MMO Updates |
- Troy Online launching tomorrow
- Exclusive: Lucent Heart's Scaena zones and bosses
- New DC Universe video explains SOE's Lantern Corps focus
- SOE releases new PlanetSide 2 art and screens
- Gamescom 2011: Guild Wars 2 shows off 40 minutes of gameplay
- Gamescom 2011: reveals World of Battleships and World of Tanks trailers
- Gamescom 2011: Transformers Universe reveals the Brawler
- Gamescom 2011: WildStar reveals first three races and classes
- The Daily Grind: What's your favorite game world?
- Rumor: Entire Faxion Online team laid off
- New Rusty Hearts dev diary gets bossy
- Former Frogster CEO forms new F2P publishing company
- Fallen Earth store goes all the way with a 100% rebate event
- A Mild-Mannered Reporter: Whose side is time on, anyway?
- Players bracing for EverQuest II's GU61 AA changes
- Choose My Adventure: RIFTastic!
- Zentia's 1.4 update heralds Dragon Boat Festival and more
- Blizzard quashes speculation about a potential World of StarCraft
- Massively Speaking Episode 161
- Nexon unveils Dragon Nest launch trailer
- Gamescom 2011: SWTOR wins Best Online Game and introduces Huttball
- One Shots: That looks pretty intimidating for a starting zone
- Free for All: The 'fall' of free-to-play
- Planet War's open beta features contests, in-game prizes
- DDO's Secrets of the Artificers crafts a release date
- Single-player games will be dead in three years, says industry analyst
- Wizard101 voyaging to China
- LotRO's Draigoch revealed in his full glory
Troy Online launching tomorrow Posted: 18 Aug 2011 10:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Events, in-game, Launches, MMO industry, New titles, News items, Free-to-play ALT1Games has just issued a press release regarding Troy Online's official release date (it's tomorrow, August 19th, if you're curious). The free-to-play fantasy MMO has been in open beta testing since August 12th, and aside from a little login server switcheroo, players will be getting the same game experience when they join at release.The devs have simplified the registration process in an attempt to make the game accessible to more users, and you can now connect and play without signing up for a full membership. All it takes is your registration on the Troy Online homepage and you'll be free to enjoy the wholesale fantasy bloodletting on display as well as the title's traditional MMO classes and mythology-inspired setting. ALT1Games is also running a few "final test events," and more information on these -- as well as how to sign up and download the game -- is available at the official Troy Online website.
Exclusive: Lucent Heart's Scaena zones and bosses Posted: 18 Aug 2011 09:30 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Galleries, Screenshots, Lore, Patches, Previews, PvE, Free-to-play, Dev Diaries If you were looking for something a little more "traditional fantasy" after Lucent Heart's music-and-dance routine video last week, then today's dev diary will suit your tastes. In it, the folks at Gamania have delivered to us an exclusive preview of the upcoming Scaena update's zones and bosses. The world of Acadia is being enhanced with the Witch's Cliff on the continent of Cropolis; the level 65-69 Heart of Fire in the lands of Fostyre; the crafting hub Minotsize, City of Industry; and the continents of Edea and Aislan. The dev diary also highlights two of the opponents that players can expect to encounter: the formidable God's Advocate in Mount Destiny and the scorpion-riding Medea in the Witch's Cliff.Hit the break for the full scoop, and check out screenshots of some of the bosses and zones in the gallery below. Continue reading Exclusive: Lucent Heart's Scaena zones and bosses
New DC Universe video explains SOE's Lantern Corps focus Posted: 18 Aug 2011 09:00 AM PDT Filed under: Super-hero, Galleries, Screenshots, Trailers, Video, Game mechanics, Lore, MMO industry, Patches, News items, DC Universe Online If you've been wondering why Sony Online Entertainment chose to focus on the Lantern Corps for DC Universe Online's first game pack, a new video featuring creative director Jens Andersen has your answer."The Green Lantern Corps gives us a great stepping stone off of Earth, out of our solar system, and into the galaxy at large so we can begin exploring the great expanse of the DC universe," Andersen explains. So while Gotham City and Metropolis are still the heart of the DCUO experience, players and DC comics fans alike will be adventuring beyond the familiar confines of humanity's home planet as the game grows. Aside from that, Andersen says that SOE was keen to get light powers into the game as well, and players can use both light and fear variants to wreak havoc on their enemies. You can read more about the new Fight for the Light pack on the official DCUO website, and don't forget to check out the new screens below (and the video after the cut). Continue reading New DC Universe video explains SOE's Lantern Corps focus
