
MMORPG Reviews

MMORPG Reviews

King of Kings 3 begins an exclusive Panda Pack giveaway

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 08:50 AM PDT

King of Kings 3 with MMO Reviews and FREEMMORPG offers to you a special giveaway, the Panda Promotion Pack. The panda Promotion Pack includes: - 1 Panda Seven Day EasyCard: Right-click to summon a panda mount. It is an extremely fast mount and increases your loot rate by 20%. Duration: 7 days. - 1 Wrought [...]

Vindictus Europe Closed Beta Giveaway

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 08:08 AM PDT

Vindictus Europe has started a Closed Beta Giveaway with FREE MMORPG and MMO Reviews. To get your closed beta you need a NEXON Europe account. If you do not have a NEXON Europe account, please visit the NEXON Europe website and create a new account to play NEXON games, then go to the Official Vindictus [...]

Eden Eternal is going to release an upcoming content update this Mid-September

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 06:22 AM PDT

Aeria Games, has just announced today that Eden Eternal will be releasing its latest content patch in mid-September that includes the new Anuran race along with a new crafting system. The Anuran are frog-like creatures who are an outgoing and companionable race, however they were once an isolated race prior to their visit to the [...]

Preview of the second faction of Sword Girls, The Academy

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 04:52 AM PDT

Sword Girls, is an anime-style online card game about swords, sorcery, and schoolgirls, and today has presented the game's second faction, the Academy. The Academy is a prestigious institute of education that caters to the rich and famous, a high school for the high class. Its students have money to buy anything and maids to [...]

The closed beta of the european version of Vindictus is going to start on September 15

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 02:29 AM PDT

Nexon has announced that closed beta phase of the European version of their bloody MMORPG Vindictus is scheduled to begin on the 15th. Players will be able to get one, registering themself to the website of the game or through the various links will be posted on his Facebook. To celebrate the announcement nexon has [...]

Pirate Galaxy has presented a new update “The Sirus Singularity”

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 01:28 AM PDT

Splitscreen Studios has announced a new update for its free to play 3D science fiction MMO Pirate Galaxy. From the end of October brave space pilots will face astounding new settings in its new update "The Sirius Singularity". In addition to substantial content updates "The Sirius Singularity" offers hundreds of new items, construction plans and [...]

Fragoria latest PVP features

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 12:27 AM PDT

Fragoria is a browser-based MMORPG where players start as a Traveler and complete quests for other characters. The last July Fragoria celebrated the launch of a new global PvP-game - Royal Feuds, and today its the main event for all the players of the game. Royal Feuds are the last element of global PvP in [...]

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