MMO Updates |
- EVE Online's new agent finder detailed
- Gods & Heroes launches today
- LEGO Universe going freemium this August
- Let's get physical, physical: Brian Knox fields dozens of TERA questions
- EVE Online Incarna goes live
- A new experience is launching for City of Heroes -- Freedom
- The Daily Grind: What does your ideal gamespace look like?
- PitchBlack Games announces Sanya Weathers as new Director of Community
- Final Fantasy XIV shows off dungeons
- Wizard101 goes anti-disco in the June producer's letter
- Wings Over Atreia: One, two, craft my shoe
- Rumor: Turbine working on console MMO?
- Flameseeker Chronicles: Of revolutionary design, babies, and bathwater
- One Shots: Middle-hoth
- TERA composers discuss musical themes
- The Tattered Notebook: Fan Faire survival guide
- Dungeons and Dragons Online's Update 10 is bringing crazy back
EVE Online's new agent finder detailed Posted: 21 Jun 2011 10:00 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, EVE Online, Game mechanics, MMO industry, Patches, News items, PvE Hey capsuleers, did you take the day off work to sample the wonders of Incarna? We hope not, because CCP has extended the downtime for EVE Online's latest update. If you did take a day, or if you're simply in need of some juicy New Eden-related reading material, you'll want to have a look at the newest CCP dev blog.The entry examines the new agent finder functionality, and CCP Punkturis has some interesting tidbits to share along with a few interface screencaps. The goal, as outlined in an earlier agent-related dev blog, was to simplify the convoluted mission-running system and allow players to more easily find agents of an appropriate skill level, faction, and activity. The new finder filters agents by faction standing and also sorts them by distance (meaning you'll get info on the closest contacts first). Players may also filter various agent-related searches like mission types, and you can read all the details and leave feedback at the official EVE website.
Gods & Heroes launches today Posted: 21 Jun 2011 09:30 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Launches, MMO industry, New titles, News items It's Tuesday, and that means that somewhere in the wild hinterlands of the internet, an MMORPG is probably gearing up to officially open its doors to the public. Today's starlet is Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising, and the long-in-development title from Heatwave Interactive is finally ready for its close-up.Whether you're into Roman mythology, you yearn for traditional class- and quest-based combat, or you're curious about the title's ancestral estate system (that's player housing, if you're wondering), you'll want to partake of our launch-day roundup that recaps our best and most current Gods & Heroes coverage. We've got screenshot galleries, hands-on impressions, dev chats, and videos galore, not to mention info about the game's payment plans and pre-order details. What are you waiting for? Hop past the cut for details. Continue reading Gods & Heroes launches today
LEGO Universe going freemium this August Posted: 21 Jun 2011 09:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Business models, MMO industry, News items, Free-to-play, LEGO Universe, Kids, Family Fallen Earth? Check. City of Heroes? Check. Which AAA MMORPG act is warming up to take the stage next on the free-to-play 2011 world tour? That would be LEGO Universe, and the LEGO Group has announced via press release that the kid-friendly building block title will be joining it's formerly subscription-based brethren in the freemium ranks as early as this August.Interestingly, LEGO Universe will continue to make its money via paid memberships, with no microtransactions planned at this time. Free players will have access to a limited selection of game content for an unlimited period of time. If the trial content tickles their fancy, tire-kickers are then free to pony up $10 per month for full access. LEGO Universe is also doing away with its physical media, as new users will find that the game is transitioning to a download-only model for both paid and free players. Full details on the content available to free players isn't yet available, but check back with us frequently as we bring you all the latest updates.
Let's get physical, physical: Brian Knox fields dozens of TERA questions Posted: 21 Jun 2011 08:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, PvP, Community Q&A, TERA With that newfangled Twitter that's all the rage these days, TERA proves that developer chats can be even more accessible -- and within a 140-character limit! Recently, Senior Producer Brian Knox fielded a grab bag of questions about this upcoming action MMO, although he put a kibosh on queries related to the release date and events.PvP, obviously, was a huge topic of discussion, with questions ranging from death penalties (same as PvE) to open world conflict (starts at level 12 and requires the purchase of special items) to guild vs. guild battles (still in the works). TERA's famed political system was another subject for inquiry -- would it be in the game at the start or will we have to wait for it? "Day 1. It is up and working now and will be available at launch," Knox assured fans. Raids are something else that future players has been asking for, and apparently the TERA team is at least exploring the possibility of implementing them: "We know how badly the community wants raids! We are looking very hard at this and is one of the reasons we have focused on five-man content." You can read the full dev diary over at TERA's official site.
