun for Repulse, its newest sci-fi themed first person shooter (FPS) game.  |
Dragon Nest KR Official Trailer of Alchemist Posted: Nexon had just release a official trailer of Academic's another 1st subclass - Alchemist. Although it is no more than 1 minute bu from the video we can see many skills and weapons used by Alchemist.  |
Bye Bye 2011.. I am NOT Going to Miss You! Posted: Today I am sitting here at home thinking about the things that happened in 2011… It was a busy year full of surprises and disasters, but since no one around here really cares about the natural disasters or the political drama all across the world… I better get to the point of gaming.  |
WoW Transmogrification: Priest T2 High Imitation Sets Posted: Since rumor has it that Patch 4.3 will launch equipment transmogrification system, players are begining to collect those good-looking sets in the past. Of course, if you wanna obtain authentic T1, T2 sets, you can go to Molten Core and Black Wing Lair. However, if you are Priest, and you wanna cosplay Mage, then the profession sets won't cater to your will.  |