SOE releases new PlanetSide 2 art and screens Posted: 18 Aug 2011 08:30 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, Galleries, Screenshots, MMO industry, New titles, News items, MMOFPS, PlanetSide 2 Sony Online Entertainment is sloooooowly letting a few PlanetSide 2 teases slip through the cracks, and the latest is a set of screenshots and artwork showing off the upcoming massively multiplayer shooter's dazzling visuals.The new gallery features a bunch of combat shots complete with dirty uniforms, spiffy muzzle flares, and some nifty surrounding terrain. You'll also spot a few dead bodies in the background, and the overall mood evoked is one of gritty sci-fi realism. SOE has also tossed in a couple of concept art pieces for your viewing pleasure, so take a look at the gallery below to see some Terran Republic stealth and medic gear. In other PlanetSide 2 news, rumor has it that the title won't be coming to the Playstation 3 console. "I think I would have been told about it by now," SOE's Matt Higby reportedly told IncGamers.
Gamescom 2011: Guild Wars 2 shows off 40 minutes of gameplay Posted: 18 Aug 2011 08:15 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Video, Guild Wars 2, Massively Event Coverage Hey Guild Wars 2 fans, bummed that you're not at Gamescom right now getting your paws, claws, or ferns on the game? We have the next best thing: nearly 40 minutes of video footage for you to digest.On the Gamescom floor, ArenaNet's Chris Lye took time to walk through the full Guild Wars 2 demo for the event. During the tour, he shows us character customization, the Asura, and the Charr starting experience, capping it off with a giant dragon boss encounter. So what's Lye looking forward to playing the most when the game goes live? "I've already found it: the Asura Thief. I love the size, I love the animations on the Asura, and I love how great they are as Thieves." Grab some popcorn and settle in for the full video after the jump! Continue reading Gamescom 2011: Guild Wars 2 shows off 40 minutes of gameplay
Gamescom 2011: reveals World of Battleships and World of Tanks trailers Posted: 18 Aug 2011 08:00 AM PDT Filed under: Historical, Real life, Trailers, Video, Events, real-world, MMO industry, New titles, News items, War, Free-to-play, World of Tanks, Miscellaneous is having a busy Gamescom, as the company has not one, but three MMORPGs to hype. Yesterday we brought you a first look at World of Warplanes via an exclusive in-depth interview, and today we've got two new trailers for your perusal (one for World of Battleships and one for World of Tanks).World of Battleships is, of course, the newest thoroughbred in's stable, and the Gamescom trailer is a high-quality affair that captures the heavy metal feel of the game and the awesome power inherent in the warships that players will be steering across the high seas. Unfortunately there's not a lot of gameplay footage (and what little there is is highly stylized and subjected to various video filters), so we'll have to wait for a followup clip to get a close look at visuals, game mechanics, and the like. The World of Tanks trailer is also heavy on the CG and features a series of violent vignettes designed to show off a few of the game's more noteworthy armored vehicles. You'll find both clips after the cut.
Gamescom 2011: Transformers Universe reveals the Brawler Posted: 18 Aug 2011 07:30 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, Classes, Massively Event Coverage, Transformers Universe Gamescom, roll out! At this week's convention, Jagex set up a Transformers Universe booth to demonstrate some of the customization that will be in next year's game and give players a taste of the choices they'll be making when the game goes live.The team also used this opportunity to talk about the first revealed class, the Brawler, and show concept art of these hulking piles of scrap metal and stubborn perseverance. Senior Producer Kris Jones says that the Brawler will be the front line of defense in a fight: "Players who like to engage as the tank in co-op team play will be drawn to this Brawler Class. The strength and resilience of this class makes it the perfect choice for those who like to get up close in a battle environment, for those who like a good brawl." You can check out the Brawler in the gallery below. Transformers Universe is slated for a 2012 release, and interested players are encouraged to sign up to receive more info about the upcoming beta.