Posted: 21 Jun 2011 07:30 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, EVE Online, Expansions, Patches, News items EVE Online players, rejoice! The day you've been waiting for is finally here. Today marks the release of EVE Online's much-anticipated Incarna expansion. The most notable addition with this update is undoubtedly the new ability for players to finally exit their spaceships and explore the universe's many space stations on their own two feet. All players will be required to (re)create their avatar upon logging in after the patch in order to allow them to experience the new ambulatory features. In other news, there can now be only one jump bridge in a system at a given time, and character creation and the new player experience have both been revamped in order to make the game's notoriously steep learning curve a bit more welcoming for new capsuleers. The full patch notes include far more than can possibly be squished into this post, so if you're anxious to know what exactly this new update entails, head on over to the official site.
A new experience is launching for City of Heroes -- Freedom Posted: 21 Jun 2011 07:00 AM PDT Filed under: Super-hero, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Business models, Patches, Previews, News items, Free-to-play The world of City of Heroes is changing. Players in the game now face an invasion from another dimension and a staggering host of new threats. But there's an even bigger change on the horizon, one that will shake the game to its very fundamentals. That change is City of Heroes Freedom, a combination of a new hybrid business model for the game that will add a plethora of new rewards, subscription option, and content for all players of the game. The fact that it will open the game up to a free-to-play model is almost incidental considering the other sweeping changes coming to the game as a whole.The longstanding Veteran Rewards system will be getting overhauled into a new Paragon Rewards system, which will offer all of the extant rewards along with a huge number of additional bonuses on a monthly basis. Subscribers will be upgraded to VIP Players, gaining access not only to priority queues and a special VIP-only server but to an exclusive signature story arc every month, allowing characters to experience ongoing stories alongside the important lore characters of Paragon City and the Rogue Isles. VIP players will also be gaining a free monthly stipend of Paragon Points for the game's new cash store, which will allow players access to new costumes, new power sets, and even new weapon and usage styles for existing sets. City of Heroes players should take a look at the official site and get ready for the newest upgrade to the game -- a solid dose of old-school freedom.
The Daily Grind: What does your ideal gamespace look like? Posted: 21 Jun 2011 06:00 AM PDT Filed under: Real life, Culture, Opinion, The Daily Grind, Miscellaneous When you're younger, your game consoles and systems are usually put wherever the space exists, and your computer is generally tucked into a corner of your bedroom. But when you get a little bit older and move out on your own, you start having a much wider field of options for where you game and how you do so. Video games could be the centerpiece of your house, or you could have a special room devoted to just gaming in some corner of your apartment. And if you're going to be involved in a marathon session of Fallen Earth, wouldn't you like a minifridge nearby?Today we're going just a bit meta and asking you what your ideal space for gaming would look like. Would it be large? Small? What sort of furniture would it contain? The hardware isn't necessarily important -- what is important is what you'd build for your play if you didn't have to worry about space or budget. Games like EverQuest II let us create the environment we want in a virtual space, but if you had that same sort of power in the real world, what would you do?
PitchBlack Games announces Sanya Weathers as new Director of Community Posted: 20 Jun 2011 07:00 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, Galleries, MMO industry, News items, Miscellaneous PitchBlack Games announced today that it has a new addition to its team in the form of former Mythic Director of Community Sanya Weathers. This is certainly a promising announcement for PitchBlack, coming hot on the heels of the official announcement of the studio's first project, Prime: Battle for Dominus. In regard to Weathers' reasons for choosing to join up with the Prime Online team, she says, "The opportunity to direct community for a PVP MMO at a startup couldn't be refused. The team at PitchBlack also shares my ideals when it comes to customer communication and service, and I look forward to seeing what we can build together." Given her history with Dark Age of Camelot, we're not surprised to see her working on yet another three-faction, PvP-focused MMO. We here at Massively wish Sanya the best at her new gig and look forward to seeing what she and the team at PitchBlack come up with. To round out this new announcement, we also have three pieces of concept art for each of the game's three playable races, which you can see in the gallery below.
