MMO Updates |
- Realms Online celebrates the 4th of July in style with zombies and unicorns
- Eden Eternal introduces new race and dungeons
- Prime: Battle for Dominus announces classes and abilities
- Age of Conan: Unchained is here, as is F2P and a lot of new content
- The Daily Grind: Which zones are you happy to see destroyed?
- UFO Online wants your slogan on its loading screens
- 38 Studios opens Reckoning/Project Copernicus forums
- How to tame your Guild Wars Dragon Festival
- The MMO Report: Guild Wars 2 edition
- DC Universe Online launches in-game market
- In the beginning: Guild Wars 2 shows off Ascalon Catacombs intro cinematic
- The Guild Counsel: Raid leading 101
- RuneScape announces clan citadels
- Champions Online issues state of the game letter, launches Aftershock Issue 5
- One Shots: Anything worth having is worth a little pain
- The Perfect Ten: Reasons to go back to older MMOs
- Ask Massively: There's no such thing as a Brontosaurus edition
- Captain's Log: Shop till you drop (out of warp)
- Hellgate open beta starts tonight
- Dragonball Online open beta with Tiawanese client
Realms Online celebrates the 4th of July in style with zombies and unicorns Posted: 01 Jul 2011 10:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Events, in-game, Free-to-play, Humor, Promotions The British are coming! The British are coming! And they want to... eat your brains?In perhaps the oddest holiday event we've ever heard of, Realms Online is featuring a Redcoat zombie invasion that starts today. Redcoat zombies are swarming over the warzone, and it's up to you to fight for independence from brain-noshing. Participating in the event will give players the chance to earn special Independence Day costumes until July 15th. Zombie invasions aren't the only things going on during the Dawn of Freedom event -- GMs will be throwing firework shows, banners will be playing the American national anthem, and other fun activities will be available. Realms Online is also selling 4th of July-themed items in its item shop for those with particularly strong patriotic persuasions. And what 4th of July event would be complete without... unicorns? Unicorns? OK, we'll roll with that. GameSamba is going to post a code on the Realms Online Facebook page which will let players use a unicorn for free for a week before it goes on sale in the store.
Eden Eternal introduces new race and dungeons Posted: 01 Jul 2011 09:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Patches, Free-to-play, Races Eden Eternal is quickly becoming known as "that llama game" around Massively -- and we mean that in the fondest possible way. Llamas project coolness the way some game conventioners project body odor; they don't answer to anyone, but if you're solid, they'll give you a lift.While Eden Eternal is still in the open beta period, that doesn't mean Aeria Games is holding content back for the post-launch period. On the contrary, the company has a meaty update planned for early July. The star of the update is the introduction of the playable Zumi race, who are small mousy creatures who like inventing stuff and selling stuff (this game's answer to Gnomes perhaps?). The July update will also include additional high-level dungeons and a neat ranking reward system that hands out prizes to the top players and guilds on each server monthly. There's no word yet if there will be more llamas added to the patch. One can hope... one can hope.
Prime: Battle for Dominus announces classes and abilities Posted: 01 Jul 2011 08:00 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, Classes, New titles, Previews, News items Pitchblack Games has released the first of what it promises to be a series of many "infodumps" regarding its upcoming PvP-focused MMORPG Prime: Battle for Dominus. Today the spotlight is on classes and character progression, which is as good a place to start as any. Each faction will have six classes available to it, making for a total of 18 classes overall.New characters in Prime will begin the game with five basic skills, though they'll gain access to newer and more class-specific abilities as they progress. Each class will ultimately end up with a total of 15 skills. Progression is skill-based, with players earning skillpoints as they level. These skillpoints can be allocated amongst the character's various skills as they so desire (though Pitchblack did point out that it will not be possible to max out every ability with the amount of skillpoints granted, which will force players to prioritize). Another point to note is that Prime will not be permanently tying players to a given build. Pitchblack President Warren Weems says, "We don't think players should be permanently tied to choices they made when they were still learning about the game. We also want people to feel free to experiment." As a result, skillpoints will be "relatively easy" to reallocate if players feel the need for a change of pace. For more information, and for the full class and ability listings, warp on over to the official site!