Gamescom 2011: WildStar reveals first three races and classes Posted: 18 Aug 2011 07:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Sci-fi, Classes, Races, Massively Event Coverage, WildStar After yesterday's unveiling of Carbine Studio's colorful entry into the MMO races, we've been understandably curious about this WildStar and could have s'more, please? Fortunately, a fan site has dug out some details about three of the game's races and classes, all of which can be seen in the hilarious trailer that Carbine released.On the racial side, players have the Granok, Human and Aurin to choose from. The Granok are hulking, cigar-chomping slabs of rage, the Humans are exiles looking for a new home, and the Aurin are cute bunny-people who must go through Q-tips like mad. As for classes, players who prefer to get up close and personal with their enemies would do well to choose the Warrior, who boasts a number of strong tech and melee attacks, which are powered by fuel cells and adrenaline, respectively. Spellslingers use a pair of special pistols to stay on top of ranged damage, relying on a balanced rotation of magic and gunplay to keep up with DPS. And finally there's the Esper, your standard Mage class, who uses psychic spells like Telekenetic Strike to do massive damage to helpless enemies. There are reportedly more classes and races than just these, and we'll keep our eyes on Carbine as more details pour out about this promising title.
The Daily Grind: What's your favorite game world? Posted: 18 Aug 2011 06:00 AM PDT Filed under: Culture, Opinion, The Daily Grind, Miscellaneous Today we're going to ask you to strip away your normal preconceptions of what makes an engaging MMO, whether it be the combat, the features, the customization, or the IP -- and look at the game world itself without any of those distractions. I guess this goes hand-in-hand with Environment Week that's going on right now in our One Shots column.Out of all of the MMOs I've played, only a small handful have bothered to construct worlds that teemed with personality, history, and unique flavor. When I'm really honest about it, most of these settings are about as generic as can be, hardly indistinguishable from the others. Yet while many games may tack on interesting elements to the flannel board of a boring world, occasionally developers put just as much time and effort creating a place that dares you to explore and get to know it intimately. So today I'd like to know what your favorite game world is -- and why. What makes or made it so special? What about it do you wish other MMOs would emulate?
Rumor: Entire Faxion Online team laid off Posted: 17 Aug 2011 08:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, MMO industry, Free-to-play, Rumors, Faxion Online Although the Faxion Online team has weathered layoffs before, today it looks as though none have survived a recent culling.According to a forum post citing a former UTV employee, it's rumored that the entire team has been given their pink slips. "It is now officially dead," the unnamed source wrote. "They laid off the rest of the Faxion team, so there is no one left to do anything." Disney recently bought out UTV Ignition, which oversees Faxion Online, and there was some speculation that the Mouse House might be making cuts in this struggling PvP MMO and elsewhere. So far this is an unconfirmed rumor, and it remains to be seen what impact this will have on Faxion going forward if true.
New Rusty Hearts dev diary gets bossy Posted: 17 Aug 2011 07:30 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Video, News items, PvE, Free-to-play, Dev Diaries It's time yet again for another Rusty Hearts video dev diary. This time the focus is on the big baddies that players will be pitting their skills against in the anime-style brawler. We're talking, of course, about boss fights. As any brawler or beat-'em-up fan should know, no true game of the genre is complete without a challenging boss fight to cap off a level. The dev diary introduces players to a couple of the early bosses they'll be encountering, such as the nasty Blood Skeleton and the hulking Butcher. In addition, it details the rewards players can reap for defeating these challenging fights, such as copious amounts of gold, high-quality equipment, and high-value loot cards. For the full diary, including some footage of players facing off against the game's many bosses, jump on past the cut for the full video. Continue reading New Rusty Hearts dev diary gets bossy
Former Frogster CEO forms new F2P publishing company Posted: 17 Aug 2011 07:00 PM PDT Filed under: Culture, Economy, MMO industry, News items, Free-to-play, Miscellaneous Fans of free-to-play games just received yet another outlet for their addiction, as former Frogster CEO Andreas Weidenhaupt has announced the founding of a new publishing company, named Infernum. The company will be working to bring free-to-play MMOs from around the world to Western audiences. Weidenhaupt claims, "The market for high-quality MMO games that are free to play is growing dynamically and we intend to become a major player in the space." The company is already hard at work bringing those "high-quality MMO games" to its customers, with Weidenhaupt noting, "We've already begun assembling a top-notch team and are looking to fully utilize our resources by bringing some great games to the western world in 2012." So if you're in the market for a shiny new F2P title, keep your eye on Infernum and find out what it will be bringing to the table.
