MMO Updates |
- New power set, Central City map coming to DCUO on December 6th
- EVE trailer shows off new Crucible expansion
- Fiesta Online whips up a creamy browser version
- Jump into Mythos Global with a closed beta key from Massively!
- Neverwinter tempts your lust for glory with its first teaser trailer
- The Daily Grind: Is in-game weather important?
- War of the Immortals unveils the Magus preview trailer
- City of Heroes aims at accessorizing with the new Gunslinger Set
- Dark Age of Camelot celebrates 10th birthday with limited edition lithograph
- EverQuest II Age of Discovery launch date, new features revealed
- Blizzard's Jay Wilson discusses the creation of Diablo III
- The Game Archaeologist celebrates Dark Age of Camelot's 10th anniversary
- Funcom releases Age of Conan 3.1 update, Dreamworld tweaks
- Hyperspace Beacon: PvP with Taugrim
- The Soapbox: The absurdity of the NDA
- DragonSoul enters open beta
New power set, Central City map coming to DCUO on December 6th Posted: 30 Nov 2011 09:30 AM PST Filed under: Super-hero, Game mechanics, MMO industry, Patches, News items, Free-to-play, DC Universe Online December 6th is shaping up to be quite a big day for Sony Online Entertainment. Not only is EverQuest II's latest expansion slated to debut, but so is the new Lightning Strikes content pack for DC Universe Online. The pack is free for subscribers and $9.99 for F2P folk.There's plenty of bang for your buck too, and it all starts with a new power set (electricity) and continues with new gear, a new open-world map (Central City), and plenty of new DC Comics characters and missions to populate it. New faces include Livewire, Black Lightning, The Top, and The Trickster, and you can learn more about DCUO -- as well as download the client -- at the game's official web destination.
EVE trailer shows off new Crucible expansion Posted: 30 Nov 2011 09:00 AM PST Filed under: Sci-fi, Trailers, Video, EVE Online, Expansions, Game mechanics, MMO industry, Patches, News items, Sandbox What do dubstep and EVE Online have in common? A new expansion trailer, for starters. Yes, Crucible is finally here, and so is CCP's return to a singular focus on internet spaceships. To celebrate, the company has released a slick new video, and the clip marks another return of sorts. All of the footage was captured in-game using real players, and the metagame stylings we've seen in some of EVE's more recent trailers is noticeably absent.The video shows off most of Crucible's major bullet points including new visuals, captain's quarters, tier three battlecruisers, and a ton of balancing tweaks. See for yourself after the break. Continue reading EVE trailer shows off new Crucible expansion
Fiesta Online whips up a creamy browser version Posted: 30 Nov 2011 08:00 AM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Free-to-play, Browser With a current playerbase of over five million users, you'd think that Outspark would be plenty happy with Fiesta Online as it is. However, the publisher has decided that there are more steps it could be taking to widen the accessibility for this free-to-play title, and as such, the devs are preparing a new version of Fiesta Online that you can play in your browser.Coming this winter, the Fiesta Online browser edition will access the full game that current players experience. Players will be able to log onto either the browser or standard client and interact in the same game. Outspark says that this is only the first part of greater changes coming to the game. Outspark CEO Philip Yun says this is all about giving its customers more choice: "With such a large fan following we hear plenty of opinions on what players want. In preparation for more content coming in the future, we wanted to provide old and new players more ways to enjoy and play their favorite MMO." [Source: Outspark press release]
Jump into Mythos Global with a closed beta key from Massively! Posted: 30 Nov 2011 07:00 AM PST Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Mythos, Giveaways Mythos -- now known as Mythos Global -- is on its third iteration and ready for closed beta testing. Will the third time truly be the charm? There's one way to find out: trying it for yourself.The game will begin closed beta testing tomorrow, and if you're anxious to get in for a first look (and some bug hunting) we've got a closed beta key ready and waiting. Head over to our giveaway page to snag your key, then visit T3Fun to make an account if you haven't yet. Once you're signed in you're set to go to the Mythos page and click "Apply for CBT". Enter your beta key when prompted, click "go," and you're all set! The beta period begins tomorrow, December 1st, and ends Monday, December 5th.
