General gaming

General gaming

Despite the ESA's Stance, Not All Game Companies Support SOPA

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 04:49 PM PST

SOPA infographic

An official list of supporters for the much-maligned Stop Online Piracy Act, better known to many as SOPA, shows that the videogame industry is in the bill's corner. That's not to say every company in the industry has come right out and said as much, but many of them do at least support it by proxy as members of the Entertainment Software Association, the game industry's trade association. The ESA has made it official that it supports the anti-piracy bill which many fear, if passed, will censor the Internet and stifle innovation.

The bill's name might make it sound noble enough -- stomping out piracy is good news for everyone except those who illegally download and distribute copyrighted content -- but there are numerous reasons why opponents believe it should not be passed. Among the most important of these is the vague wording with which the bill is written, a serious problem for a piece of legislation. There are countless articles, videos, and infographics devoted to the subject, but at its most basic level it threatens to result in sites being shut down, startups facing potentially unfair legal action, and pervasive censorship as websites -- including social media sites like Twitter, YouTube, or Facebook -- seek to prevent their users from sharing anything that the website in question could be held accountable for.

Vita Sales Continue to Struggle Post-Launch in Japan

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 10:38 AM PST

PlayStation Vita

Following its mid-December debut in which it sold over 321,000 units (later reported to be closer to 325,000), the system has not continued to enjoy the same degree of sales success.

In its second week, the system sold 72,479 units (compared with 101,121 PlayStation Portable units and 482,200 3DS units), and now in its third week, covering December 26 through January 1, the system sold just 42,648, again trailing the PSP at 62,746 and 3DS at 197,952. These numbers come courtesy of Media Create, as reported by Andriasang, and paint a somewhat ominous picture for the system in its early days.

XCOM Gets its Rightful Strategy Game Sequel This Fall

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 09:21 AM PST

XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Update: In a press release sent out by 2K Games, Enemy Unknown is described as a re-imagined version of the original XCOM from 1993. The new game introduces "an entirely new invasion story, enemies and technologies to fight aliens and defend Earth" as players assume the role of XCOM commander, XCOM being the name of the secret paramilitary group tasked with protecting the planet "by managing resources, advancing technologies, and overseeing combat strategies and individual unit tactics."

Original Story: While the revival of X-COM was exciting news for fans when it was revealed back in 2010, many were upset that its strategy game roots had been abandoned in favor of that of a first-person shooter. For those who are still lamenting the franchise's new direction, there's great news to be had today: an XCOM strategy game is in the works at Firaxis Games.

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