MMO Updates |
- Black Prophecy releases first content update, launches tomorrow in NA
- Massively Exclusive: RIFT - Drowning in Snow, Chapter II
- The Game Archaeologist and the What Ifs: Climax's Warhammer Online
- The Soapbox: Decent challenge
- The Daily Grind: Does a class' popularity influence your desire to play it?
- RIFT's offers limited-time subscription discounts
- Battle of the Immortals Titan update coming this Wednesday
- Final Fantasy XIV previews the newest instanced dungeon
- Check out the Luvinia Online closed beta with our key giveaway!
- Lost Pages of Taborea: Comparing EVE's PLEX and PvP to RoM's
- Flameseeker Chronicles: Who wants to go kill some afflicted?
- One Shots: Welcome to character week!
- Wings Over Atreia: Class builds -- Cleric
- Not So Massively Extra: Our impressions of Rise of Immortals
- Dawn of Fantasy reveals Online Kingdom mode
- Not So Massively: Dota 2 is going to be freaking awesome
Black Prophecy releases first content update, launches tomorrow in NA Posted: 12 Jul 2011 10:00 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, Trailers, Video, Launches, Patches, Free-to-play, Black Prophecy It's a big week for Black Prophecy, as Reakktor Media's starchild both lights the fires of a North American launch and kicks the tires of its first content update.While Black Prophecy has been released in Europe for some time now, tomorrow will see the official start of the North American servers. So if you've been itching for free interstellar combat in the region, then you've got less than 24 hours to go! Along with the NA launch is the release of Episode 1: Inferno in Tulima. This sizable update is adding a new mission hub, a new sector set, additional stories, ship specials, an email system, and the ability to reset player skills. You can read the full patch notes for Episode 1 over on the Black Prophecy forums, and then hit the jump to check out the exciting trailer! Continue reading Black Prophecy releases first content update, launches tomorrow in NA
Massively Exclusive: RIFT - Drowning in Snow, Chapter II Posted: 12 Jul 2011 09:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Lore, MMO industry, RIFT Last April, Massively brought you the first part of an exclusive RIFT lore reveal called Drowning in Snow. The story introduced Kira Thanos and Uriel Chuluun, a pair of Defiant agents about to embark on an important mission given to them by the Faceless Man.Today we bring you the story's second installment which finds our heroes riding deep into the snowbound wilderness near Iron Pine Peak. Chapter two boasts quite a bit more action than its predecessor, and our protagonists must contend with a water rift and the havoc it inevitably brings (including a monstrous crab-like creature intent on making a meal out of Uriel). Turn the page for the very latest in RIFT lore. Continue reading Massively Exclusive: RIFT - Drowning in Snow, Chapter II
The Game Archaeologist and the What Ifs: Climax's Warhammer Online Posted: 12 Jul 2011 08:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Game mechanics, Warhammer Online, The Game Archaeologist Let's begin with a little personal history. Back in 2008, I decided to get into the blogging scene by jumping on board the latest MMO hotness -- in this case, Warhammer Online. As I was growing increasingly tired of World of Warcraft, WAR seemed to offer a refreshing alternative: a darker world full of brutal PvP and awesome new ideas. So I joined the elite ranks of bloggers (hey, stop laughing so hard) and spent the better part of two years jawing about Mythic's latest fantasy project.And while Warhammer Online was, in my opinion, a solid product, it certainly failed to live up to the extremely high expectations held by both the development team and the players. No matter how it turned out, I really enjoyed talking about WAR, especially in the days leading up to its launch. One of the first articles I ever wrote for my blog WAAAGH! dealt with the first attempt to bring Warhammer Online into the MMO genre (as a fun aside, it was one of the first times I got my name on Massively!). It's a "what if?" tale that's tantalizing to consider -- an entirely different studio, Climax Online, creating a much darker version of Warhammer than we've ever seen online. The tale of the game's rise and fall (and subsequent rise and fall again) captivated me, and I wanted to expand my old article as part of our recent series into exploring MMOs canceled before their launch. So what if Climax had brought Warhammer Online to bear? Would it have eclipsed Mythic's vision or been its own animal? Hit the jump and let's dive into the pages of ancient history! Continue reading The Game Archaeologist and the What Ifs: Climax's Warhammer Online
Posted: 12 Jul 2011 07:00 AM PDT Filed under: Game mechanics, Endgame, Opinion, The Soapbox, Miscellaneous Disclaimer: The Soapbox column is entirely the opinion of this week's writer and does not necessarily reflect the views of Massively as a whole. If you're afraid of opinions other than your own, you might want to skip this column.The ancestors of modern humans had a lot to contend with, but I'm willing to bet that the seeds of MMO gamers existed even in those days. There had to have been at least one person who looked at a wooly mammoth, a titantic mass of tree-trunk limbs and tusks and fur, and announced "I bet you get great loot for killing that thing!" And as it turned out, he was right, assuming "great loot" means "meat for food and fur for clothing." I'm exaggerating, naturally; everyone knows that ancient humanity spoke Norwegian, not English, and it's a well-known fact that the term "loot" was first coined in the Canterbury Tales along with "spawn camper." But that need for a challenge is still there, the central idea that in order to get something really awesome you have to overcome a big obstacle. Which is why challenge is such a thorny issue for MMOs and always has been, because one person's challenge is another person's irritation. Continue reading The Soapbox: Decent challenge