Age of Conan: Unchained is here, as is F2P and a lot of new content Posted: 01 Jul 2011 07:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Age of Conan, Game mechanics, MMO industry, Patches, News items, Free-to-play Cue the vintage Van Halen (not to mention your Age of Conan launcher), as it's a big day for everyone's favorite barbarian-flavored MMO. Why's that? Well there's the small matter of free-to-play, and oh yeah, 2.6 is the most significant patch since the Rise of the Godslayer expansion in May of 2010.What's the big deal? Well you've got your item shop as well as your free and premium membership tiers. You've also got new appearance tab functionality (or vanity armor, as Funcom's patch notes are fond of calling it). Still want more? How about relaxed difficulty and more frequent rewards on normal-mode six-man Khitai dungeon content, as well a significant price cut on factional armor pieces (epic chest-piece purples are now a mere 16 gold, for example). More still? By Crom, you are one needy barbarian. You're also in luck, as Funcom has added a new queue function to minigame PvP which resurrects the late, great pre-made vs. pre-made option. Oh and before we forget, here are a couple of new level-scaling solo dungeons (The Breach and Forgotten City), the better to see your character from his 40s all the way up to 80 should you desire. Finally, there's a laundry list of combat- and quest-related tweaks, all of which are viewable via the patch notes on the o-boards.
The Daily Grind: Which zones are you happy to see destroyed? Posted: 01 Jul 2011 06:00 AM PDT Filed under: Events, in-game, Opinion, The Daily Grind, Virtual worlds, Miscellaneous When City of Heroes announced that the game's new starting experience will include the wholesale destruction of Galaxy City, there were some players who were sad. There were many more who were happy at the thought of Galaxy City being smashed into rubble and twisted metal, and there were even a few volunteers to help wreck it before the update hits. There are zones that we like in any game, yes, but there are also zones that seemingly nobody enjoys.Fortunately, the nature of MMOs ensures that the zone you hate today could be getting an extensive makeover via demolition tomorrow. So what zones do you think deserve a big dose of a cosmic wrecking ball? Are they zones that have already been destroyed, such as World of Warcraft's long-loathed Darkshore, or zones you just can't wait to see destroyed (such as Galaxy City)? Or are there even zones that show no sign of going anywhere that you'd just like to see wrecked?
UFO Online wants your slogan on its loading screens Posted: 30 Jun 2011 08:00 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, Contests, MMO industry, News items, Free-to-play, Browser Loading screens are a necessary evil for many of our favorite MMORPGs, but as long as they're festooned with some cool concept art and a lore snippet or two, we generally don't complain.If you've ever wanted the opportunity to personalize your loading screen without resorting to third-party hacks, gamigo has a contest you'll want to check out. UFO Online - Fight for Earth is in need of a few good loading screen slogans, and players who come up with the best catch-phrases will find their words immortalized on the the turn-based strategy title's various transition panels (as well as their name in the game's credits). gamigo is looking for "anti-alien slogans," so put on your xenophobic thinking caps and send your best entries to the official contest email address. A final vote will be conducted on the game's Facebook page in short order, so get a move on, soldier!
38 Studios opens Reckoning/Project Copernicus forums Posted: 30 Jun 2011 07:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Culture, MMO industry, New titles, News items Forum lurkers rejoice! There's a brand-new board for you to haunt, and it's kinda sorta related to an upcoming fantasy MMORPG. Curt Schilling's 38 Studios has just published its community portal for Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, and while the title isn't massively (or particularly multiplayer), it is affiliated with 38's secretive Copernicus MMO.When we say affiliated, we mean that the two titles share the same fictional world, so lore junkies will want to bookmark the new boards and set about discussing histories, race lore, and anything else pertaining to the realm of Amalur. There's also the requisite community chat section in case you feel like a bit of the ol' ultraviolence with your fellow Amalurian forumites, so head to the official Reckoning site and register right away!