Fallen Earth store goes all the way with a 100% rebate event Posted: 17 Aug 2011 06:30 PM PDT Filed under: Fallen Earth, Business models, News items, Free-to-play, Promotions, Post-Apocalyptic You know what's better than spending a bunch of money on buying in-game items for your character in the soon-to-be free-to-play Fallen Earth? Spending a bunch of money on buying in-game items for your character and then getting all of that money back. Sounds too good to be true? It's not. From August 18th to August 23rd, GamersFirst is holding a 100% rebate promotion for the game, where every purchase will come with a nice big rebate of every credit used in the purchase.Now, before you ask, it's not quite free -- the rebate comes after the end of the promotion, meaning that if you spend $20 during the promotion, you will be credited with $20 after the promotion ends. Still, it's a chance to pick up all sorts of fun accessories, several of which are deeply discounted during the promotion. Fallen Earth players would be well advised to browse the market and decide if there's anything worth buying -- after all, it all comes back to you in the end.
A Mild-Mannered Reporter: Whose side is time on, anyway? Posted: 17 Aug 2011 06:00 PM PDT Filed under: Super-hero, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Classes, Game mechanics, Opinion, A Mild-Mannered Reporter So last week I promised our next little enemy spotlight, but that was before I realized that this past weekend was that delayed double-experience extravaganza in City of Heroes. (I could have checked a calendar, sure, but I assume they're a form of witchcraft.) Based on past experience, this week should be a recounting of my time in the magical land of double or nothing, right?Well, not so much. Due to a perfect storm of circumstances, I didn't get any significant leveling in, and this weekend is also coming before a dump of several new powers rather than just after. So unlike last time, this time I mostly just took part in other activities. (If you really have to know what I was doing, tune back in on Saturday.) So instead, I'm going to take the time to talk a little bit about Temporal Manipulation, partly because I'd like a bit of a do-over for the past weekend, and partly because I'm not sure if I like it just from reading about it. It strikes me as a set that could be very good, but in its own way that might be kind of a bad thing. Continue reading A Mild-Mannered Reporter: Whose side is time on, anyway?
Players bracing for EverQuest II's GU61 AA changes Posted: 17 Aug 2011 05:30 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, EverQuest II, Game mechanics, MMO industry, Patches, News items, Free-to-play Big changes are afoot in the world of Norrath, or at least the version of it on display in EverQuest II. Game Update 61 is just around the corner, and ZAM has a brief rundown on the major alternate advancement and tradeskill changes coming when the patch goes live.While many players are cautiously optimistic, some are concerned over the fact that such sweeping changes will affect their playstyles. How sweeping, exactly? Well, every character is getting a free AA respec, so there's your first clue. Also of note are the new class, subclass, and tradeskill trees available at level 10. Of particular concern to some is the fact that the Shadows AA tree will now be off limits to characters under level 50, depriving them of some very useful health, power, and run-speed AAs and making life that much harder for dedicated crafting characters. In other EQII news, EQ2Wire offers a brief look at the veteran reward changes hinted at during last month's Fan Faire. While no release date is forthcoming, producer Dave "Smokejumper" Georgeson says that "the design is outlined and we're committed to the concept."