Final Fantasy XIV shows off dungeons Posted: 20 Jun 2011 06:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Game mechanics, Patches, Consoles, Final Fantasy XIV Patch 1.18 is going to contain a lot of content for Final Fantasy XIV, enough that the original launch date has required a delay. But looking at the latest preview of what's coming next, we think it might just be worth the wait. The first of the game's instanced battlefields has been fully unveiled on the official site, hinting at both the rewards as well as the locations of these dangerous yet profitable sites.The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak will be the lower-level of the two instances, with a minimum rank of 25 and a maximum party size of four. A former Gridanian prison, the halls of the cavern have been overrun with feral beasts and Garlean soldiers. For characters at rank 45 and up, the Dzemael Darkhold will offer up to eight party members greater challenges and greater rewards in a subterranean fortress of Ishgardian design. Final Fantasy XIV players can take a look at both of the official previews now on the Lodestone site.
Wizard101 goes anti-disco in the June producer's letter Posted: 20 Jun 2011 05:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Expansions, Free-to-play, Kids, Wizard101, Promotions, Family The community at Wizard101 is still riding high on the recent Wintertusk world expansion, and according to the June producer's letter, KingsIsle wants to keep the good times rolling.Apart from relaying a few testimonials about the recent expansion, the producer's letter is all about the Benjam-- er, Crowns. Leah Ruben spotlights a couple of promotional sales from the company, including a Dragon's Hoard booster pack that has the potential to deliver rare goodies, and a GameStop card that unleashes a genie (among other things) in your Wizard101 world. Ruben says that a recent graphical issue known as "discoing" on older machines is now fixed. "While sometimes it's fun to dance the disco with flashing colors and lights," she jokes, "it's a bit distracting when you're trying to adventure through the new worlds." Finally, Ruben says that the UK version of the game has added a German language version for those who perfer to play in their native tongue. Assuming that you're German and not Swedish. Or Kenyan. Or... well, you get the point. You can read the full producer's letter over at Wizard101.
Wings Over Atreia: One, two, craft my shoe Posted: 20 Jun 2011 04:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Aion, Professions, Opinion, Wings Over Atreia, Guides Three, four, scream some more.Welcome to the world of Aion crafting, where frustration and despair are produced right alongside daggers, hauberks, and frillneck sausage. Where more than one Deava has left the crafting station and flung himself from the Sky Canal in Sanctum to the depths below... wait, maybe that was just me. Between more attempts at a hot heart of magic craft and scrambling to gather enough material to inch my way up the skill ladder towards mastery, crafting has consumed my hours and thoughts over the past couple of weeks. It has also left me questioning my sanity and losing just about every kinah I had saved up. So why craft? It is true what they say: Some players live for crafting, while others have crafting forced upon them. Prior to Aion I leaned toward the former, but tales of the cost and woes of failed crafts squelched any desires to craft early on. Then the fates conspired against me and I there I was, pan in hand. Somehow the pain of that experience must have dulled because I started another. Why, oh why? Love it or hate it but have to do it, if you are considering delving into a crafting profession in Aion, check past the break for a guide to getting started and a glance at the journey ahead. Continue reading Wings Over Atreia: One, two, craft my shoe
Rumor: Turbine working on console MMO? Posted: 20 Jun 2011 03:30 PM PDT Filed under: MMO industry, News items, Consoles, Rumors, Miscellaneous Internet scuttlebutt has it that Turbine is cooking up a console MMO codenamed Project Hendrix. A posting at GameSpot cites a Turbine job listing that seeks an engineer for an "unannounced online console project." The article also mentions the resume of one Josh Phelan, a Turbine employee who apparently mentioned the Hendrix title in his online resume (which has since gone dark).Turbine's console aspirations are nothing new, as studio VP Craig Alexander hinted at such desires as early as 2009. Commenter speculation links the job listing to the mysterious Pottermore title, and given Turbine's acquisition by Warner Brothers (which also owns the Pottermore trademark), it's not unreasonable to suspect that the sorting hat could be getting ready to assign a Potter MMO to House Turbine. Check out the details on GameSpot and let us know what you think in the comments.
