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MMOGaming News

A List of the 10 Most Recommended FTP MMO Shooters


A List of the 10 Most Recommended FTP MMO Shooters

Gamers and gamerettes, once in a while, out comes the inevitable top ten/twenty/100 list of amazing games. Usually, magazines and websites hold it every year in honor of the best and the worst videogames of the year. Upholding the same tradition, we're making a list of the 10 most recommended MMO shooters out there.

DN - Comparison between 5.8% Magic/Phy Attack and 8% Elemental Potential


DN - Comparison between 5.8% Magic/Phy Attack and 8% Elemental Potential

Comparison between 5.8% Magic/Phy Attack and 8% Elemental Potential by chaose5 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Pre-release Review


Star Wars: The Old Republic Pre-release Review

BioWare announced the official release date (12/20/11) for the long anticipated MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic days ago. Though there are still 3 months before the release date, based on the dozens of trailers showcasing gameplay, beta testing, and early game access, a pre-release review can help explain all the interesting features.

Oriental-style Martial Arts MMOs to Make a Stir!


Oriental-style Martial Arts MMOs to Make a Stir!

The next-gen online games in the current South Korean market mostly display a martial arts style, like Yulgang 2, ChangChun 2 and Blade & Soul. Though the two European-style fantasy games Aion and TERA still keep firm footholds, we cannot deny the fact that the age of Korean martial arts games has arrived.

BioWare Hinted The Possibility of a Mass Effect MMO


BioWare Hinted The Possibility of a Mass Effect MMO

Since Star Wars: The Old Republic, Bioware's first MMO is expected to launch on December 20th, could we see more MMOs coming out from Bioware? Like an MMO based on the company's famed Mass Effect franchise? The answer maybe "yes".

Upcoming MMO Games in October


Upcoming MMO Games in October

After the booming summer, comes the chilly Autumn. As is the climate, so is the games, I couldn't see the masterpiece in October so far. Wizardry Online seems special, but it's only JP limited. Sword Girls Online is a special games strong recommended by players in the column comments. Actually, the hope is in next month. GW2 cb test is coming.

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