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MMO News

Grand Fantasia launches third server and world PvP

Posted: 23 Aug 2011 04:30 PM PDT

Aeria Games has launched a new, large update for Grand Fantasia today, complete with a brand new third server (with two regular channels and a PvP channel).

The update adds world PvP, where players can earn “PK Club” fame points exchangeable for PvP rewards; a new 2-player dungeon, Nightmare Corridors, featuring over 30 floors; adds a new “Looking for Party” and “Auto Party” in-game function; introduces a new Ultimate System to help players upgrade their stats; and raises the level cap to 85.

Grand Fantasia is published by Aeria Games, which also publishes Eden Eternal and Golden Age.


Grand Fantasia Gameplay Screenshot


Grand Fantasia Opens New Server and Adds New Content

The Introduction of World Player vs. Player (PvP), Level Cap Raise and Additional Features

Grand Fantasia Opens New Server and Adds New Content

The Introduction of World Player vs. Player (PvP), Level Cap Raise and Additional Features

SANTA CLARA, Calif.  – Aug. 23, 2011 – Aeria Games, a leading global publisher of free-to-play online games, has just opened a new server along with releasing one of the biggest content patches for one of its popular MMORPG's, Grand Fantasia.

The third server includes two regular channels and one PvP channel that will give players the option of starting fresh. With the launch of the new server also comes a massive content patch that introduces World PvP to Grand Fantasia.

New content included in this patch:
·        Introduction of World PvP – Players now have the option to duke it out amongst each other with the introduction of World PvP. Gain exclusive "PK Club" fame points that are redeemable for "PvP rewards."
·        Additional Maps, Dungeons and Instances – Visit the "Nightmare Corridors," a 2-player instanced dungeon with over 30 floors that will keep players on their feet.
·        Level Cap Raise –Players now have the ability to achieve up to level 85 especially with the help of additional dungeons and instances in game.
·        New "Looking for Party" Function – If players had trouble finding partners to complete quests there is now an option to "Auto Party" in-game that will allow players an easier method to team play.
·        New Ultimate System – The new Ultimate System allows players to upgrade their stats with the help of the Guardians of Saphael.

Just like any other Aeria Games title, Grand Fantasia is free to play. For more information regarding Grant Fantasia, please visit http://grandfantasia.aeriagames.com.

Tower-based battles coming to Atlantica Online

Posted: 23 Aug 2011 04:10 PM PDT

The upcoming expansion for Atlantica Online, dubbed “Spelltower Siege,” will reveal a new tower-based battle zone. The update is expected to launch September 7.

The “Spelltower Control” battles take place on the Africa Content, and are available for players on all servers through Titan above level 100. Battles, which will last up to 50 minutes, can feature up to 50 players from each side from multiple servers, each of which may bring one mercenary. A controlling team from a single server will defend against the attacking armies from other servers, whose goal is to destroy and take over the tower. Winners of the battle gain possession of the towers for a week, plus loot, buffs, and other rewards for the entire server.

Atlantica Online is published by Nexon, which also publishes Vindictus and Combat Arms.


Atlantica Online Gameplay Screenshot


All Along the Spelltower

Atlantica Online reveals new tower defense battles in turn-based war system

Nexon America's strategic turn-based massively multiplayer online game, Atlantica Online, is introducing a tower-based battle zone in its upcoming content expansion, "Spelltower Siege," that will pit populations of game servers against each other.  Players will be able to access this content starting September 7.

The new Spelltower Control battles allow for all-out-war between armies of 100 in turn-based strategy style combat. Up to 50 players on each side will compete, with each player armed with one mercenary. In this battle, a controlling team will fend off an attacking army, whose goal is to destroy and take over the tower while obliterating the defending army.

The attacking army is a combination of players from the remaining five servers.  The server members who contribute to the battle the most will be declared the winning server and possess control of the towers for that week. The winning server will also receive loot, buffs and other rewards that will be shared through the entire server.

The towers, located on the Africa continent, are accessible to players level 100 and above on all servers through the Titan server. Each Spelltower Control conflict will last up to 50 minutes and players with high "Might" will have a higher chance to reserve a spot in the battle.

Participating players will be allowed to take their main character and one mercenary of their own choosing into the battle.

For more information on Atlantica Online and its upcoming content expansion, visit: http://atlantica.nexon.net/

Dragon Nest PvP Gameplay HD

Posted: 23 Aug 2011 12:59 PM PDT

To Learn More About the Game Check out our Dragon Nest Page.

Dragon Nest is a 3D brightly themed anime MMORPG published by Nexon – the same company behind MapleStory, Vindictus, Mabinogi, Combat Arms, and a few other titles. Like other action MMORPGs – areas outside town are instanced while town areas are not. The video above is a quick look at the PvP options available in Dragon Nest. To learn more about Dragon Nest check out the official MMOHut Dragon Nest page which includes a detailed review, tons of screenshots, and additional videos.

