MMO Updates |
- Cryptic and Alienware giving away free Star Trek Online goodies
- SOE VP talks microtransactions and the future
- League of Legends' Sivir draws second blood
- RIFT available on EA's Origin today
- The Daily Grind: Which community managers do you love?
- APB Reloaded finally comes to retail
- Not So Massively: New hero edition
- Champions Online looks back to look forward in January State of the Game
- Anime-style MMO Spirit Tales begins closed beta sign-ups
- Make a wish and blow out the candles: Vanguard celebrates five years
- Wings Over Atreia: Daevas of Our Lives casting call
- Jagex wins court case against RuneScape botters
- Leaderboard: Battle of the Bards
Cryptic and Alienware giving away free Star Trek Online goodies Posted: 24 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST Filed under: Sci-fi, MMO industry, News items, Star Trek Online, Free-to-play, Giveaways, Promotions Alienware has partnered with Cryptic Studios to create an interesting promotion designed to draw you back to Star Trek Online. The newly free-to-play sci-fi title is the focus of an item giveaway that features 10 days of subscription time, a 22nd century Enterprise-era uniform, an NX class starship, and an 8-hour XP boost.What's the catch? Well, the deal is restricted to new accounts only and it also requires you to sign up on the Alienware Arena website. Once you've met those requirements, it's as easy as clicking on the big blue "get key" button and copy/pasting the digits to your Cryptic or Perfect World account. As of press time, over 2,200 keys were still available.
SOE VP talks microtransactions and the future Posted: 24 Jan 2012 08:00 AM PST Filed under: Fantasy, EverQuest II, Business models, Game mechanics, Interviews, MMO industry, News items, Free-to-play If you're a fan of Sony Online Entertainment and curious as to how free-to-play and RMT will affect its stable of MMOs in the future, ZAM's got a new interview that's worth a read.The piece features Laura Naviaux, senior VP of global sales and marketing for SOE, and she shares an interesting nugget relating to digital currency and real-money player markets. "I think everybody gets excited about potentially being able to create user-generated content to sell it to their peers, etc. There are a lot of different ways to slice and dice that, and it's something that we're watching," Naviaux says. She also speaks to the success of EverQuest II thanks to its free-to-play switch, as well as some of the more popular cash shop items (mounts currently account for approximately 25% of the game's revenue). Finally, Naviaux acknowledges the challenges inherent in the business model going forward, and how they stem in large part from knowing how much is too much. "I don't think that anybody wants a game where you can outright buy power that makes the game unfair and un-fun, and that is a line we don't want to cross. But there are a lot of shades of grey in there, and that's something we want the players to determine," she explains.
League of Legends' Sivir draws second blood Posted: 24 Jan 2012 07:00 AM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Video, Classes, Free-to-play, MOBA With a nickname of "Battle Mistress," it's a safe bet that League of Legends' Sivir isn't the docile, domesticated type. Sporting heavy ranged damage and the ability to hit multiple targets at once, Sivir has been a popular champion over the past couple years. This week, Riot Games is turning the spotlight on Sivir with an informative six-minute video highlighting her abilities and strategies.Sivir is a strong pusher and excels in fights with many combatants. She's a good pick for those who aren't as concerned with precision and one-on-one strength but instead love to rack up large numbers in the middle of chaos. It's interesting to note that Sivir already enjoyed a Champion Spotlight on the LoL site, but since she got a makeover in 2010, Riot felt that it was important to give her another moment in the limelight. You can watch the full video after the jump! Continue reading League of Legends' Sivir draws second blood
RIFT available on EA's Origin today Posted: 24 Jan 2012 06:00 AM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Business models, MMO industry, News items, RIFT If you haven't purchased RIFT yet, or you're looking for an additional copy, it might interest you to know that Trion's fantasy MMORPG is now available on Electronic Arts' Origin digital delivery platform.The game comes bundled with an assortment of limited-edition items including a screechling vanity pet and the Ascended gift pack. The latter contains stat-boosting items that increase dexterity, strength, intelligence, and wisdom, as well as small health and mana boosters. Trion is also throwing in a 10-slot bag in case you need somewhere to put all those newly acquired potions. RIFT launched to critical acclaim in March of 2011, and Trion is currently working on the title's seventh major content patch. [Source: Trion press release]
The Daily Grind: Which community managers do you love? Posted: 24 Jan 2012 05:00 AM PST Filed under: Culture, Opinion, The Daily Grind, Miscellaneous Yesterday the world awoke to the grandest of holidays: Community Manager Appreciation Day. CMAD has a long and rich history dating all the way back to 2010, when the communities of games, websites, and forums decided they would stop bickering, trolling, flaming, squabbling, and misspelling long enough to mutter out a heartfelt "Thanks, I guess" to the community managers who swept their cages every morning.I knew that Monday was CMAD because our very own Community Manager Rubi kindly informed us of this fact. "Hey bozos!" she crowed to the Massively staff. "It's Community Manager Appreciation Day! APPRECIATE ME ALREADY!" Even though CMAD is over, today we'd like to give our MMO CMs a nod of gratitude and appreciation. Which community managers do you love the most and why?