Choose My Adventure: RIFTastic! Posted: 17 Aug 2011 05:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Classes, Opinion, Races, Choose My Adventure, RIFT, Miscellaneous Frenzy engulfed this last week's poll, which is one of the reasons I tweeted about it so often. EverQuest II and RIFT battled to the death over which would hold the attention of this writer for the next five weeks. Ultimately, the power of Regulos overpowered the Norrathians, but not without a fight.Usually the first community manager or game developer who catches wind of his or her game's appearance on Choose My Adventure wins. And just like past devs, Community Manager for EverQuest II Tiffany "Amnerys" Spence tweeted and posted in the EQII forums to encourage fans to vote for her game. However, Lindsay Lockhart, Lead Defiant Lore Writer for RIFT, would not have Telara beaten by Norrath, so she tweeted about it and passed the information off to Community Manager Erick "Zann" Adams, who posted it on RIFT's Facebook page. Immediately, RIFT's votes doubled then grew quickly after that. Congratulations to the RIFT fans. I hope I do your game justice, but I do want to give a shout out to all the EQII fans. I hope you stick around for this. You put up an awesome fight and certainly made the poll interesting to watch. As for this week, we step into RIFT's character creator. All the decisions are up to you! Should I roll Defiant or Guardian -- Warrior or Mage? Just cruise past the break for all the details! Continue reading Choose My Adventure: RIFTastic!
Zentia's 1.4 update heralds Dragon Boat Festival and more Posted: 17 Aug 2011 04:30 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Events, in-game, Patches, News items, Free-to-play Fans of ChangYou's cutesy Chinese-flavored MMO Zentia are in for a tasty summer treat today. The company is wrapping up the season with the launch of update 1.4, which brings with it the first part of the third Heavenly Test, known as the Ten-Position Test. No, that's not veiled innuendo -- Zentia's Heavenly Tests are world events in which elite groups of players compete to advance the server and level-cap. The patch also offers new disciplines, quests, drop-rate tweaks, paintings, updates to the cash shop (including new pirate-themed costumes), and a new instance named Silent Altar Challenge, which is aimed at highbie players.Coinciding with this content update is the introduction of a new themed event called the Dragon Boat Festival. Running from August 17th to the 24th, the festival encourages players to donate raw materials to NPCs called Provincial Officers, who will craft the titular dragon boats and teach players how to make party food known as zongzi. A "surprise" awaits those who lend their materials to the project, so if you're in the mood for a snack and a boat ride, don't delay. Past the break, we've included an official trailer highlighting the best of the patch. Enjoy! Continue reading Zentia's 1.4 update heralds Dragon Boat Festival and more
Blizzard quashes speculation about a potential World of StarCraft Posted: 17 Aug 2011 04:00 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, Culture, MMO industry, News items There's a very good reason why the now-infamous World of StarCraft mod had so many people so excited -- it seems like a pretty obvious project. After all, Blizzard has certainly made a big impression on the MMO world with World of Warcraft, so it seems like a no-brainer that their science fiction RTS might follow a similar path. Unfortunately, those of you waiting for just such an announcement have been told the exact opposite -- Blizzard currently has no plans to adapt the StarCraft setting to an MMO.According to senior VP Frank Pearce, it's not so much a case of not liking the idea as not having available staff and time to pursue the angle, with the company's teams currently occupied by Diablo III, the mysterious Titan project, further sequels to StarCraft II, and of course World of Warcraft. While the title remains in Blizzard's trademark arsenal, it doesn't look as if the company will be using it for a game any time in the near future. It's good news for players who want the series to remain as an RTS, but bad news for the many fans hoping to make their own mark on the galaxy.
