
MMOGaming News

MMOGaming News

Diablo 3 Full Body Costume, Very Cool!


Diablo 3 Full Body Costume, Very Cool!

In the above video, you can see the full body costume in motion—and standing next to a Ford pickup truck.

TSW: New Location Preview Video Unveiled Dark Scorched Desert


TSW: New Location Preview Video Unveiled Dark Scorched Desert

The latest location preview video delve deeper into the mysteries of Egypt, a scorched desert occupied by dark corruption. Check the full video.

EverQuest 2 Free-to-play Service is a Go


EverQuest 2 Free-to-play Service is a Go

Free players can choose any of the eight classes and play all the way up to level 90 without the need to pay for a buck.

Dragon Nest Leveling Guide 32-40 (mainly for SEA players)


Dragon Nest Leveling Guide 32-40 (mainly for SEA players)

sDN is going to raise the lvl cap to 40 with the upcoming new patch, which is coming soon. When I search on google, I find this awesome leveling guide from 32-40. I just re-post it here to help ppl who wanna level up smothly.

FFXIV Monthly Fee Returns in January 2012, Discount Plan Announced


FFXIV Monthly Fee Returns in January 2012, Discount Plan Announced

The monthly fee will be $12.99, and it includes a $9.99 basic service fee and a $3 character fee.

WoW Patch 4.3: Hotfixes for Dec. 6


WoW Patch 4.3: Hotfixes for Dec. 6

Players who have killed the final boss in one of the wings of Dragon soul via Raid Finder will be more likely to enter fresh instances on subsequent Raid Finder instances that week. This should make it easier to kill earlier bosses that they might have missed.

A Sneak Peek at Lime Odyssey's Alpha Test through the Screens


A Sneak Peek at Lime Odyssey's Alpha Test through the Screens

Aeria Games today released new screenshots taken during an early-stage alpha test of Lime Odyssey: The Chronicles of Orta, its upcoming 3D MMORPG. Lime Odyssey is developed by Sirius Entertainment Co., Ltd., a Korean-based team composed of talented industry veterans, many of whom worked on the classic MMORPG Ragnarok Online.

Ubisoft + MMORPG + Wii U = ?


Ubisoft + MMORPG + Wii U = ?

No doubt Ubisoft is developing a new MMORPG, the question is a cross platform mmorpg or Wii U MMO? Ubisoft has many games at hand, which it will choose for an MMORPG? Assassins Creed Online? Rabbids MMO? Or a brand new title?

PC MMO Conquer Online Slashes its Way onto iPad Today


PC MMO Conquer Online Slashes its Way onto iPad Today

Conquer Online will be the first ever completely free MMORPG arriving on the iPad: no charge to download and no monthly subscription fee!

WoW 4.3: Dragon Soul Heroic Difficulty Unlocked - U.S. First Kills


WoW 4.3: Dragon Soul Heroic Difficulty Unlocked - U.S. First Kills

The Heroic mode is now unlocked in the U.S., and Europe will follow shortly. Guilds who aren't banned started working hard to defeat the heroic versions of encounters and several bosses are already dead.

A Farewell Letter from Steampunk MMO Neo Steam


A Farewell Letter from Steampunk MMO Neo Steam

Mind-boggling sad news comes again! The roster of dead MMORPGs that we should honored adds a new member - Neo Steam. Recently, Neo Steam players received a farewell letter from Atlus Online to announce it will shut down its Neo Steam service on February 8th, 2012.

Dragon Nest SEA Manticore Nest


Dragon Nest SEA Manticore Nest

It seems like Dragon Nest SEA is really advancing it's releases from Dragon Nest NA (Nexon) as it started to unveil the upcoming major patch next week. Addison Kang, Vice President of Shanda Games International asked his Facebook Fans to give him 10,000 Likes for his page then he will release the exact date of the level cap lifting.

Green Dragon Nest Guide (Stage1~5)


Green Dragon Nest Guide (Stage1~5)

Guide for Dragon Nest new instance green dragon nest guide.

WoW 4.3: PvP S11 Begins - Prepare Yourselves for Battle


WoW 4.3: PvP S11 Begins -  Prepare Yourselves for Battle

The third PvP season of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm is now underway! Matchmaking (MMR), Team, and Personal Ratings have been reset and players are once again able to compete in level-85 Arenas and Rated Battlegrounds for the best PvP gear, items, and titles. The 4000-point Honor cap has been restored, and Season 11 Conquest Point and improved Honor Point rewards are now available for purchase.

Green Dragon Nest Graphic Guide (Stage 1- 4)


Green Dragon Nest Graphic Guide (Stage 1- 4)

A graphic guide from Korean fans for Green dragon nest. From stage 1 to stage 4.

Report: SciFi Is the Most Popular MMO Genre


Report: SciFi Is the Most Popular MMO Genre

You will not catch me making any predictions about Star Wars: The Old Republic. But I am very curious to see how much F2P SciFi gamers EA will be able to convert to P2P gamers and what part will come from outside the current pool of SciFi gamers, being complete newcomers as well as the subscribers to EVE Online, WoW, RIFT or any other triple A P2P MMO game.

Jade Dynasty: Legacy Features New Classes, Instances and More


Jade Dynasty: Legacy Features New Classes, Instances and More

Perfect World Entertainment today announced a new expansion to its free-to-play martial-arts MMORPG, Jade Dynasty. In Jade Dynasty: Legacy, players explore the secretive Incense Valley while fighting through the massive multi-staged instance, which is larger than any other dungeon currently available in this game.

The Happiness of The Windfall? Steal Food in Hunter Blade


The Happiness of The Windfall? Steal Food in Hunter Blade

Joining in a family, players of Hunter Blade could not only hunt beasts in group at any time, possess their own farm, but also steal resources of other families.

Is Lineage II a Novelty? Or Will It Last as a F2P?


Is Lineage II a Novelty? Or Will It Last as a F2P?

Whats up MMOSite.com, im Zach Sharpes as always here to ask one simple thing in my First Impressions video, Is Lineage II a novelty? Or will it last as a F2P game? Now I state about why I dont like the game through out the title, and state that normally I play older games just to see how it was back in the day...

TERA Europe Producer Believe TERA Is What Players Have Been Waiting for


TERA Europe Producer Believe TERA Is What Players Have Been Waiting for

when you dive into the game for the first time, swing a sword, cast a spell, dodge and weave in combat, you will be hooked. You will realise that: Ok, this is different. This is what I have been waiting for.

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