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General Gaming Article

Ivy Bridge Benchmarks, Specifications, and Q2 2012 Release Date Leak

Posted: 04 Dec 2011 09:20 AM PST

Ivy BridgeIvy Bridge has been on our radar for almost a year now, but with the 2012 release date fast approaching, leaks from the partner channel were inevitable. According to documents obtained by X-bit labs, Intel's new Ivy Bridge chips will be shipping in Q2 2012, and eighteen parts are listed. Of these only eight are standard desktop flavors, with the remaining ten all falling under the ultra-low voltage banner. All of the new chips are based on Intel's new 22nm process technology.

Ivy Bridge was designed primarily to try and reduce power consumption, while boosting integrated graphics performance. From what we can tell they've accomplished both, though the pure CPU performance gains are slightly more modest. Power savings average out to around 19% less than the Sandy Bridge equivalents, with TDP dropping from 95 watts to around 77 watts at the same performance levels. 

The power savings and graphics improvements will make a huge difference in laptops and small form factor PC's, but if you're rocking a modern Sandy Bridge desktop part, it's looking increasingly improbable that Ivy Bridge would be much of an upgrade for Desktop enthusiasts. According to slides obtained from Tom's Hardware, here is how performance is shaking out so far when you compare the i7-2600 Sandy Bridge to the i7-3770 Ivy Bridge.




7% improvement in SYSmark 2012 score

14% improvement in HDXPRT 2011 score

15% improvement in Cinebench 11.5 score

13% improvement in ProShow Gold 4.5 results

25% improvement in Excel 2010 performance


Keep in mind these benchmarks cannot be verified until Intel releases proper parts to Maximum PC for testing, so take them for what they are. Improvements, no matter how minor are great to see, but so would an affordable hex-core.

Here is a look at the complete lineup.


What do you think of Ivy Bridge so far, have you been holding off your upgrade in anticipation?

Image Credit: (Xbitlabs - Toms Hardware)

Firefox’s Future is in Google's Hands

Posted: 04 Dec 2011 08:25 AM PST

FirefoxFirefox is in big trouble, there's no point trying to sugarcoat the truth here folks. In addition to slipping from 25% to 22% in the most recent market share results, we are now also hearing word that the search partnership with Google which made up over 84% of the company's revenues is about to expire, and may not be renewed. The Google deal according to Mozilla's financial statements was set to expire at the end of November, and so far nobody at the company has confirmed any extensions. 

It's still possible a new deal will be worked out at the eleventh hour, but you have to wonder if that's even in Google's best interests anymore. When Google originally signed the deal with Mozilla, Chrome was little more than a comic doodle on ambitious programmer's desk. Fast forward to 2011 and they are now in a neck and neck race for second place with over 18% of the market depending on who you ask.

Google knows Firefox will only hurt itself further if they change their default search engine, leaving Mozilla in a difficult bargaining position. 

Facebook Buys Gowalla

Posted: 04 Dec 2011 07:47 AM PST

GowallaFacebook has had its own version of a Foursquare style check in system for ages now, but given that just about everyone including myself still calls it a "Foursquare style check in system" suggests they've failed somehow. Given how many users the social networking giant hosts each month one would have suspected the in-house solution would have picked up critical mass by now, but somehow it seems to have stumbled. Now according to reports, Facebook has acquired Foursquare competitor Gowalla for an undisclosed sum.

Facebook as expected isn't commenting, but let's just say enough creditable sources have been rounded up at this point to say it's pretty much a done deal. Gowalla, for those who have never used it is a mobile check in system launched back in 2009. The service has been widely reported as losing market share in this niche to Foursquare for quite some time now, but perhaps Facebook thinks they can bring it back from the brink. 

Any Foursquare users out there going to switch to Gowalla if it's baked into Facebook?

ThinkGeek Offers Portal Props Not Because They Must, but Because They Can

Posted: 04 Dec 2011 07:24 AM PST

Cave JohnsonAre you one of those geeks who have just about everything? Your life is difficult I know, but while I'm busy playing away on the world's smallest violin in your honor, I'm just going to mildly suggest you probably could never have enough Portal paraphernalia. Now, thanks to the kind folks over at ThinkGeek, you can finally fill that Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device sized hold in your life with dozens of game inspired goodies. 

My personal favorite is the Portal Companion Cube Cookie Jar, though I could easily see myself hanging a mug of Cave Johnson over my desk to help stay motivated. Cookies and mad scientists are both radically different forms of motivation, so let's just say they've got something for every Portal lover in your life.

Here is the press release giving you the full run down. 


ThinkGeek Saves Science with New Portal 2 Merchandise

Fresh from the testing chamber, nine new products based on the popular video game franchise

Fairfax, VA- December 2, 2011 - ThinkGeek is proud to announce nine new Portal 2 products as part of its licensing agreement with Valve.

"Saving science might be a bit of a stretch," said Ty Liotta, head of ThinkGeek's GeekLabs custom products development group, "but as fans of Portal 2 we're excited to bring these amazing products to our customers."

● Aperture Laboratories Shower Curtain - At long last, fans of Aperture Laboratories can put their hands on the product that started it all: military-grade shower curtains. ThinkGeek presents gamers with their very own Aperture Science shower curtain to transform their bathroom into a test chamber. This collectible curtain is available now for $19.99.

● Portal Companion Cube Cookie Jar - A replica of the Weighted Companion Cube that makes a prominent appearance as an inanimate, but lovable, puzzle solving device in the original Portal. Available soon for $29.99.

● Portal Cookie Cutters - Of course, a cookie jar without cookies is like an empty test chamber in your soul. So fill up your new Companion Cube Cookie Jar with delicious treats inspired by the "warning signs" featured in the game. The Portal Cookie Cutters feature an all metal construction and come in a collectible Companion Cube tin. Available now for $19.99.

● Portal Bookends - 4"x5" solid metal bookends to maintain the vertical orientation your impressive collection of science textbooks. One end shows the Portal test subject icon entering through an orange entry portal, while the other end shows him exiting through a blue exit portal. Available now for $29.99.

● Portal 2 Plush Turret with Sound - A classic character from Portal video game series, this Turret features motion detection, light, sound and vibration. When sensing motion, the Portal 2 Plush Turret reacts with voice and simulated machine gun fire. To "disable" it, you just tip it over like you would in the game. Start assembling your Turret army for just $34.99.

● Wheatley LED Flashlight - A 2" tall version of the smart talking Wheatley character, simply push a button, and a super-bright LED flashlight emanates from Wheatley's "eye" to illuminate your surroundings. Available now for $19.99.

● Portal 2 PotatOS Science Kit - Create your own GLaDOS with a PotatOS Science Kit including electronic talking GLaDOS module. You provide the potato and some simple assembly. Even Wheatley could do it. Available soon for $29.99.

● Portal Turret LED Flashlight with Sound - Standing just 3" tall, this intricately detailed replica of the Turret enemies will light your way with a red LED beam, emanating from the Turret's eye. With a push of the button on the side, you can hear the turret talk, just like in the game. Available now for $24.99.

● Portal 2 Cave Johnson Talking Portrait - The most amazing man ever, Cave Johnson, founder of Aperture, repeats his famous motivational quotes from Portal 2. Suitable decoration for any room or test chamber in your home. Available now for $39.99.

Browse all of ThinkGeek's officially licensed Portal products at thinkgeek.com/portal.

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