Massively Speaking Episode 161 Posted: 17 Aug 2011 03:30 PM PDT Filed under: Podcasts, Culture, News items, Opinion, Humor, Massively Speaking Massively Speaking Episode 161 is back this week to bring you all the latest MMO news with your hosts Shawn and Rubi. This time around, the focus is Gamescom 2011, which exploded with new game announcements, video trailers, screenshots, and "World of" games. OK, maybe just one of those, but Shawn and Rubi sure had fun making up new ones.If you're interested in learning more about the Game Programming Instructor position Shawn has mentioned on previous episodes, check out the job listing or contact Shawn for more info. Have a comment for the podcasters? Shoot an email to We may just read your email on the air! Get the podcast: [iTunes] Subscribe to Massively Speaking directly in iTunes. [RSS] Add Massively Speaking to your RSS aggregator. [MP3] Download the MP3 directly. Listen here on the page: Read below the cut for the full show notes. Continue reading Massively Speaking Episode 161
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Nexon unveils Dragon Nest launch trailer Posted: 17 Aug 2011 03:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Game mechanics, Lore, MMO industry, New titles, News items, Free-to-play, Dragon Nest Nexon has published a launch trailer coinciding with the kickoff of its newest free-to-play title, and fans of Dragon Nest will want to take a gander at the clip for a primer on the fantasy title's lore elements as well as a few glimpses of gameplay proper.Dragon Nest appears to have all the makings of a traditional fantasy romp if the trailer is anything to go by. There's a kidnapped young girl, an evil enemy, lost hope, heroes to light the way, and plenty of combat-related hijinks. Dragon Nest also features four playable characters (or classes, if you prefer the traditional moniker), and each offers a choice of two sub-classes at level 15. You can learn more about the game at Nexon's official website, and don't forget to watch the video after the cut! Continue reading Nexon unveils Dragon Nest launch trailer
Gamescom 2011: SWTOR wins Best Online Game and introduces Huttball Posted: 17 Aug 2011 02:30 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, Video, New titles, PvP, Star Wars: The Old Republic The excitement revolving around Star Wars: The Old Republic at Gamescom 2011 apparently cannot be contained. Even those voting for the best-in-show cannot help but recognize BioWare's MMO for its achievements. Although Electronic Arts' single-player title Battlefield 3 won the top slot, The Old Republic was voted Best Online Game. Indeed, this game is powerful as analysts have foreseen.In addition to taking home the Best Online Game title, the EA booth introduced a new PvP arena that features something different from the typical faction vs. faction combat. In the new Warzone, called Huttball, players of opposing teams attempt to grab the center ball and score points by crossing over their opponents' goal line. And it just wouldn't be Nar Shaddaa without a little bloodshed, right? Instead of just trying to recapture the ball from the opposite team, you are welcomed -- nay, encouraged -- to strike your enemy down with all your hatred! If that enemy happens to be of the same faction, he's fair game in Huttball. Remember, what happens in Nar Shaddaa stays in Nar Shaddaa. Darth Hater nabbed some footage of Huttball in action. If you speak German or absolutely have to catch the latest TOR visuals, force leap past the break for the footage. Continue reading Gamescom 2011: SWTOR wins Best Online Game and introduces Huttball
One Shots: That looks pretty intimidating for a starting zone Posted: 17 Aug 2011 02:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Galleries, Screenshots, Free-to-play, One Shots, Allods Online Allods Online players are enjoying a new content update these days, but there's still a lot to be said for what came earlier. Check out today's One Shots image from Jane:This screenshot was taken in the League starting zone, Evermeet Isle. I love this particular island because of the magical atmosphere that surrounds you at arrival. It gives this zone a a very intense feeling, especially when you see an astral ship beyond the horizon.We're revisiting an old favorite theme this week on One Shots: environments. The game world is an area that most developers put a huge amount of effort into, and it shows. Do you have a favorite landscape, particularly eye-catching weather effect, or hidden jewel in an out-of-the-way location? Snap a screenshot of your favorite MMO area, tell us a bit about what and where it is, and send it to We'll be featuring the best of them all next week!
Free for All: The 'fall' of free-to-play Posted: 17 Aug 2011 01:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Screenshots, Launches, Opinion, Free-to-play, Browser, Casual, Humor, Free for All Here in Texas we have been suffering from one of the worst heat waves in the history of the state. It's the type of constant heat that makes you mad at something, perhaps the sky or the sun. It's not logical, but you start to get mad at the state for being where it is. Then you start to get angry because your lawn is dying off or because your electricity bill is almost double what it was the year before.The next logical thing is to dream of colder times. I have already begun to fantasize about wrapping myself up for a crisp, cold winter's walk with the dogs. Hot cider, the holidays... it's all coming soon. I hope. The next several months will also be the time to keep an eye on a bunch of developing titles. Click past the cut and let's look at what makes me so excited for this fall! Continue reading Free for All: The 'fall' of free-to-play
Planet War's open beta features contests, in-game prizes Posted: 17 Aug 2011 12:30 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Sci-fi, Contests, MMO industry, New titles, News items, Free-to-play, Browser, Miscellaneous Planet War's beta phases are moving right along, and today marks the start of the sci-fi browser title's official open beta. Getting in on the action is as easy as navigating to the game's official website and signing up for a free account.There's no download (and no cost, as Planet War is free-to-play), so there's really nothing stopping you from checking it out. What sets the game apart from the legions of other browser games clamoring for your hard-earned free time? Contests, basically, and YooGames is running a lot of them during the buildup to the title's official release. According to the company's latest press release, "events include building the largest army of commanders, racing towards the best technology, and so much more." Head to the official Planet War website and get your free account to see exactly how much more.