The Daily Grind: Does a class' popularity influence your desire to play it? Posted: 12 Jul 2011 06:00 AM PDT Filed under: Classes, Culture, Opinion, The Daily Grind, Miscellaneous There are a few constants that dog my adventures into every MMO. I will play a female character even though I am a man, I will go nuts over pet classes if they are available, I will probably create a legion of alts before ever hitting the level cap, and I will wear stylish hats even if the stats aren't the greatest. But above all of that, the biggest constant in my playing career is that I almost always refuse to pick MMO classes that are extremely popular.I think it's because I -- like probably most of you -- like to feel unique in games, even though it's usually difficult to achieve. Choosing a class that's in the minority helps with that feeling, and conversely, going with the FOTM or whatever the kids are calling it these days makes me feel like I've got my unique snowflake status revoked. So is this insane? Do you allow class popularity to influence your desire to play it, or do you just go with whatever sounds like the most fun?
RIFT's offers limited-time subscription discounts Posted: 11 Jul 2011 08:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Business models, RIFT, Promotions Getting into the RIFT groove and certain you'll be sticking it out for a while to come? Then there's a way you could be saving some money as well by signing up for one of Trion Worlds' new subscription plans during the "Summer of Savings" period that began this month.By committing to three, six or 12-month subscriptions, players can enjoy RIFT for a substantially lower monthly cost than the standard $14.99 fee. The three-month option comes out to be $12.29 per month, the six-month is $10.29, and the annual option is $8.99. It's interesting to note that these prices are close to those set by Trion for pre-order founders. A player using founder's pricing can pay $59.94 for a six-month subscription while a Summer of Savings customer will shell out $61.74 for the same service. As with founder's pricing, players can lock in these discounted rates -- as long as they stay subscribed to the game. The small print informs us that if a promotional subscriber discontinues service and then re-ups later on, he or she will have to revert to standard pricing.
Battle of the Immortals Titan update coming this Wednesday Posted: 11 Jul 2011 07:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Game mechanics, MMO industry, Patches, News items, Free-to-play, Battle of the Immortals Are you excited for Titan? No, not that one, we're talking about the new content update coming this week to Battle of the Immortals. That's right, Perfect World Entertainment has graced us with a release date to go along with the dev blogs we've been featuring over the past couple of weeks.The patch will hit the live servers on Wednesday, July 13th, and in case your anticipation isn't quite where it should be, PWE has just released a new Titan trailer to further whet your appetite. The one-minute clip is packed with in-game footage that includes glimpses of the new instances as well as some spiffy shots of the soul gear that's coming soon to every class. You'll also see some boss fights, including a brief look at the god-king Kronos. Sound good? Well, what are you waiting for? Check out the clip after the cut! Continue reading Battle of the Immortals Titan update coming this Wednesday
Final Fantasy XIV previews the newest instanced dungeon Posted: 11 Jul 2011 06:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Lore, Patches, Previews, Endgame, News items, Consoles, Final Fantasy XIV With a confirmed date finally in place for Final Fantasy XIV's patch 1.18, players are eagerly anticipating both the new content and the new changes to systems. The past several days have seen previews for system updates, but today players are being treated to a sneak peek at one of the new dungeons, including a short video detailing an excursion into the Dzemael Darkhold. And while the preview does feature a rather notable adversary at the end, it's hardly the only interesting element on display.As with the earlier preview, the dungeon is hinted to have both Imperial forces and more primal ones working in concert to make the twisting passages more dangerous for adventurers. The Darkhold is the higher-level of the two dungeons, aimed at parties of eight at rank 40 and up. Final Fantasy XIV players should glance at the lore-filled preview as well as the video teaser, embedded just past the cut. Continue reading Final Fantasy XIV previews the newest instanced dungeon
Check out the Luvinia Online closed beta with our key giveaway! Posted: 11 Jul 2011 05:00 PM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Contests, Free-to-play, Giveaways Luvinia Online entered closed beta last Friday and things are progressing nicely. Outspark is offering all sorts of incentives and events for testers, so if you're interested in joining the fun, we've got you covered!Outspark has shared 1,000 beta keys with us, so head to our giveaway page to claim one for yourself. Then Log in to your Outspark account, or click on the "Sign Up" button on the right side of the top toolbar to create a new account. Enter your beta key, download the Luvinia client, and you're on your way to monster-killing and bug-hunting! Enjoy the game, and thanks to the Outspark team for providing the keys!
