
MMOGaming News

MMOGaming News

DN CN Green Dragon Nest Update - Test Server changes


DN CN Green Dragon Nest Update - Test Server changes

Test Server Changes: 1. Ladder Mode Rewards: PVP Ladder Mode Rewards added: 50S Gear Brave Set

WoW: Weekly Update (Dec. 4-10, 2011)


WoW: Weekly Update (Dec. 4-10, 2011)

Countless ages ago, Warlord Zon'ozz and his soldiers waged endless war against the forces of C'Thun and Yogg-Saron. Millennia have passed, but the warlord still serves the chaotic might of the Old God N'Zoth. Deathwing has now unleashed this legendary faceless one to crush the defenders of Wyrmrest Temple.

Roll n Rock CBT Launching Today!


Roll n Rock CBT Launching Today!

Combat system is the most appealing part of Roll n Rock. During combat, players can put the mouse aside and control their characters by pressing the keys on the keyboard using fingers

Blacklight: Retribution Goes Deep into Customization


Blacklight: Retribution Goes Deep into Customization

The latest developer diary explains how extensive the customization is.

A Secret Tour of WildStar's Carbine Studios


A Secret Tour of WildStar's Carbine Studios

He got hands-on latest build of the WildStar demo. As the result of signed the NDA to stay silent on 99% of what he saw there, he shared with us the last 1%.

Cute Characters in Soul Master


Cute Characters in Soul Master

Soul Master is a new-style action MMORPG which is based on dungeon challenges and combines RTS elements, and also contains amazing storyline, very cute characters, as well as a fantasy gaming world.

Coming Soon Battle.net Balance


Coming Soon Battle.net Balance

Soon, we'll be introducing a new feature called Battle.net Balance that will give players an alternate way to purchase Blizzard products and services directly through their Battle.net account.

Here are Some SWTOR Screens at High Setting that may Please / Disappoint You


Here are Some SWTOR Screens at High Setting that may Please / Disappoint You

Graphics is definitely not the aspect that BioWare wants to emphasize, however, the lack of color and depth still disappoint some players.

FireFall Hires Crytek Lead Programmer of Crysis 2 & CryEngine 3


FireFall Hires Crytek Lead Programmer of Crysis 2 & CryEngine 3

Red 5 Studios announces its newest addition to the tribe, former Crytek team lead, Ury Zhilinsky. As Senior Graphics Programmer, Ury is the latest AAA developer to join the studio talented team – which includes former WoW, Tribes, and MAG developers.

Dragona Global is in CBT


Dragona Global is in CBT

December 10th I found out that Dragona has been in CBT since the 7th with 2 events that would give rewards for the open beta.

Continue reading Dragona Global is in CBT.

Will You Play Pirate Game to Challenge Yourself?


Will You Play Pirate Game  to Challenge Yourself?

What a coincidence, we've just talked about pirate last week, now Croteam developed an interesting solution to beat the hell out of Serious Sam 3 pirates and the players who patronize them.

Diablo III Opening Cinematic


Diablo III Opening Cinematic

Blizzard premiered the full opening cinematic for Diablo 3. The video doesn't really show much in terms of storyline until the very end...

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