DDO's Secrets of the Artificers crafts a release date Posted: 17 Aug 2011 12:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Galleries, Screenshots, Dungeons and Dragons Online, Patches, Previews, News items, Free-to-play With Gamescom now in full swing, Turbine has taken the opportunity to announce a release date for the upcoming Dungeons and Dragons Online Update 11, Secrets of the Artificers. Those of you who can't wait to get your hands on the new content don't have to wait too much longer because the update will be hitting live servers on September 12th, according to a press release sent out by Turbine today. Secrets of the Artificers brings a new class in the form of the crafty (Eheheh) Artificer, which allows players to sneak like a Rogue, blast like a Wizard, and generally destroy everything in a fantastic fashion. It also brings the new House Cannith enclave, new raids and dungeons, and new crafting levels all the way up to level 150. And lastly, we've got some new preview pictures for the upcoming update, so check out the gallery below to sate your appetite for Dungeons and Dragons goodness.
Single-player games will be dead in three years, says industry analyst Posted: 17 Aug 2011 11:30 AM PDT Filed under: Culture, MMO industry, News items, Consoles, Miscellaneous So game development studios desperately want to move the entirety of our hobby online in order to mimic the recurring revenue model of MMORPGs. That's not exactly news, but it is news when an industry analyst makes an eyebrow-raising claim regarding the immediate future of the genre. To that effect, Eurogamer recently attended a "closed-door, Sony-organized panel discussion on the future of video games," which featured an analyst predicting the end of single-player titles by 2014.Mark Cerny, a "veteran video game consultant," used the 2009 single-player RPG Demon's Souls as an example, saying that its mixture of traditional offline gameplay and social connectivity to other gamers experiencing the same title is the wave of the future. "The funny thing here is, we don't even know what to call this. Is it single-player or is it multiplayer? We don't even have the words. It's kind of Orwellian. If you don't have any word for freedom you can't have a revolution," Cerny said. What exactly is that revolution, and will it be good for gamers? Check back in 2014 to find out.
Posted: 17 Aug 2011 11:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, MMO industry, Free-to-play, Kids, Wizard101 Never underestimate the power of magic or kids accessing their parents' wallets. That's what we've learned from KingsIsle over the past few years, as its Wizard101 has grown into a powerhouse slugger that knocks down barriers of all types: age, social groups, and most importantly for the accounting department, world regions.Today we've learned that KingsIsle has struck a deal with Taomee Holdings Limited to bring Wizard101 to China, and in so doing greatly expand the game's market. Taomee specializes in online gaming that's angled for children, so this seems like a perfect match. Chinese players should see a localized version of Wizard101 sometime next year. KingsIsle also says that Wizard101's website netted over 13 million unique visitors during the month of July, a strong indication of just how big this game has grown.
LotRO's Draigoch revealed in his full glory Posted: 17 Aug 2011 10:30 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Galleries, Lord of the Rings Online, Expansions, Free-to-play While we've previously been treated to concept art of Lord of the Rings Online's new 24-man raid boss, we haven't seen how the dragon Draigoch actually looked in game... until now. Today Turbine released three screenshots showcasing its ginormous dragon, and we have to admit: The dude looks intimidating.Glowy eyes? Check. Fire breath? Check. Squatting on a pile of treasure? Check. Horns, claws and leathery wings? Check. Hipster beard? Uh... check! It is surprising to see a dragon with a beard, although it does lend Draigoch an aura of maturity. Well, that and the possibility that he's planning to audition for ZZ Top. Draigoch is one of the last of the great dragons of Middle-earth, and Turbine has said that he will not only talk but lip-sync his dialogue to players. You can check out Draigoch's photo shoot in the gallery below.
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