Heroes of Neverwinter

Posted: 23 Aug 2011 11:00 AM PDT

Heroes of Neverwinter  is a fantasy themed browser Dungeons and Dragon style MMORPG. It uses the 4th generation Dungeons and Dragons ruleset and allows players to create a custom charecter and explore over 45 unique dungeons with friends.


Publisher: Atari
Playerbase: N/A
Graphics: Medium Quality
Type: Web RPG
EXP Rate: Low
Filesize: Browser/Facebook

Pros: +Comic-style art. +Multi-player adds depth. +High energy regeneration

Cons: -Reliance on cash shop to unlock some adventures. -Gold per account, not character.


Heroes of Neverwinter Overview

Heroes of Neverwinter, published by Atari, is designed to draw people to their upcoming MMO, Neverwinter, similar to how Bioware used Dragon Age: Journeys to promote Dragon Age: Origins.   This slick Facebook app has all the trappings of a decent Dungeons and Dragons campaign, with some interesting twists to make it a unique experience.  Similar in nature to Sacred Seasons 2 and PoxNora, Heroes of Neverwinter offers a fun entry into a turn-based grid system RPG.

Heroes of Neverwinter Screenshots

Full Review

Heroes of Neverwinter Full Review

By Jaime Skelton

Of Dragonborn and Halflings

Heroes of Neverwinter presents itself with cartoon-like graphics, which works in its favor.  The lines are crisp and detailed, almost like a comic book in nature.  The first thing you’ll do is create an adventurer.  You have your choice between four preset character types: Dragonborn Fighter, Eladrin Wizard, Human Cleric, or Halfling Rogue.  Each of these four options have their stats maximized for the class.  Additionally, you can choose to create a custom character using the four races and classes and assign stats yourself.

If you’ve never played Dungeons and Dragons, you have six stats to look at – Strength, Dexterity, Wisdom, Constitution, Intelligence, and Charisma.  The game offers detailed information on which each stat does and how it affects the different classes. Once you’ve selected either a preset character, or created your own, you can customize the character by choosing between three skin tones, three face types, three hair styles, and five hair colors.  If this is your first character, you will then be placed into a short tutorial that gives you some story background, as well as teaching you basic concepts such as movement, combat, skill and item use, and how to deal with traps.


Neverwinter Afternoons

Once you’ve completed the tutorial, you’re deposited into the town of Neverwinter.  A gruff guard named Jerith is there to introduce you to the various buildings in town and what they can do for you.  The tavern is where you recruit additional party members.  You can also buy food and drink, which have various effects for the adventure.  The arms depot and trade house allow you to buy weapons, armor, potions and other pieces of equipment, which all show up on the character.  Your house allows you to view your achievements and receive a free daily random item from your Chest of Wonder. Like most loot in game, it’s handled through the draw system; you have 10 cards laying face down, and you receive the item revealed on the card you choose to flip. Finally, once you reach level 10, you can use the dungeon workshop, which allows players to create dungeons for other players to attempt, and earn gold in the process.

Not That Kind of Party

The game is designed for a party of four, either through the tavern, or characters from your Facebook friends who also play the game.  Once you’ve assembled your party, you use the adventure board to bring up a map of the area around Neverwinter.

In the beginning, there’s only one job you can take. As you gain levels and certain quest items, more tasks unlock.  Doing a job takes a certain amount of energy; you start with 20 energy, and regain one point every three minutes.  Additionally, there are three difficulties per task to accomplish, and leader boards for each to see how you compare to others once you’ve successfully completed the task.


Dragons and Undead and Kobolds, Oh My!

When you enter an area, you’re presented with a grid-based layout.  Characters and enemies can move a certain number of spaces each turn.  Combat is as simple as clicking on an enemy.  Your character will move to them and use their default attack.  You can see the order characters will act near the bottom right of the screen, allowing you a measure of strategy on which targets to focus on.  Additionally, you have various skills you can activate to help your allies or hinder your opponents, and as you level up, you unlock additional abilities to use.  Every job area also has monsters and chests to plunder, using the same card-based loot system.

When you’ve completed the objectives, you’re rewarded with experience, gold, and often times other useful rewards.  Your main character must survive until the end to complete the mission; however, should he or she perish halfway, the game offers a couple of means to revive characters.


Final Verdict: Great

Heroes of Neverwinter is an interesting take on classic Dungeons and Dragons.  The major social aspect comes in the observation mode.  If your character is selected by either a friend or someone in the tavern, you can watch their adventure, and offer certain buffs at opportune moments.  Additionally, observation allows the character being used to gain experience for the encounter, where they normally would not.

There are some small errors here and there, most notably an occasional bug in which you can’t change rooms in a dungeon without refreshing the game.  There is also some reliance on Astral Diamonds – the game’s equivalent of cash shop currency – for certain things like energy regeneration and unlocking some adventures.  The game, however, can certainly be enjoyed without this.  Additionally, if none of your friends want to join, you’re not out of luck, thanks to the tavern recruitment.


Heroes of Neverwinter Screenshots


Heroes of Neverwinter Links

Heroes of Neverwinter Official Page

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