Lost Pages of Taborea: Comparing EVE's PLEX and PvP to RoM's Posted: 11 Jul 2011 04:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Economy, PvP, Opinion, Free-to-play, Runes of Magic, Lost Pages of Taborea I was prepping for a Guild Wars 2 comparison with Runes of Magic, but in light of the current buzz in the air, I'm moving my EVE Online comparison up.A couple of interesting blocks fell into place this week that fit well with a look at how EVE and RoM allow money to circulate through the economies, and how PvP works in conjunction with it. While there's no contest as to which MMO has the more robust economy, there are still similarities that fit the pay-to-progress comment Mr. Simon Ludgate made in a recent Gamasutra article. Swarming around the above topics is the question of how much it costs to stay competitive in RoM, which I've also been working on. What does Gamasutra's article have to do with RoM, how much does it cost to be competitive and how are economies similar in these two MMOs? You can also read my memorandum to all EVE PvPers. Set your jump-point past the break to see. Continue reading Lost Pages of Taborea: Comparing EVE's PLEX and PvP to RoM's
Flameseeker Chronicles: Who wants to go kill some afflicted? Posted: 11 Jul 2011 03:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Guild Wars, Flameseeker Chronicles These winds, they are a changin'.Sorry, sorry. I couldn't resist. Anyway, the first round of Winds of Change content dropped Thursday night, so the Guild Wars community is abuzz with talk of the new content, costumes, and enemies in Cantha. Several members of our guild were sitting around playing the "What do you wanna do? Eh, I dunno, what do you wanna do?" game when Winds of Change arrived, so we were all pretty much free. Six of us bolted for Kaineng Center, partied up, jumped on vent, and took off. We were in for a bit of a surprise. You see, most of us have been playing for a very long time and are pretty comfortable with normal-mode content. We threw in a couple of hero monks, loaded up some standard builds, and off we went. We were treating it like a casual exploration thing, heading out to see what was out there. Whoops. The Live Team has been working overtime, I see. We slunk back to town to lick our wounds and tried again, this time with more (relative) success. So how was it? Follow along after the jump and let's take a look! Continue reading Flameseeker Chronicles: Who wants to go kill some afflicted?
One Shots: Welcome to character week! Posted: 11 Jul 2011 02:00 PM PDT Filed under: Super-hero, Galleries, Screenshots, One Shots, Champions Online As always, Monday kicks off a brand-new theme here on One Shots! We're taking a look at your favorite characters, beginning with reader Teranu:Setsujinneko is the product of excessive dabbling in Champions Online's remarkably robust character creator. She's a flat-chested, gun-toting, naked, furry catgirl - and she's one of the less out-there characters I've made in the game! (Others include a tattooed demon-like little girl with super strength that fights in her skivvies, the "creator" of Setsujinneko who turned herself into a part-wolf anthromorph and fights with a tech-bow, and a magician lady cursed into the form of a bipedal jackal with goat legs and bull horns.)We've taken a look at all of your accessories over the past weeks on One Shots: weapons, armor, mounts, and pets, but now it's time to turn the spotlight on the star of the show. We want to see you -- well, your character. Snap a screenshot of your favorite character in your favorite MMO. Let us know about him or her by sending the screenshot, your name, and some information about the character to, and we'll feature it here on One Shots!
