MMO Updates |
- EVE Fanfest events detailed
- This Week in MMO: Beta weekend edition
- PlanetSide 2 webcast features lengthy community Q&A
- Sex and violence: Rusty Hearts pulls out the stops for Valentine's Day
- En Masse comments on NCsoft TERA lawsuit
- Creating a new world: 38 Studios discusses the formation of Amalur's IP
- The Daily Grind: What's your preferred night to raid?
- The MMO Report: For realsies edition
- The Guild Counsel: Why you need these seven samurai in your guild
- WildStar invites players to meet the Aurin
- Allods Online shows off 2.0.9 improvements with a new trailer
- Behind the Mask: Throwing stones at their glass houses
- Ask Massively: On mourning a netbook edition
- Blizzard yoinks Diablo III companion pets due to excessive cuteness
- DCUO puts Valentine's Day on hold, plans seasonal events
- RIFT companion app brings chat, events, and loot to Android
- Party tonight, for tomorrow we fly: Champions celebrates its F2P anniversary
- Wurm Online client update brings proximity voice chat, UI update, and more
- Xsyon announces newest Guide-run event: The Grand Cart Race
Posted: 27 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST Filed under: Sci-fi, EVE Online, Culture, Events, real-world, MMO industry, News items, Sandbox Preparations for EVE Online's annual Fanfest are well underway, and CCP has updated its website with a blog entry that gives gamers an idea of what to expect if they're coming to Reykjavik in March.CCP is adjusting its VIP office tour prize package this year, and a contest entry will only set you back one PLEX (as opposed to the $1,000 minimum bid in years past). There's also a poker tournament, a silent auction, and a battle of the bands in the offing. What does all this have to do with New Eden, you're asking? Well not much, aside from the opportunity to drink heavily and put a name with a face when it comes to all those capsuleers you've been swindling and killing for the past eight years. Head to the official site for details on all the events and prizes.
This Week in MMO: Beta weekend edition Posted: 27 Jan 2012 08:00 AM PST Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Video, Game mechanics, MMO industry, New titles, News items, Guild Wars 2, Star Wars: The Old Republic It's Friday, and that means it's time for the traditional recap of This Week in MMO. What's that, you say? Why, it's the weekly videocast roundup over at Gamebreaker, of course.Gary Gannon is your host, and he's joined by series regulars Mike B. and Mike Schaffnit. The trio discuss anything and everything relating to popular MMOs, including Star Wars: The Old Republic's Ilum-related troubles, Sony Online Entertainment's noises about selling user-generated content, and the upcoming Guild Wars 2 beta. The guys also get around to talking about Blizzard's ongoing Titan project, and more specifically, the speculation surrounding in-game advertising. The full show is yours after the break. Continue reading This Week in MMO: Beta weekend edition
PlanetSide 2 webcast features lengthy community Q&A Posted: 27 Jan 2012 07:30 AM PST Filed under: Sci-fi, Video, Game mechanics, MMO industry, New titles, News items, MMOFPS, PlanetSide 2 If you're a PlanetSide 2 fan, you'll want to check out Sony Online Entertainment's latest webcast. The 30-minute affair features creative director Matt Higby, game designer Kevin Moyer, and senior art director Tramell Isaac. The trio field a whole bunch of community questions on the upcoming sci-fi MMOFPS, most of them centered around Nanite Systems vehicles like the Sunderer and the Galaxy.If you don't have time to watch the whole shebang, PlanetSide Universe has a good breakdown of the new stuff (including some awesome bits on vehicle customizations like hood ornaments, camouflage, racing stripes, and other visual tweaks). Click past the cut for the full video. Continue reading PlanetSide 2 webcast features lengthy community Q&A
Sex and violence: Rusty Hearts pulls out the stops for Valentine's Day Posted: 27 Jan 2012 07:00 AM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Patches, Free-to-play Poor Frantz! With Valentine's Day coming up, the pressure is on for him to find his long-lost love Amelia. Fortunately, the entirety of the Rusty Hearts crew has got his back and will do their best to help true love find a way.This next chapter of the game's storyline is coming on February 14th with Rusty Hearts' Requiem update. It's not just about wuv, twue wuv, but also about kicking butt in all sorts of new locales. An eight-person raid dungeon called The Altar will present one of the toughest challenges in the game to date -- and brand-new weapons for those who master it. If you're looking for something more bite-sized, however, Requiem has four standard dungeons on the docket as well: Opera House, Catwalks, Gallery, and Ramparts. Perfect World will also be adding several other features to the game, including a new character for sale (Roselle Vergerius), an increased level cap, a whopping 200 new and upgraded high-level skills, and the hub world of Training Camp. We have a trailer for Rusty Hearts' lonely hearts update after the jump! Continue reading Sex and violence: Rusty Hearts pulls out the stops for Valentine's Day
En Masse comments on NCsoft TERA lawsuit Posted: 27 Jan 2012 06:30 AM PST Filed under: Fantasy, MMO industry, New titles, News items, Legal, TERA En Masse Entertainment has commented on a pending lawsuit by NCsoft that seeks to prevent the North American launch of TERA. As you would expect, there is virtually no detail on the proceedings, but En Masse publishing vice president Chris Lee does come out swinging, saying that the firm "outright rejects" NCsoft's position and will fight it to the last.NCsoft has alleged that former employees stole Lineage 3 code and art assets which were used to make TERA, and the firm has already scored a legal victory in Korea that resulted in jail time for some of the ex-staffers. How all of this affects TERA's U.S. release is unclear, though Lee says it's business as usual for En Masse and its fans. "This situation has no impact on our continuing efforts to realize the vision we have for our game. We are committed to making TERA awesome and delivering the game to you on time on May 1st," he writes.