APB Reloaded finally comes to retail Posted: 23 Jan 2012 06:30 PM PST Filed under: Business models, MMO industry, News items, Free-to-play, All Points Bulletin, Crime Back in early December, GamersFirst announced the impending retail availability of APB Reloaded. As it turns out, the announcement was premature and the actual date has remained a mystery.Until today. The free-to-play shooter is now on sale at Best Buy, and the box features more than $50 worth of in-game items. Thirty days of premium access are part of the package, and you'll get faster rep and XP gains, more currency rewards, and a 20% discount in the game's cash shop for your trouble. You'll also take home 500 G1 credits, a faction-specific Z180 sports car, and a Magnum ACT-44 handgun available to all the characters on your account. Finally, GamersFirst says each retail edition comes with a "super-secret bonus permanent weapon." [Source: GamersFirst press release]
Not So Massively: New hero edition Posted: 23 Jan 2012 05:00 PM PST Filed under: Betas, New titles, PvP, News items, Free-to-play, Not So Massively, MOBA League of Legends revealed this week that 5% of Taiwan is now playing even though the game only launched there six months ago. We also got an in-depth look at new jungling tank champion Sejuani with a new champion spotlight video. Heroes of Newerth released its own new hero this week with ranged intelligence hero Gravekeeper, and Bloodline Champions teased fans with upcoming bloodline Headhunter.The Diablo III beta saw some big changes this week to bring the gameplay back into the spirit of its predecessor, Diablo II. Wrath of Heroes began gearing up for its fifth beta session later this week, while Blacklight: Retribution explored the fine art of stealing your enemy's hardsuit in a new video release. Firefall announced its condemnation of the Stop Online Piracy Act this week, adding its name to the list of opposition to the proposed legislation. Finally, Rise of Immortals got a make-over this week with a brand-new logo, launcher and login screen. Continue reading Not So Massively: New hero edition
Champions Online looks back to look forward in January State of the Game Posted: 23 Jan 2012 04:00 PM PST Filed under: Super-hero, News items, Free-to-play, Champions Online It's a new year, and many game studios are stating their revolutions for the coming months. Cryptic Studios is joining that club with Champions Online's first State of the Game post for 2012. Rob Overmeyer, the game's Executive Producer, takes some time to reminisce on CO's progress throughout 2011, which included the title's jump to a F2P business model as well as a number of content updates. After that little stroll down memory lane, Overmeyer gives players a glimpse of the future as he addresses the features of the game's next major update. These include an entirely overhauled itemization system, a new enhancement system, alerts, and more. For the complete details, click through the link below to Champions Online's January 2012 State of the Game.
Anime-style MMO Spirit Tales begins closed beta sign-ups Posted: 23 Jan 2012 03:00 PM PST Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, News items, Free-to-play KoramGame Ltd., publisher of the upcoming anime-style F2P MMO Spirit Tales, has announced that players can now sign up for the title's closed beta test. Spirit Tales is described as taking place in "an earth-like fantasy world [that] is divided into two hemispheres: the dark and the light." Players can join one of three tribes as one of six classes (Archer, Sorcerer, Fighter, Warrior, Shaman, and Assassin) and capture and train pets, take part in 5v5 PvP battles, and of course, kill lots of critters for their shiny loot. To sign up for the game's closed beta, just click through the link below.
Make a wish and blow out the candles: Vanguard celebrates five years Posted: 23 Jan 2012 02:00 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Contests, Events, in-game, Vanguard In the midst of the cold winds of January, it's the warmth of the Winter Solstice that keeps Vanguard players alive and happy. With Vanguard's fifth anniversary here at last, SOE is blowing on the coals of this simmering MMO in the hopes of raising the flames of community interest.First up is the Winter Solstice in-game event, which started on January 21st. Players can participate by locating the event NPC in New Targonor. On next Sunday, the 29th, the Vanguard CMs will be throwing an anniversary bash and handing out gifts on the Telon server starting at 1:00 p.m. EST. SOE's also throwing a Facebook contest to give away one of five in-game items. Interested parties are encouraged to head over to Vanguard's Facebook page for more information on how to enter. Massively will also be on the scene for Vanguard's fifth celebration this weekend with two special livestreams on Massively TV, so stay tuned!
