
MMORPG Reviews

MMORPG Reviews

New info of World of Darkness

Posted: 19 Sep 2011 10:17 AM PDT

The producers of the World of Darkness the future vampire based MMO stated their philosophy in making this MMO was “human interaction“. They feel that is limited in the current crop of MMO’s and their biggest weakness. They are trying to emulate the feel of LARPing more then EVE or any other game system with [...]

DC Universe Online is going Free-to-play the next October

Posted: 19 Sep 2011 09:27 AM PDT

Sony Online Entertainment has announced today that its popular MMO game DC Universe Online (DCUO) is going to a new free-to-play business model the next October. In the game you can fight alongside DC Comics icons like Superman, Batman and The Joker in an ever-evolving online action adventure that has seen players log more than [...]

Joymax launches tomorrow the cash shop of Karma Online: Prisoners of Dead

Posted: 19 Sep 2011 08:23 AM PDT

Joymax, has announced today that the Cash Shop for its World War II first-person shooter, Karma Online: Prisoners of the Dead goes live tomorrow. The cash shop comes with new weapons, equipment, abilities and bonuses. In addition of the launch of the Cash Shop, Joymax will also be launching a series of improvements to the [...]

Aion exclusive ingame gameplay videos

Posted: 19 Sep 2011 07:48 AM PDT

Take a look to this exclusive ingame videos of AION. AION is a MMORPG that game combines PvP and PvE (a concept the developers call PvPvE) in a fantasy game environment. In the videos you can see some combat action, flying moves, Emotes, Pet actions and Dance moves. Asmodian Templar PvE combat Flying moves Emotes, [...]

Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures celebrates its first anniversary

Posted: 19 Sep 2011 05:38 AM PDT

Sony Online Entertainment and LucasArts, has announced that Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures celebrates its first anniversary with more than 8 million registered users. Clone Wars Adventures is a free-to-play, family-friendly online virtual world based on the popular Cartoon Network animated series, Star Wars: The Clone Wars. In addition, SOE is creating a new mini-game [...]

Oktoberfest arrives to Alaplaya games

Posted: 19 Sep 2011 04:42 AM PDT

S4 League, Fantasy Tennis, ARGO and Florensia Online is going to celebrate this typically German festival. - S4 League, the 3D action game alaplaya, include new accessories Oktoberfest themed. - Fantasy Tennis, comes with some accessories for the sets of the game. - ARGO Online reward players with typical products of the Oktoberfest, as “Brezno”, [...]

3D Chat has presented its new Teaser trailer

Posted: 19 Sep 2011 03:18 AM PDT

3Dchat is a new online virtual world and MMO game. You can explore, and interact with other 3Dchat members in our highly customizable virtual world environment. The game is a verified, kid-free zone with social environments that include bars, a club, beach, and numerous other locations. You can relax in your penthouse with the ocean [...]

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