Creating a new world: 38 Studios discusses the formation of Amalur's IP Posted: 27 Jan 2012 06:00 AM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Interviews, MMO industry As MMO fans, we're keeping a close eye on 38 Studios for its development of Project Copernicus, the MMO that will serve as the follow-up to next month's Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. The risk factor of not only developing two major intertwined projects in parallel but to have the additional task of creating a brand-new IP in which to put them must be a pressing one, which is why CVG sat down with Reckoning Lead Designer Ian Frazier to talk about challenges the studio has been tackling.Frazier outlines the balance the studio's struck between its three big-name creators -- Todd McFarlane (art), R.A. Salvatore (story), and Ken Rolston (design) -- not to mention the ideas that pour in from founder Curt Schilling. Fortunately, Frazier says that these larger-than-life personalities mesh well together: "The nice thing that's worked out is, I think if we'd got three famous game designers, it would have been a disaster: big egos, they're all on the same plane, it wouldn't have worked out. What makes this work is they're all different." Even though Rolston previously worked on The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, Frazier said the designer wanted to try his hand at something fresh with a better combat system. "They're all great games," Frazier said of the Elder Scrolls series, "and I think they're progressively better, but they're all the same game. It's not like they're radically changing with time." Frazier said Reckoning has been compared to a "single-player WoW" as well as Dragon Age and Fable, but he insists that the world and ideas the team's been creating will take it far past those basic comparisons. You can take your first peek into the world of Amalur with the Reckoning demo -- and let us know what you think in the comments!
The Daily Grind: What's your preferred night to raid? Posted: 27 Jan 2012 05:00 AM PST Filed under: Culture, Opinion, The Daily Grind, Miscellaneous We all have our own schedules with our own reasons for gaming when we can. For those with a static group of friends, a dedicated night or two to raid is usually the preferred method of playing an MMO. Whether you play to relax after work or play when you have the day off, it's a safe bet that most of us tend to organize our most involved raiding nights around a set time.So what night do you prefer? Even if it's every night of the week, or just one, let us know in the comments below.
The MMO Report: For realsies edition Posted: 26 Jan 2012 06:00 PM PST Filed under: Video, MMO industry, News items, Opinion, Humor, Miscellaneous This week on The MMO Report, Casey dishes on Marvel Heroes' new engine, Dungeons and Dragons Online's inbound anniversary update and expansion, and RIFT's financial success. He cheers ArenaNet's revelation that Guild Wars 2 will launch in 2012 -- for realsies! -- but then he mourns the lack of BlizzCon this year:"But... the fans! The swag! The concert! The cosplay! People getting hurt during the dance contest! How can we go on living without BlizzCon 2012?" Finally, Casey dispenses bad advice and Nordic memes from Uncle Casey's Mailbag. All this and more in today's edition of The MMO Report, which is tucked behind the break. Continue reading The MMO Report: For realsies edition
The Guild Counsel: Why you need these seven samurai in your guild Posted: 26 Jan 2012 05:00 PM PST Filed under: Guilds, Opinion, The Guild Counsel, Miscellaneous More often than not, when the subject of recruiting comes up, guild leaders can easily explain what they don't want from a potential member. We've all seen the usual reasons for wanting to turn someone away, and there have even been a few write-ups that neatly label and describe troublesome members. But what qualities define "good" members?Sometimes, it's harder to pinpoint what makes a good guildmate, and the saying "I know it when I see it" usually results. But there are certain types of people that really make a difference in a guild, no matter what playstyle, and we have to look no further than the film The Seven Samurai for a rundown of those types. Recruit these seven members and you'll be well on your way to creating a great guild atmosphere that will last. Let's look at who they are in today's Guild Counsel! Continue reading The Guild Counsel: Why you need these seven samurai in your guild
WildStar invites players to meet the Aurin Posted: 26 Jan 2012 04:00 PM PST Filed under: Sci-fi, Lore, News items, WildStar There's a lot to be learned about the setting of WildStar before the game starts in on testing, but there are also a lot of prospective players eager to learn whatever they can. So they'll probably be happy to take a look at the latest entry on the official blog, a mock-interview with the Aurin character Liara from the game's original cinematic trailer. Aside from providing some character insights, it gives a look at the Aurin as a species beyond the obvious.The Aurin come from the forested planet of Arboria, where large ears and long tails for balance have some decided evolutionary advantages. Unfortunately for the Aurin, the Dominion invaded the planet and began cutting everything down, leading to the displaced animal-people lending their knowledge to the Exiles. It's an interesting glimpse at the game's lore for both the Aurin and for Scientists, something that several eager WildStar fans will no doubt devour with vigor.
