
MMOGaming News

MMOGaming News

EA: Don't be too Worried about the Limited Supply of SWTOR Copies


EA: Don't be too Worried about the Limited Supply of SWTOR Copies

As the release date will come in less than 2 months, EA tells players to calm down, because the situation isn't that bad.

WoW Patch 4.3: Priest's Glyph of Shadow and Divine Aegis Animation


WoW Patch 4.3: Priest's Glyph of Shadow and Divine Aegis Animation

In patch 4.3, Priest is getting a new minor Glyph (the Glyph of Shadow). As mentioned during Blizzcon, this glyph changes the alpha of Priest and enble players to see most of the equipments while in Shadow Form. Check out the screenshot below.

Bright Shadow Gets New Content Update


Bright Shadow Gets New Content Update

Now all players regardless of level can get access to the new Seal Tower Dungeon and explore the mysterious tower with unlimited randomised quests.

Top 3 MMOs You Will Play in 2012?


Top 3 MMOs You Will Play in 2012?

Also there are many other highly anticipated MMOs out there, like Blade & Soul, ArcheAge, Cabal 2 and Blizzard's Titan... ofc Titan may not come out in 2012. But I still put it in the anticipated list, as it is from Blizzard. Anyway, what are your top 3?

WoW Patch 4.3: Modified World Map and Minimap


WoW Patch 4.3: Modified World Map and Minimap

In Patch 4.3, the world map and mini-map got a couple of improvements on test realms and they should be slightly more useful than before, hopefully we will see it on live servers soon.

Blizzard Apologises for Homophobic Video


Blizzard Apologises for Homophobic Video

At BlizzCon 2011, a World Of Warcraft video containing homophobic comments offended many of Blizzard's forum users and LGBT advocacy group GLAAD. As a result, Blizzard Entertainment president Mike Morhaime made a apologize for the homophobic video.

Dragon Nest: Saurus Fire Elestra / Seleana Build


Dragon Nest: Saurus Fire Elestra / Seleana Build

Pros - able to destroy objects far more efficiently than the DPS seleana build. Cons - Lower overall dps due to low skill levels in the Fire tree. Huge amount of SP is spent on learning the 3skills in the ice tree. Ice skills won't crit much

What Attracts You to Dota Style Games?


What Attracts You to Dota Style Games?

I know "Dota style games" is not the proper term, and I know there is one. I just can't think of it at the moment, and well, shush. This is a discussion topic, not a pick on Zevri's wording, post.

Genius Turns iPad Into Amazing Halloween Magic


Genius Turns iPad Into Amazing Halloween Magic

Happy Halloween! Check out this awesome Apple iPad Halloween Magic by master magician Simon Pierro.

Nexon Acquired a New Adventure Action MMOFPS MAZE


Nexon Acquired a New Adventure Action MMOFPS MAZE

Lately, Korea-based Nexon reached an agreement with Dream Excution to publish its new title MAZE in Korea. This cooperative agreement confirmed that Nexon acquired the publishing right of MAZE in Korea area and took charge the game service work including marketing and operation in the future.

Trion Releases Sweet Rift Halloween Video


Trion Releases Sweet Rift Halloween Video

Adventure in the world of Telara as either a noble Guardian or technomagical Defiant and enter a dynamic fantasy where 8 primal forces battle for control in an ever-changing landscape. Recently, Rift released a new Halloween Video showcasing the mysterious crusaders battle - Villains of Rift.

WoW: Blizzard Insider #42 -- Meet the Pandaren Monk


WoW: Blizzard Insider #42 -- Meet the Pandaren Monk

With the launch of the next World of Warcraft® expansion, the Mists of Pandaria™ will lift to reveal the pandaren, a long-secluded race that has spent generations mastering the way of the monk -- World of Warcraft's newest playable class.

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