Neverwinter tempts your lust for glory with its first teaser trailer Posted: 30 Nov 2011 06:00 AM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Free-to-play Like any good Dungeons & Dragons session, Neverwinter's maiden trailer begins in a fantasy tavern, where locals and adventurers are mingling and swapping stories. Everyone is curious about a pitched battle that happened the night before on a bridge, but only one mysterious figure is able to tell them the truth.Hint: Die rolls out the wazoo. While brief, this teaser trailer is our first glimpse into Cryptic's latest MMO offering, and while it doesn't go into game mechanics, it does show off the engine, the fighting effects, and even tantalizes with a bit of voice-over. But it's your opinion that truly matters, so hit the jump to see the full reel and let us know in the comments what you think! Continue reading Neverwinter tempts your lust for glory with its first teaser trailer
The Daily Grind: Is in-game weather important? Posted: 30 Nov 2011 05:00 AM PST Filed under: Culture, Game mechanics, Opinion, The Daily Grind, Miscellaneous World of Warcraft introduced it early on, then largely abandoned it. Games like Battleground Europe, Fallen Earth, RIFT, and Lord of the Rings Online have it. PlanetSide 2 promises to have it.What am I talking about? Weather, of course (but you knew that because you read the title, you sly dog). Dynamic weather systems don't come standard in all MMOs, and even in the ones in which they appear, they aren't always noticed. For some, weather adds a layer of immersion that helps one pretend that one is in an actual world. For others, it's an annoying factor that reduces visibility and makes one wonder why the devs couldn't be putting their efforts to better use elsewhere. Storm clouds are sweeping in over this Daily Grind and a warm front of flames is predicted. What do you think? Are weather systems important (or at least welcomed), or are they just a waste of coding space?
War of the Immortals unveils the Magus preview trailer Posted: 29 Nov 2011 07:00 PM PST Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Classes, Free-to-play The closed beta for War of the Immortals is ending today, with the development team getting ready for the next stage of testing with an open beta. So naturally, the best way to celebrate the end of a testing phase is by unveiling a new class trailer. The latest class up for spectators is the Magus, the game's resident expert at magic designed to leave a crater -- and really, is there any other kind of magic worth mentioning?Needless to say, the class features the typical setup of a glass cannon, with light armor, weak melee, and an almost unbelievable talent for summoning hugely destructive spells on any number of targets. It may not be the most subtle class available, but it's certainly the go-to class for heavy damage. Take a look at the gameplay mechanics and some of the armor sets available for the Magus in the trailer just past the break. [Source: Perfect World Entertainment press release] Continue reading War of the Immortals unveils the Magus preview trailer
City of Heroes aims at accessorizing with the new Gunslinger Set Posted: 29 Nov 2011 06:00 PM PST Filed under: Super-hero, City of Heroes, City of Villains, News items, Free-to-play Do you find yourself frequently dealing in lead in City of Heroes? Then perhaps your hero could use the accoutrements to match his or her habit of solving every problem with gunplay. The Gunslinger Set is a new featured item in the market, and it brings with it the usual assortment of costume pieces for making your perfect Western-themed hero, including a fine selection of new firearms for any would-be gunslinger looking to snipe at some criminals.The whole package is available for 400 points in the store, but if you'd rather buy items piecemeal the option remains as always. And if you've mostly been kept away from the game's subscription fee by the lack of proper gunslinging attire, you'll be happy to know that the game is also offering players a special subscription deal through the end of December, giving players extra VIP subscription time when purchasing a membership for six months or a year at a time.
Dark Age of Camelot celebrates 10th birthday with limited edition lithograph Posted: 29 Nov 2011 05:00 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Dark Age of Camelot, Events, real-world, News items, Miscellaneous Mythic Entertainment's popular RvRvR-based MMORPG, Dark Age of Camelot, is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. In order to commemorate this momentous occasion, Mythic is selling a limited edition Dark Age of Camelot 10th anniversary lithograph. There will only be 300 prints available, each signed and numbered by artist Eric Polak, so if you want to get your grubby paws on one of these beauties, you'd better preorder now.
EverQuest II Age of Discovery launch date, new features revealed Posted: 29 Nov 2011 04:00 PM PST Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Galleries, Screenshots, Video, EverQuest II, Classes, Expansions, Game mechanics, Lore, Previews, Free-to-play, Hands-on, Dungeons For months, EverQuest II fans have been patiently waiting for the launch date of the latest expansion, Age of Discovery. Fortunately, the wait is over: SOE has announced that Tuesday, December 6th is the official live date for EQII's free-to-play transition, the Age of Discovery, and the Freeport Reborn game update (GU62). Executive Producer Dave "SmokeJumper" Georgeson and EQII Associate Producer Emily "Domino" Taylor both took time to give Massively a tour of some of the new features, so read on for an up-close look at Beastlords, the new Freeport, mercenaries, and the dungeon maker, and check out some new screenshots in our gallery below!Continue reading EverQuest II Age of Discovery launch date, new features revealed
Blizzard's Jay Wilson discusses the creation of Diablo III Posted: 29 Nov 2011 03:00 PM PST Filed under: Interviews, MMO industry, News items, Miscellaneous The big title on Not So Massively's current waiting list is, of course, Diablo III. It may be a bit before we get a solid release date out of Blizzard "Soon" Entertainment, but in the meantime, the company is keeping the hype training running steadily. Today we have a new interview from the folks over at PC Gamer, during which Diablo III's game director, Jay Wilson, talks about the challenges of building a new game based on the Diablo pedigree while also ensuring that the title has a soul of its own. For example, while many have decried the game's "more colorful" environments, Wilson states that "if you make something, you can't just copy. You have to infuse it with your own personality, your own interests, your own opinions, your own desires. If you don't, then it will be soulless." For the full interview, just click on through to PC Gamer.