Allods Online shows off 2.0.9 improvements with a new trailer Posted: 26 Jan 2012 03:30 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Patches, Previews, News items, Free-to-play, Allods Online Allods Online is gearing up for its Game of Gods expansion, but there are more improvements coming in the lead-up. The 2.0.9 patch is going to be part of the bridge, and it's bringing along a number of cosmetic improvements for players to enjoy. There are new pets, new interior customizations for astral ships, new mounts, and as the header image shows, new hairstyles in varying degrees of ridiculousness (or awesomeness, depending on your personal preference).Of course, what better way to show off the coming patch improvements than via a small trailer? Embedded just past the cut, the trailer is short but features a bit of cute animation and a peek at what's just around the corner. There's still no exact date on the release of the game's expansion, but considering how quickly the team behind the game is ramping up, we suspect it may well be earlier in February rather than later. Continue reading Allods Online shows off 2.0.9 improvements with a new trailer
Behind the Mask: Throwing stones at their glass houses Posted: 26 Jan 2012 03:00 PM PST Filed under: Super-hero, Game mechanics, PvE, Opinion, Free-to-play, Hands-on, Champions Online, Behind the Mask This week on Behind the Mask, we're going to take an in-depth look at Champions Online's new Earth powerset. It took me quite a while to review Wind, and Earth is relatively new. Why the time disparity?The real answer is that I looked at Wind long before last week, but I didn't really find anything fun or exciting at a first look. Earth is a lot different. Earth has a lot of potential for combining powers between the set; it can Stagger enemies and then exploit that Stagger for damage or bonus effects. Because a lot of the Earth tricks eat your Stagger stacks, you have to choose between keeping Stagger on your targets for the debuff or eating it for the bonus power effects. On top of that, it has the first viable Brick archetype heal, making the Mountain the second reliable Archetype tank. Earth is a lot of fun. Continue reading Behind the Mask: Throwing stones at their glass houses
Ask Massively: On mourning a netbook edition Posted: 26 Jan 2012 02:30 PM PST Filed under: Culture, MMO industry, Opinion, Ask Massively, Miscellaneous Well, I suppose it was bound to happen sooner or later. My stalwart little netbook, River, finally developed a serious problem: Her screen developed a pair of nasty cracks. I've had her for only a couple of years, but she's been a great portable machine and a real help at getting work done. Now if only it weren't such an enormous pain finding someplace where I could get her repaired, as I'd really prefer not to replace her. But it might come to that.Even with an injured performer, however, the show must go on, and the show in question is Ask Massively. This week, we're fielding questions about ArcheAge and working in the gaming field, something that I'm sure is of interest to many of our readers. If you've got a question you'd like to see in a future installment of the column, mail it to or leave it in the comments below. Questions may be edited for brevity and/or clarity. Continue reading Ask Massively: On mourning a netbook edition
Blizzard yoinks Diablo III companion pets due to excessive cuteness Posted: 26 Jan 2012 02:00 PM PST Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Game mechanics, MMO industry, New titles, Patches, News items Charges of extreme cuteness have been directed at Blizzard ever since the company unveiled its Panda-themed expansion for World of Warcraft. If a new post on the forums is any indication, that won't be an issue for Diablo III.A Blizz community manager penned an update regarding D3's beta patch 10, and among the notes is the fact that the game's companion scrolls are going away temporarily. "The companion pets felt like they were mandatory to maximize play efficiency and some of the pets were too cutesy for the gritty, dark world of Sanctuary," Nethaera wrote. The pets (and scrolls) aren't gone for good, as the devs have plans for "a much cooler system (both mechanically and visually)" in the future.