Wings Over Atreia: Daevas of Our Lives casting call Posted: 23 Jan 2012 01:00 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Aion, Opinion, Humor, Wings Over Atreia It's ironic: The topic I detest experiencing most in Aion is actually the most fun to write about. Whenever I think back to my favorite columns, the almost-too-surreal-to-believe antics of the drama-impaired (or should I say drama-addicted?) always rank near the top of the list. Perhaps chronicling these antics for the amusement of others is simply my choice form of therapy when I'm confronted with them. They say laughter is the best medicine, and who can't help but laugh when reading over the train-wreck that is drama? Seraphim Lords know that living through it is torture and avoidance truly is the best policy, but something about it can be simply fascinating... from a distance.Over the past couple of years, Wings Over Atreia has provided the opportunity to witness Aion's drama vicariously without the danger of involvement or having any splatter on you Gallagher-style. During this time, different episodes of Daevas of Our Lives have offered glimpses of the various cast members. But what about a deeper look into the psyche of these seemingly unreal -- yet based on reality -- characters? This week offers a more detailed introduction to the current members of the cast as well as a new addition. So whether you run away screaming at the first hint of impending drama in game or grab a giant bowl of popcorn and settle in for the show, this handy guide can help keep the who's-who straight for you when you're viewing future (or past) episodes. And if you're a perpetrator of said drama, don't be surprised if your antics are broadcast on the next episode of Daevas of Our Lives. Continue reading Wings Over Atreia: Daevas of Our Lives casting call
Jagex wins court case against RuneScape botters Posted: 23 Jan 2012 11:00 AM PST Filed under: Fantasy, MMO industry, News items, Free-to-play, Legal, Miscellaneous Jagex Games Studio is trumpeting its legal victory against Mark and Eric Snellman. The brothers formed a company called Impulse Software, which now owes Jagex unspecified damages following a two-year legal battle concerning macro and botting tools for the company's RuneScape MMO.The brothers have been muzzled as a result of an injunction, and they are forbidden from discussing Jagex, RuneScape, or the lawsuit. Additionally, the pair must relinquish "all websites, domains, source code and customer details to Jagex along with all the details of all those individuals who have developed scripts for iBOT and sold or re-sold those scripts," according to a company press release. Jagex CEO Mark Gerhard vowed to protect RuneScape users from similar threats in the future. "We have spared no expense fighting this case, as demonstrated by the seven figure bill this action has cost, but the point of this and other cases of its kind is that we will continue bring to justice those who set out to harm the game or our beloved community. We are delighted to say that we have convincingly neutered them after a very long battle," he said. Jagex also says that its "Bot Nuke" operation, which began in October and includes a suite of code obfuscation tools, has rendered 98% of RuneScape bots obsolete. [Source: Jagex press release]
Leaderboard: Battle of the Bards Posted: 23 Jan 2012 10:00 AM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Sci-fi, Classes, Opinion, Leaderboard I have to say, I'm just always fascinated by Bards (and Bard-type classes) in MMOs. They seem so odd juxtaposed with steely warriors and mystic wizards that half the time I think they're a running joke that somewhere along the line people started taking seriously. I mean, pulling out a guitar in the middle of a gang gunfight in Chicago is a good way to ruin a perfectly good musical instrument, but in fantasy worlds this sort of thing happens and nobody even blinks. In some places, a fully decked-out hair metal band can wreck havoc on any raid boss.Bards appeal to the contrarian in us, with the attitude of "it's OK to be a jack of all trades, as long as you're rocking a sweet axe." In some MMOs their music is used to conjure up buffs, while in others their notes cause aural damage on the level of Ke$ha to monsters. Have family members who keep telling you to turn that racket down? Bards in games are constantly told to crank it up -- and play multiple songs simultaneously, if at all possible. Plus, Bards are not unknown to the ways of the sword, which always amuses group leaders who now have a squishy character charging into combat shouting, "Stab! Stabby stab!" Today is a first, as we're giving you more than one choice for Leaderboard voting. Please don't pass out. It's a Battle of the Bards, with most of the major MMOs reporting in for duty! Which Bard tops them all? Cast your vote after the jump! Continue reading Leaderboard: Battle of the Bards
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