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Flameseeker Chronicles: This might just work!

Posted: 04 Jul 2011 10:00 AM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, PvE, Opinion, Guild Wars 2, Flameseeker Chronicles

OK, it's confession time. I hated the idea of 5-man dungeons in Guild Wars 2. Well, "hated" may have been too strong a word, but since I'm MMO gamer whose fun largely centers around playing with my friends and guildmates, the thought of being forced to only play with four of them was sort of a turn-off.

My mind has been changed, so let's cut right to the chase. Follow along after the jump and I'll tell you why!

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MassivelyFlameseeker Chronicles: This might just work! originally appeared on Massively on Mon, 04 Jul 2011 12:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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MV Guide: July 4-10, 2011

Posted: 04 Jul 2011 08:00 AM PDT

Filed under: Massively meta, Livestream, Miscellaneous, MV Guide

MV Guide is a weekly rundown of the MMO gaming events planned on Massively's Livestream channel.

Every week, the Massively staff logs in to play various MMOs live and in person, and we'd love for you to drop by the channel and visit. We have a combination of regular weekly games and new surprises, so you'll find a variety of games to take a look at. During Livestream events, you can participate in the live chat to learn about the game, ask questions, and spend some time with Massively staff and readers. (Of course, Livestream events are subject to the whims of outside forces like server-side gremlins once in a while.)

Follow along after the jump to see what's scheduled for this week!

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MassivelyMV Guide: July 4-10, 2011 originally appeared on Massively on Mon, 04 Jul 2011 10:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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The Daily Grind: What was your longest single play session?

Posted: 04 Jul 2011 06:00 AM PDT

Filed under: Culture, Opinion, The Daily Grind, Humor, Miscellaneous

You probably heard tell of the Final Fantasy XI boss fight that would not end, but most of us don't have stories quite like that. We still have our marathon sessions, though, times when we log in and then find ourselves 12 hours later seriously contemplating calling out sick from work. Marathon sessions are one of those things that nearly every gamer deals with sooner or later, and while you might not understand the motivation if you don't play, anyone who knows MMOs will know the thrill of logging in and just going.

Sometimes they're sessions in which the stars align perfectly and you just seem to be getting good drops left and right. Sometimes the session is just a great party that's steamrolling difficult content. And sometimes the session is a real match of wits, you against the game, and you are determined to keep hammering at it until it gives you what you want. So what was your longest marathon session like? What got you into it, and what was the most memorable part?

Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

MassivelyThe Daily Grind: What was your longest single play session? originally appeared on Massively on Mon, 04 Jul 2011 08:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Week in Review: Unchained

Posted: 03 Jul 2011 06:00 PM PDT

Filed under: Massively meta, Week in Review, Miscellaneous

At the end of every week, we round up the best and most popular news stories, exclusive features, and insightful columns published on Massively and then present them all in one convenient place. Miss a big MMO or WoW Insider story last week? You've come to the right post.

We knew Age of Conan's free-to-play conversion was coming; we just didn't know when. This week, Funcom saw fit to surprise everyone by pulling down the servers and launching AoC: Unchained. The short notice even took our veteran AoC expert by surprise, but fortunately, he works (and plays) well without sleep. AoC: Unchained delivers more than just a free-to-play option for players; it also includes a new cosmetic system, new dungeons, and casual-friendly gameplay tweaks.

Join us past the break for a glimpse into this week's other top MMO stories!

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MassivelyWeek in Review: Unchained originally appeared on Massively on Sun, 03 Jul 2011 20:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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EVE Evolved: EVE's Alliance Tournament IX

Posted: 03 Jul 2011 04:00 PM PDT

Filed under: Sci-fi, Video, EVE Online, Culture, Events, in-game, Guilds, PvP, Endgame, EVE Evolved

With all the recent controversy in EVE Online, the annual Alliance Tournament was all too quickly forgotten. CCP did its usual fantastic job with the tournament coverage this year, with live video streams of the two qualifying weekends and a live EVE TV studio show for the finals. For those of us who missed the action, all of the match videos have now been uploaded to the CCP Games YouTube channel in HD. As we take a step back from recent events to digest CCP and the CSM's statements, now is the perfect chance to catch up on some of the year's awesome PvP tournament action.

