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[PAX 2011] Warhammer Online: Wrath of Heroes

Posted: 30 Aug 2011 12:59 AM PDT

(Beta signup) If you haven't heard of Warhammer Online: Wrath of Heroes, it was just revealed a couple of weeks back (link) and is developed by a new team over at Bioware, the creators of games such as Mass Effect and the upcoming Star Wars: The Old Republic. Basically, Wrath of Heroes is a 3D action DOTA sort of game. In Warcraft III's DOTA mod, there are 2 teams against each other, but here there are 3 team against each other. GameSpot's cover of the developer panel below sheds more light.

Other than the developer panel seen at PAX 2011 above, there are currently 2 trailers for 2 of game's characters. Remember to sign up for beta (link) now!

[PAX 2011] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Posted: 30 Aug 2011 12:46 AM PDT

So, I thought there will be only 2 posts on PAX 2011, but it seems there might be one or two more new ones coming. I am sure by now most of you would have heard of Valve's remake of the the original Counter-Strike, officially named as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, a cross-platform multiplayer shooter coming to consoles and PC next year. Wondering how "different" CS:GO is? Well, the interview by GameSpot below seems to answer most questions.

Accompanying the interview footage above, here are some videos of the game from IGN. Once again, I am a paying member of both GameSpot and IGN, so stop pointing fingers and say that I am ripping off websites. Enjoy the videos and I can't wait for beta to begin!

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