


Gods and Heroes: Rome Rising: Book Preview & Upcoming Dev Chat

Posted: 17 Sep 2011 11:13 AM PDT

The Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising site has been updated with a new preview from the upcoming book, "Blood and Laurels", based on the game developed by Heatwave Interactive.

MapleStory: Double XP & Drops This Weekend

Posted: 17 Sep 2011 11:07 AM PDT

Nexon and the MapleStory team have announced that today and Sunday (September 17-18) will feature both double experience gains and double item drops.

TERA: Production Chat Transcript Posted

Posted: 17 Sep 2011 11:04 AM PDT

The TERA development team has posted the chat transcript from a recent "production chat" held with fans. These chat events are held the third Friday of every month and are open to the public.

Rift: "Tell Us Your MMO Story"

Posted: 17 Sep 2011 10:56 AM PDT

The Rift development team is looking for your stories about MMOs, what draws you in and whether or not your characters reflect who you are in "real life".

APB: Reloaded: Close to Final Live Launch

Posted: 17 Sep 2011 10:48 AM PDT

The APB Reloaded blog has been updated with information spanning the past four weeks. Topics include the team's visit to Gamescom last month and the news that the team is getting "very close" to a final live launch of the game which is currently in open beta.

General: Story of the Week: Subscriptions Losing to RMT

Posted: 17 Sep 2011 06:19 AM PDT

This week's Story of the Week highlights a recent analysis from iHS and Screen Digest that details a dip in subscription revenue in favor of microtransactions. Does this herald the end of the monthly subscription?

General: PAX - Storybricks Brings Back the RPG

Posted: 17 Sep 2011 05:38 AM PDT

Namaste's flagship project known as "Storybricks" is dead set on bringing back the RPG to MMORPG. Carolyn Koh met up with the team's Kelly Heckman at their PAX booth for a hands-on demo with the content building tool. If you're sick of the same old, you don't want to miss this one.

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