This year's tournament winners walked away with a first place prize of 120 billion ISK and 50 blueprint runs for a unique Amarr heavy assault cruiser called the Vangel. The second place prize of 50 billion ISK was also accompanied by 50 blueprint runs for a unique Amarr assault ship called the Malice. Both ships are significantly better than their standard counterparts, but with only 50 ever to be introduced in the game, they're sure to become priceless collector's items. The third and fourth place winners received 20 billion ISK each as a consolation prize for coming so far in EVE's number one PvP tournament.

In this week's EVE Evolved, I look at the meta-game surrounding the tournament and collect together links to videos and commentary on all the main matches in Alliance Tournament IX.

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MassivelyEVE Evolved: EVE's Alliance Tournament IX originally appeared on Massively on Sun, 03 Jul 2011 18:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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One Shots: I want it all

Posted: 03 Jul 2011 02:00 PM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, Galleries, Screenshots, Guild Wars, One Shots

What's better than some great gear? Lots of great gear, of course! In today's One Shots submission, Massively reader Superjudge is working hard to scoop up as many shinies as possible in Guild Wars:
St. Superjudge is a Ranger after the Tyrian fashion. He is currently wearing a set of Primeval Armor paired with the cowl from the Rainment of the Lich 2010 Halloween costume, all dyed black. He is wielding a Sundering Oppressor Scythe of Fortitude.

I had been experimenting with Ranger/Dervish builds and found this to be the perfect visage of death to go along with it. In the background from left to right are the Elite Canthan, Norn, Primeval (obviously), and Monument Armor sets. I'm hoping to add a Vabbian set to the mix as well before
Guild Wars 2. That cuddly little fella all the way to the right is St. Superjudge's pet Dire Black Moa Bird, Werechicken.
This wraps up gear week, and we are all set for pet week! Large or small, deadly or purely decorative, we want to see your favorite pet companion. Just let us know your name and the name of the game and tell us a little about your pet and how you acquired it! Send it all to to oneshots@massively.com and we'll feature you and your pet on One Shots next week!

MassivelyOne Shots: I want it all originally appeared on Massively on Sun, 03 Jul 2011 16:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Rise and Shiny recap: Order and Chaos Online

Posted: 03 Jul 2011 12:00 PM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, Screenshots, Video, Previews, Opinion, Mobile, Hands-on, Humor, Massively Hands-on, Rise and Shiny

I'd like to start this article off by giving Gameloft, publisher of Order and Chaos Online, a lot of respect. Tons of respect. Oodles of respect. It seems to be a company that gets an idea (or borrows one) and just does it. While so many people are talking about designing and creating for the mobile gaming world, Gameloft has busily cranked out scores of high-quality titles. Yes, many of those titles bear remarkable resemblance to other non-mobile titles, but let's be really honest here: Modern MMO design is not really chock-full of original ideas. In fact, the lack of of daring design is what drove me to the indie and mobile markets. Both of those markets are new enough, or small enough, that they take chances.

Gameloft's games generally work, as well. Its shooters might be slightly on rails, and its RPGs might be pretty linear, but all of its attempts at hitting the mark add up to a lot of profit and a lot of successful shots. The company has more good games than bad. Anyway, if the major publishers aren't going to take the time to make a decent mobile port or morph of their best titles, Gameloft has shown that it is more than willing to. I generally like that.

Not surprisingly, the company did a fantastic job of making a portable, enjoyable World of Warcraft with Order and Chaos Online. Click past the cut and I'll tell you what I thought about it.

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MassivelyRise and Shiny recap: Order and Chaos Online originally appeared on Massively on Sun, 03 Jul 2011 14:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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