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MMOGaming News

WOW Theme Park Opens in China, unfortunately, it's a Rip-off


Located in Changzhou, Jiangsu province, World Joyland reportedly costs over $30 million dollars and covers an area of over 600,000 square meters.

ArcheAge's PvP Battlegrounds Video


The video is from the Korean CBT phasing and is just under 12 mins long. From the video, ArcheAge's combat looks pretty fast and furious, it doesn't take long to kill someone as you'll notice the player in the video dying about 50 times.

New Online Shooter War Inc. Battlezone Open Beta Test Launchs


Are you looking for a F2P shooter along the lines of Call of Duty? Online Warmongers Group Inc. announced open beta test for its free-to-play online game War Inc. Battlezone. The game is now available via leading digital distribution platforms Steam and Xfire.

Firefall to Release a Trial Version in Korea on July 23


As Red5 Korea announced, Firefall is to release a new trial version in the COEX Center, South Korea on July 23, following the version exhibited at PAX 2010. Local players will be invited to try out Firefall and listen to reports about the game's development status and future growth direction. Players will also be able to communicate with the game's developers face to face on the spot, and voice their opinions of the game. Four core developers including Red5 Studios' vice president James Macally will attend the activity.

Final Fantasy XIV Looks Sexier with Summer and Bikinis' Arrival


In the latest Producer's letter, Naoki Yoshida gives a sneak peep on the upcoming festivities and celebrations for the summer. Beaches! Pools! Swimsuits! And more!

Rumor? NCsoft to Announce a Brand-new MMO at Gamescom 2011


It's recently rumored that the South Korean game company NCsoft is going to announce a brand-new online game for the first time at Gamescom 2011, which will be held in Cologne, Germany between August 18 and 21.

Sword 2: Revelations Launches with New Features Released


GamersFirst today announced that it has launched Sword 2: Revelations and introduces the world of Granado Espada to three brand new expanded skill systems, a new area for questing and exploration, a new unique playing character and pet to both drive the continually evolving story of Sword 2.

WoW: New Warcraft Fan Art


The Blizzard Fan Art Section has been updated with six new pieces of fan artwork set within the Warcraft universe.

WoW New Novel: Thrall - Twilight of the Aspects Now Available!


Written by New York Times bestselling author Christie Golden, the new novel Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects follows the former War Chief of the Horde as he struggles with the ongoing repercussions of the Cataclysm.

Rift - New Regions Information, Leaked or Released on Purpose?


I know that this are a bunch of good news for the Rift fans who really love Rift and want to see more stuff in the game, I don't know who leaked this pictures at all and if they release them on purpose then why in the hell they want to show something so incomplete.

League of Legends' Next Champion Melee DPS Fighter - Monkey King


The furry fighter Monkey King, the next addition to the ever-growing League of Legends champion roster, is going to dish out some serious pain on the battlefield.

RIFT 1.4 PTS Event Review


Here's a look at the testing that went down on the Public Test Shard for the new cross shard Looking for Dungeon tool, PVP Raid Rifts, and alternate Warfronts.

China's Team Fortress 2 Rip-off Sexes Up 'Meet The Sniper'


Chinese shooter Final Combat, an unsubtle, shameless swipe of two other free-to-play games - Valve's Team Fortress 2 and EA's Battlefield Heroes - has a new playable class it would like to introduce: the Sniper. The sexy, short-skirted, probably-does-not-urinate-in-jars Sniper.

Troy Online to Kick Off Open Beta on August 12


ALT1 Games announced that Troy Online will kick off its open beta on August 12. This is the final beta test for Troy before official launch. The beta lasts for about a week will release most of the game's content.

C9 to Add Unmatched Skills and 2 New Classes


Korea-based Webzen's adults-only ARPG C9, which was the biggest winner at Korea Game Awards 2009 and was heatedly discussed in China and Japan recently, has made public its plan for the latter half of this year.

What Type of Boss would You Like or Not Like to See?


For me, I prefer a boss that has various skills, some aoe skills and he can make all skills useless for the entirety of him for several seconds, you cant get rid of its range during the battle.

See the Incredible Enviroment and Character Details of PlanetSide 2


Now 2 new screenshots just released by PlanetSide 2 (CN) publisher The9, check it out and don't forget to enlarge the images to see every detail of them.

Special Force 2 (KR) to Launch Pre-OBT on July 28


Special Force 2, sequel to the hot FPS Special Force, is going to perform its pre-OBT in South Korea from July 28 to 31, Players aged above 15 will be welcome to join the pre-OBT, and the character IDs created by players in the test will be kept valid in the future official OBT. The official has also released a latest video regarding the "Snatch" quest, in an attempt to get players acquainted with the game features ahead of time.

WOW: Ragnaros 25-man Heroic is DEAD!


Paragon has got the FD in the Fireland.Let's see the word in their official website. Ragnaros: Too soon!Or was it? No, not really. Not if you ask us.

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