Flameseeker Chronicles: Of revolutionary design, babies, and bathwater Posted: 20 Jun 2011 03:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Guild Wars 2, Flameseeker Chronicles The "revolutionary" aspects of Guild Wars 2 might be an old topic, but it's one that's been on my mind lately for two reasons. First, a couple of my colleagues and I got some hands-on time with Star Wars: The Old Republic at E3. One consistent feeling was that it's a good, solid game but nothing revolutionary. (I was very impressed with it overall, even though I feel it's not a game for me.)That sparked a lot of discussion regarding the fact that BioWare never claimed that the game would be revolutionary, so the argument is pointless. I can certainly get on board that train of thought, but it still set me thinking about this aspect of game design. The other incident was a conversation in Massively's staff chatroom the other day. Two Massively team members were discussing the pros and cons of the Guild Wars 2 class setup -- specifically, the elimination of the holy trinity. Watching the two of them discuss it, combined with my recent thinking on revolutionary game design, set me thinking. Follow along after the jump and let's take a look at the pros and cons of blazing a new trail! Continue reading Flameseeker Chronicles: Of revolutionary design, babies, and bathwater
Posted: 20 Jun 2011 02:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Galleries, Screenshots, Lord of the Rings Online, Free-to-play, One Shots I recently had to trek out to LotRO's Forochel for a mission and stopped to take a few pictures of the breathtaking northern lights that are on display at night. It's so cold, though, that I'm seriously considering slicing open my goat and climbing in to stay warm for the night. And I thought they smelled bad on the outside!Keep your eyes on One Shots all week to see what the Massively staff loves playing and showing off. Next week's theme is all about gear. It'll be your chance to show off your most epic armor and weapons and tell us all about how you acquired them. The week after that is pet week, and we can't wait to see your awesome pet companions and hear all about them. Just send a screenshot to along with your name, the name of the game, and a paragraph or two telling us about what we're seeing!
TERA composers discuss musical themes Posted: 20 Jun 2011 01:30 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Culture, MMO industry, New titles, News items, TERA As game budgets grow, production values usually do as well, and this is pretty apparent in the spate of high-quality musical scores surrounding many modern MMORPGs. Titles as diverse as Guild Wars, Age of Conan, and Lord of the Rings Online boast cinema-style ear candy and instantly recognizable theme music, and TERA is gearing up to become the latest MMORPG to follow suit.Renowned composers Inon Zur (Dragon Age, Fallout 3) and Rod Abernethy (RAGE, Dead Space) have been working on TERA's score since 2009, and the duo has made use of the Northwest Sinfonia Orchestra and world-class production and mixing facilities to bring the music of Arborea to life. Zur and Abernethy are interviewed in a new piece over at ZAM, and clicking on the link will bring you discussion on regional and racial musical content as well as personal insights from both men regarding their work on Bluehole Studio's action MMO.
The Tattered Notebook: Fan Faire survival guide Posted: 20 Jun 2011 01:00 PM PDT Filed under: EverQuest II, Events, real-world, Opinion, The Tattered Notebook, Guides It's hard to believe, but in just a couple of weeks, Fan Faire will once again be upon us. What started as a simple fan celebration eight years ago has become a massive showcase of Sony Online Entertainment games, fan spirit, and of course, amazing costumes.There's a lot going on, and the weekend really flies by quickly. Whether you're going for the first time or you're a multi-year vet, this week's Tattered Notebook offers up several handy tips to help you make the most of Fan Faire. Read on for all the details! Continue reading The Tattered Notebook: Fan Faire survival guide
Dungeons and Dragons Online's Update 10 is bringing crazy back Posted: 20 Jun 2011 12:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Galleries, Screenshots, Dungeons and Dragons Online, Previews, Free-to-play If you're a VIP player of Dungeons and Dragons Online, today is an exciting day for you: It's the date of the arrival of Update 10: Reign of Madness. This update is all new content with a bit of a blast from the past thrown in, and the DDO development team was kind enough to invite us along on a tour of some of the mind-bending new quests.Reign of Madness arrives today for VIP players and Wednesday for the rest of the playerbase, so what better to keep you occupied while you wait than a little tour? Follow along after the jump for a sneak peek at DDO's Update 10! Continue reading Dungeons and Dragons Online's Update 10 is bringing crazy back
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