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Street Fighter Movie Reenactment with Capcom’s Yoshinori Ono

Posted: 29 Jan 2012 06:20 AM PST

Sometimes…we get bored. And, you know, fun-loving developers happen to be in our office. And, well…things happen.

When Capcom producer Yoshinori Ono stopped by to demo Street Fighter X Tekken last week, we handed him a piece of paper with lines from the Street Fighter movie on it, crossed our fingers, turned a camera on, and hoped for the best. You can see the result above.

Then let us know in the comments if this kind of thing should ever happen again.

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TGS: So, What’s the Most Worthless Game in Japan?

Posted: 29 Jan 2012 01:27 AM PST

After spending an afternoon wandering the retro game shops and bars of Tokyo, one sad sight in particular stood out to us: The most unloved, unwanted game in Japan, as discovered at off-the-beaten-path Akihabara standard Friends.

We’ve seen cheaper games than 30 yen (about 40 cents) apiece, but never quite so many at one time. The sheer numbers of unwanted carts in this basket — about 90% a single title by volume — means that you could buy this entire collection for about 10-12 bucks and… I don’t know. Use them as tiny bricks in your toilet basin to reduce your water bill?

And what is the unloved game in question? None other than Rockman.EXE Battle Chip GP, which came to America as Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge. Now, Battle Chip Challenge wasn’t a great game by any means, but it wasn’t this bad, either. I want to believe that this is part of a mass-dumping trend by angry Mega Man Legends 3 fans who are trying to make Capcom look bad by selling off their Rockman collections en masse.

But don’t be sad, Mega Man fans. Battle Chip Challenge has a long way to go before it’s regarded as a legendary kusoge (crap game) on the level of Moero! Pro Yakyuu (aka Bases Loaded). It would be tough to take a bath in this relatively small collection of carts.

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En Masse executive replies on NCsoft lawsuit

Posted: 29 Jan 2012 12:19 AM PST

(Source) While not exactly a long speech, En Masse Entertainment’s Vice President of Publishing, Mr Chris Lee, has apparently spoke about the lawsuit filed by NCsoft. En Masse Entertainment is the North American subsidiary of Bluehole Studio, the Korean developer of TERA accused of stealing sensitive information from NCsoft with regards to Lineage 3.

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Final Fantasy XIII-2 Reveals a Series in the Throes of Awkward Adolescence

Posted: 28 Jan 2012 06:18 PM PST

In a season riddled with life-changing mega-sequels, Corpse Party couldn’t have arrived at a worse time — especially on a platform so ravaged by the deadly tag team of piracy and disinterest. With its distinctly fan-made presentation and digital-only availability, XSEED’s latest isn’t going to turn heads like the Uncharteds and Modern Warfares of the world; though, in the case of Corpse Party, this lack of attention just might be for the best. While most of our modern gaming blockbusters seek to offer either awkwardly bloodless violence for the sake of the coveted catch-all Teen rating or Bruckheimer-esque glorification of combat, the folks at Team GrisGris obviously didn’t suffer under these same publisher pressures. Corpse Party doesn’t seek to cast the widest net possible with a series of escapist power fantasies that gently nudge players down a path of rewards; from the outset, the game wears its heartlessness on its sleeve, dispatching characters in ways that have yet to debut in your nightmares (but soon will). This glorified visual novel may resemble a B-tier Super Nintendo game on the surface, but nothing else I’ve played over the past 25 years has been so relentlessly brutal, bleak, and terrifying.

Though Corpse Party looks like an ancient JRPG, trappings like hit points, an inventory, and tile-based movement only exist as lip service; the “game” portions of Corpse Party act solely as a conduit for the narrative. Like Phoenix Wright and 999, Corpse Party is a visual novel, though it looks and plays decidedly more “gamey” than other entries in the genre. Instead of transitioning from static scene to static scene from a first-person perspective — typical of the genre — the game employs 2D sprites and an overhead perspective, providing players with a more familiar means of input. And since you’re tasked with controlling a group of defenseless teens, combat simply isn’t an option; the few foes found in the game most often kill with a single touch, making their presence more disturbing than any turn-based ghost battles ever could.

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Jade Dynasty: Prelude (CN)

Posted: 28 Jan 2012 01:26 PM PST

A couple of weeks back, I first posted about the upcoming expansion for Jade Dynasty’s China server, which is titled Prelude (link). There are also 2 new god classes for both Athan and Human, each with different characteristics. In this post, more info will be posted (but not all) as the expansion will be hitting the Chinese server on 2nd September, which is in a few days’ time. Under each new class is also a picture gallery showing off the level 15 to 150 equipments.

For Athan, there is the new powerful fists user who specializes in close range combat, physical combos and a set of skills allowing him to transform into a either a bigger or smaller stature. These 4 transformation skills will increase certain stats, but decrease another as well.

Running away from this class is almost impossible as well, as there are quite a number of skills which will pull a target towards him or simply root the target to the ground. A fierce brawler, this class is awesome for all who craves punching the hell out of opponents and restricting character movement!

Next, we have the new god class for the Human, posted as Incense Mage by a reader. This class is all about fire and torching your opponents to crisp! No ice spells, no lightning shocks, just pure hellfire. As you can imagine, there will be burn effects, spectacular number of graphically stunning area spells and even one which will lock-on to an area and prevent any players from going in or out. Then unleash the fiery inferno!

Also acting as a support class, there are various formations in which can be activated to buff party members. Think of these skills as the Auras from Diablo II’s Paladin. However, these formations only lasts around 10 seconds.

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