What Type of Gamer You are, Sandbox or Theme Park? Posted: For me, I think I am a hybrid of sandbox or theme Park, as I like to explore the unknown world, while on the other hand, I have to follow the quests to level up and get better items...  |
Take a Glimpse of RIFT 1.6 Fae Yule World Event and Caduceus Rise Dungeon Posted: This video didn't show much world event details but the new items. Not like the event items before, we can see the sets items this time: head, shoulder, foot, arm, breast, trousers, each of them costs 500 event currency.  |
LaTale November 3rd Update Notes - Mountains of El Anoir Posted: Experience the continued story of the Sky Kingdom with the Mountains of El Anoir. A whole list of new quests, monsters, and story unfolds before you.  |
Infinity Field 3 arrives in ACE Online Posted: ACE Online (http://ace.subagames.com), the popular 3D space shooter, has unveiled the release of the hotly-anticipated Infinity Field 3 patch! Infinity Field is an instance-based Player versus Monster event, which can be done once daily. Players combat through numerous stages of combat in order to receive awesome item drops.  |
Why You Should/Shouldn't Return to WoW When Mists of Pandaria Is Released Posted: Some answers will be 'no, thank you' without delay, and some will like to wait and see.  |
Judge "Whipped Disabled Daughter for Playing Games" Posted: This horrific video allegedly shows a family law judge viciously beating his disabled 16-year-old daughter, who suffers from cerebral palsy, after catching her playing computer games.  |
RIFT 1.6 - Peeping upon Planar Attunement Tier2 Posted: Since rare information from the PTS about the Planar Attunement Tier 2, We could only peep some pieces of words about it. So far, we know that only competely fill out the plane's Tier 1 can you unlock Tier 2. That means that you have to fill up every hexes at every ranks. Grinding? I hope not. It's a negative trend actually.  |
ALT1 Games Decided to Shut Down Troy Online Posted: Only Been Commercially open for 3 month, ALT1Games's free-to-play MMO Troy Online will be discontinued operation on November 30th, 2011.  |
Metal Reaper Unveils a New Poster Posted: Metal Reaper, a new online game developed by Korea-based N2 Games and published by Sesi Soft, has recently unveiled a new poster decorated with the game logo.  |
Action-packed MMOFPS Project Blackout Debuted a New Map - Sand Storm Posted: SG Interactive's action-packed massively multiplayer, online first-person shooter, Project Blackout, today debuted a new map in bomb mode, "Sand Storm." A new map designed for five-man team battles, "Sand Storm" will challenge even the most hardcore gamers' team-based strategies allowing multiple passages in order to sneak behind the opposing team's respawn spot.  |
WoW 4.3 Update: Scroll of Resurrection, Inactive Guild Master Impeached Posted: In Patch 4.3, there is an extra icon at the top right corner of the Friends List interface, allowing us to use a Scroll of Resurrection to send an e-mail directly to a friend's mailbox. I think this is kind of an awesome function of WoW, because it can let those friends who have already stayed away from WoW receive our greetings from WoW In-Game, what do you think?  |
Group or Solo Play? Posted: Personally, I really like to play as part of group as its basically easier and more fun :) but, I will play solo when I have to wait too long to find a group (hate that) or simply the group s*cks + when I explore, I like to be alone :D  |
WoW 4.3: World Event Pets No Longer Bound When Pick Up Posted: In Patch 4.3, all world event pets are no longer bound when pick up. This is kind of a diverting change for Patch 4.3, and sounds like a good news for us. Below is the table of the world event pets' item name, check them out!  |
G*STAR 2011 Feature Available Posted: G*STAR 2011 is about to come on Nov 10th. MMOsite will as always give our exclusive attention on this expo. G-Star (sometimes also written G*STAR, G★, G★STAR, or in Korean 지스타 (Revised Romanization: Jiseuta)) is an annual trade show for the computer and video games industry presented by KOTRA in November. Originally held in the Seoul Metropolitan Area, it was relocated to Busan in 2009. Being a show focused on the South Korean game market, the show has a large number of online game companies, including local operators NCsoft, Hangame, NHN, Nexon, and Webzen, as well as overseas companies, such as Activision-Blizzard.  |