DCUO puts Valentine's Day on hold, plans seasonal events Posted: 26 Jan 2012 01:30 PM PST Filed under: Super-hero, Events, in-game, Free-to-play, DC Universe Online Roses are red, violets are blue, Valentine's Day will be back eventually in DCU... O.Fortunately for those disappointed with the lackluster event last year, SOE agreed with the general sentiment and promised that the future version will be the snugglebunny event of the season. However, it looks like the new, improved Love Day feats won't make it to the game in time for February 14th. That said, the team is already focusing on several upcoming events to coincide with each of the major seasons. "Over the next cycle, starting with summer, we will be adding the following: Boss fights to Summer, Winter, and Spring, and open world content to Fall," Creative Director Jens Andersen writes. The next scheduled event in DCUO is for March's St. Patrick's Day. Hopefully, by this time next year DCUO will be in a more loving mood with Valentine's Day 2.0!
RIFT companion app brings chat, events, and loot to Android Posted: 26 Jan 2012 01:00 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, MMO industry, News items, Mobile, RIFT RIFT is stepping up its mobile connectivity game with the newly released RIFT mobile companion app, now for Android. The application contains what you might expect from a companion app, such as friend and guild chat, officer chat, and other guild capabilities, but it also features unique bits like zone event notifications, which can notify you when a zone event begins on your server. Of course, you can also filter which of these battles deserves a notification. Perhaps most interestingly, you can also earn in-game loot by participating in what appears to be some kind of minigame. This game can reward players with crafting items, planar treasure, and artifacts, which are sent directly to their characters' mail-boxes. For the most part, it looks to be a pretty good tool for people who want to stay connected to the game even when they're not at their computers. For the full details on the app, just click on through the link below. Meanwhile, if you want to skip the fluff and just grab the app, it's available for free on the iTunes store and now on the Android Market.
Party tonight, for tomorrow we fly: Champions celebrates its F2P anniversary Posted: 26 Jan 2012 12:00 PM PST Filed under: Super-hero, Events, in-game, Free-to-play, Champions Online, Promotions A year after making the switch to decaf, er, free-to-play, Champions Online is livelier than ever. To celebrate the super-powered boost that F2P gave, Cryptic Studios is hosting special events both in and out of the game.From today through the end of the month, players can enjoy a hefty 20% discount on anything in the C-Store (excluding grab bags). So if you've been eying that special outfit or archetype, now might be the time to nab it. If you're not looking to spend any money but don't mind partying with the stars, there's plenty of fun to go around. For the rest of the anniversary event, characters can fly through the levels due to a double XP boost at their backs, courtesy of Witchcraft. Another hero, The Mountain, will be selling Halloween and Winter Gift Bags with in-game currency. Mr. The Mountain also has a special mission for those who want to earn his trademarked Mountain Costume pieces.
Wurm Online client update brings proximity voice chat, UI update, and more Posted: 26 Jan 2012 11:00 AM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Patches, Wurm Online, News items, Free-to-play, Sandbox The latest client update to Code Club AB's construction-oriented sandbox title Wurm Online brings a cornucopia of new features to the game, but perhaps none so interesting as the addition of proximity voice chat. That's right, players will now be able to vocally communicate with any players in the immediate vicinity without the use of third-party applications like Ventrilo or Mumble. Have you ever wanted to gather up your village group, sit around a fire, and tell stories or just enjoy a bit of idle banter? Maybe typing "oh god help there's a rabid pachyderm devouring my face" just isn't expedient enough when there's a rabid pachyderm devouring your face. Either way, players now have access to proximity voice chat, an updated UI, and much more. For the full details on the latest client update, just click on through the link below to Wurm Online's official site.
Xsyon announces newest Guide-run event: The Grand Cart Race Posted: 26 Jan 2012 10:00 AM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Events, in-game, News items, Post-Apocalyptic, Sandbox The event, known formally as The Grand Cart Race, will begin at 3:00 p.m. EST on this coming Sunday, January 29th. Players are encouraged to bring their own carts to race, but if you haven't built or traded for a cart yet, don't worry; the guides will be handing out loaners for the duration of the event. The team doesn't reveal what exactly the race will entail, but mentions that "there will be different stages of the course aimed at taking advantage of each of the features of the carts." For the full details, check out the event's official thread on the game's forums, then prepare to do it up NASCAR: post-apocalypse-style.
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