The Game Archaeologist celebrates Dark Age of Camelot's 10th anniversary Posted: 29 Nov 2011 02:00 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Dark Age of Camelot, Interviews, PvP, The Game Archaeologist Last month was a historic occasion for MMOs, as Dark Age of Camelot joined the exclusive Decade Club, turning 10 years old and making most of us sit down heavily and wonder, "Has it really been that long?"It has indeed. You may wish to invest in a calendar. While it might be a tad tardy, I got the chance to interview the ever-busy Mythic about this milestone... and here it is! The Game Archaeologist: Could you please introduce yourself, your role on the team, and the faction for which you live, breathe and sleep? Stuart Zissu: I am Stuart Zissu, producer on Dark Age of Camelot. Asking which Realm I prefer is like asking which child is my favorite, I love them all! They all have their advantages and disadvantages, and each one brings something different to the table. With that said, my first level 50 was an Albion Enhancement Friar (before Enhancement Friars were "viable"). Continue reading The Game Archaeologist celebrates Dark Age of Camelot's 10th anniversary
Funcom releases Age of Conan 3.1 update, Dreamworld tweaks Posted: 29 Nov 2011 01:00 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Age of Conan, Bugs, Game mechanics, MMO industry, Patches, News items, Free-to-play In case you missed it (and we did, since it was 3:00 a.m. and we do occasionally sleep), Funcom posted the latest Age of Conan patch notes on the boards earlier today.Yep, the 3.1 update is here, and while the bulk of the new code is devoted to Dreamworld engine tweaks, there are also quite a few class-related changes to peruse. Players have also been reporting various issues due to running custom user interfaces, and various fixes and workarounds have also begun showing up in the official 3.1 feedback thread. As always, more info is available at the official AoC website.
Hyperspace Beacon: PvP with Taugrim Posted: 29 Nov 2011 12:30 PM PST Filed under: Betas, Sci-fi, Classes, New titles, PvP, Endgame, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Guides, Hyperspace Beacon Many of you reading this have asked about PvP in Star Wars: The Old Republic. And while I may know game mechanics and have a good understanding of how PvP works, I am by no means an expert at that style of gameplay. Lucky for you (and me), I work with one of the best PvPers at Gamebreaker. On top of that, he's been playing TOR beta for a couple of weeks now and already has some incredible insight into the game's PvP scene.Let me introduce to you Ed Park aka Taugrim. Ed joined the Gamebreaker team as an expert on Trion's RIFT, and he has been doing video guides for PvP for about seven years. Ed has a habit of proving people wrong in his videos, which is one of the main reasons I like turning to him for PvP advice. He told me about the melee cleric in RIFT and how many people said the playstyle wasn't viable in PvP. Consequently, he released videos showing (with incredible commentary, I might add) how he successfully plays that class in PvP. But we didn't come here to talk about RIFT -- we came to talk about SWTOR. After the break, catch my interview with Taugrim in bite-sized chunks. Enjoy! Continue reading Hyperspace Beacon: PvP with Taugrim
The Soapbox: The absurdity of the NDA Posted: 29 Nov 2011 12:00 PM PST Filed under: Sci-fi, Game mechanics, MMO industry, Opinion, MMOFPS, Star Wars: The Old Republic, TERA, The Soapbox, PlanetSide 2 Disclaimer: The Soapbox column is entirely the opinion of this week's writer and does not necessarily reflect the views of Massively as a whole. If you're afraid of opinions other than your own, you might want to skip this column.So Star Wars: The Old Republic's NDA dropped. Now the entire world (officially) knows the skinny on BioWare's new themepark, and I'm hard-pressed to think of a more anti-climactic NDA death. Even if you weren't following the game over the past few months, you knew exactly what to expect -- provided you weren't a Star Wars or a BioWare virgin. This complete lack of surprise is one reason why the whole MMORPG NDA thing is a joke, and TOR is just the latest in a long series of punchlines. Continue reading The Soapbox: The absurdity of the NDA
Posted: 29 Nov 2011 11:00 AM PST Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, News items, Free-to-play We haven't heard much from Neonga AG regarding its upcoming Asian-themed MMO, DragonSoul, since the beginning of the month. Well, apparently the team has been hard at work, because the title entered open beta today. So if you want to experience the game's much-boasted political system, or if you just want to kill some mobs, make some friends, and do some quests, just head on over to the game's official site to get started. There won't be any character wipes between now and launch, so if you want a leg up on the competition, this is your chance. [Source: Neonga AG press release]
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