Wings Over Atreia: Class builds -- Cleric Posted: 11 Jul 2011 01:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Aion, Classes, Opinion, Wings Over Atreia, Guides Last week we discussed how personality influences class choice, so after some deep reflection, you have decided that it is time to reveal your true nature and be reborn as a cleric in Aion! Either that, or maybe you just wanted to solo some dungeons to horde all the loot. *cha-ching* Perhaps you already became one to impress that really cute voice in vent who is always looking for a healer. Whatever your reason, the life of servitude is for you. Now what?Welcome to Build-a-Cleric. While some Daevas are content to just play with what they get from drops or quests, a number actually want to outfit their characters the best they can. Even if leveling too quickly to worry about uber gear thanks to mentoring and an easier grind, it is never a bad idea to keep an eye on endgame. And with the plethora of manastones, armor sets, weapons, and stigmas available -- not to mention advice, both solicited and unsolicited -- it can be a daunting task to maximize your potential. So to help you wade through the possibilities, Wings Over Atreia will be exploring each class individually and highlighting popular and effective builds. With any luck, some advance knowledge will help you make informed decisions and avoid the catastrophes of expending all of your energies in obtaining the wrong gear for your needs. Nothing shouts broke like having to re-socket entire sets or enchant new ones! Roll up your sleeves and explore various builds for Aion's Cleric class after the cut. Continue reading Wings Over Atreia: Class builds -- Cleric
Not So Massively Extra: Our impressions of Rise of Immortals Posted: 11 Jul 2011 12:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Game mechanics, New titles, PvP, PvE, Opinion, Free-to-play, Hands-on, Massively Hands-on, Not So Massively Rather than trying to topple the giants of the genre by competing on the same terms, Petroglyph has opted to evolve the DotA model and test less explored areas of the emerging MOBA market. The game adds a greater than expected level of persistence through player levels, a talent system and minor strategic items that remain between games. To help lower the genre's typically high barrier to entry, RoI also features a three-player co-operative PvE mode in which players can test out immortals and gain persistent levels before engaging in competitive play. It's a necessary gamble if Petroglyph hopes to take on the giants of the industry, and one that might very well pay off. In this collaborative hands-on impressions piece, Patrick Mackey, Matthew Daniel and I give our verdict on the current state of the RoI open beta. Continue reading Not So Massively Extra: Our impressions of Rise of Immortals
Dawn of Fantasy reveals Online Kingdom mode Posted: 11 Jul 2011 11:30 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Game mechanics, MMO industry, New titles, News items, MMORTS "You must pursue an epic storyline of betrayal, blood, and resource-management in the aftermath of a mighty war," proclaims the latest press release for Dawn of Fantasy. If that sounds right up your alley, you'll want to check out the MMORTS title from 505 Games as it picks up a head of steam in its ongoing summer beta.505 is highlighting the game's Online Kingdom mode in its latest media blast, and the gameplay features three campaigns, nine starting regions, and persistent PvP, all rolled together in a rather tasty MMO/RTS/RPG sandwich. Even better is the fact that Online Kingdom is just one of the game's modes, and you can read up on a couple of others -- including Stronghold Defense and Kingdom Wars -- via our earlier coverage. When you're finished, head to the official Dawn of Fantasy website to sign up for the beta.
Not So Massively: Dota 2 is going to be freaking awesome Posted: 11 Jul 2011 11:00 AM PDT Filed under: Video, Game mechanics, New titles, PvP, News items, Free-to-play, Not So Massively Welcome to Not So Massively, our weekly roundup of the top news from popular multiplayer online battle arenas (MOBAs) and other multiplayer online games that aren't quite MMOs. Published every Saturday, the column covers games such as League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth, Rise of Immortals, Bloodline Champions, and more. In the last few years, the PC game market has seen a resurgence of competitive and co-operative online games. Some fit neatly into the category of MMO and others are traditional multiplayer match-based games, but the lines between the two have begun to blur. MOBAs and similar online games offer ongoing development a level of persistence that's closer to Guild Wars than Counterstrike, putting them firmly in the gray area we love to talk about in Not So Massively. Last week we brought news of an ongoing legal battle between FireFall developer Red 5 and its publisher Webzen. Both Heroes of Newerth and Bloodline Champions announced details of upcoming sponsored competitive tournaments for players with cash prizes. New details were revealed for League of Legends' female tank champion Leona, Heroes of Newerth's ranged anti-juking hero Emerald Warden and Rise of Immortals ranged damage-dealing immortal Balak. In this week's Not So Massively, we look forward to Dota 2 gameplay being showcased at next month's Gamescom convention and tell you how you could be in with a chance to win one of five Heroes of Newerth account keys worth $30 US. We also finally get to see LoL champion Leona in action this week, and enjoy two helpings of LoL fanart, cosplay and original music in Summoner Showcases 35 and 36. Finally, we find out that the Aida Arenas closed beta has been postponed indefinitely, and we get some hands-on time with the Rise of Immortals open beta. Continue reading Not So Massively: Dota 2 is going to be freaking awesome
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