How to tame your Guild Wars Dragon Festival Posted: 30 Jun 2011 06:30 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Guild Wars, Events, in-game Summertime is usually a quiet period when it comes to MMO festivals; however, Guild Wars likes to use these slower days as an excuse to throw its annual Dragon Festival. The event, which started today in the game, features a number of special quests in Guild Wars' Asian-themed zones.Of course, the biggest attraction of the Dragon Festival is the limited-edition mask that players can earn at the end of the event. Each year features a different mask model, which is highly desirable by Guild Warsians -- and it can only be attained during this weekend. Just follow the sound of players shouting "WHERE IS HAT?" If you haven't sent your characters to the party zone in Factions' Cantha yet, you shouldn't fret as it's a fairly painless process. Those looking for a quick-and-dirty guide to the Dragon Festival would do well to check out our suggestions from last year!
The MMO Report: Guild Wars 2 edition Posted: 30 Jun 2011 06:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Interviews, News items, Guild Wars 2, The MMO Report In today's MMO Report, Casey Schreiner takes his viewers to Bellevue, Washington for a trip to ArenaNet's offices to preview Guild Wars 2. Casey talks to two members of ANet's team: Game Designer Jeff Grubb and Lead Content Designer Colin Johanson. Jeff spends most of his time filling Casey in on the lore of Guild Wars 2, detailing the story that leads to the alliance between the Humans and the Charr and the addition of the other three races of the game. He also discusses how the choices players make will influence their story experience. Colin, on the other hand, is more focused on the gameplay end of things. He talks about how the game's classes will function without the omnipresent holy trinity, explaining that classes can fill various roles, which can be swapped between in combat. Dungeons are another topic covered, and Colin explains the differences between the story mode dungeons (which are more casual, story-driven experiences) and the exploration mode dungeons (which are tailored for more hardcore players seeking a challenge.) For the full, info-packed video (plus an inside look at the swanky ArenaNet offices), click on past the cut! Continue reading The MMO Report: Guild Wars 2 edition
DC Universe Online launches in-game market Posted: 30 Jun 2011 05:30 PM PDT Filed under: Super-hero, Economy, News items, DC Universe Online DC Universe Online is jumping aboard the microtransaction train with an announcement from Sony Online Entertainment stating that the DCUO Marketplace is now live. Right now, the marketplace is fairly barren, with only three items for players to choose from. These items are Proto Repair-Bots, which are exactly what they sound like, as they provide players with the convenient ability to repair on the go. Also included are Vault Tickets, which are sold either in singles or in stacks of five. These tickets allow players extra access to the Vault instance, where they can earn unique rewards. We don't have any other information about what will be available for sale in the future, but keep an eye out and we'll be sure to update you as soon as we know more.
In the beginning: Guild Wars 2 shows off Ascalon Catacombs intro cinematic Posted: 30 Jun 2011 05:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Guild Wars, Previews, Guild Wars 2, Dev Diaries Dungeons without context tend to just blend in with the other 55,000 instances we've run in our MMO careers, so a gripping backstory can make all the difference in how memorable a good dungeon run can be.ArenaNet has released a new introductory cinematic for Guild Wars 2's Ascalon Catacombs that helps bring players -- those both unfamiliar to the Guild Wars lore and heavily steeped in it -- up to speed. A Charr narrates a slice of history from the first game, leading up to how this dungeon was created and why it's so full of teed-off ghosts. In an attached developer blog, Horia Dociu tells us why these cinematics aren't just window dressing but essential to the experience: "These cinematics play at the key moments of the story mode in each of the eight dungeons in Guild Wars 2, setting the mood and delivering valuable info. Stylistically, we're pushing the concept of a visual storybook as a form of communicating to the player -- we want the cinematics to feel like moving paintings." You can watch the full intro to Ascalon Catacombs after the jump! Continue reading In the beginning: Guild Wars 2 shows off Ascalon Catacombs intro cinematic
The Guild Counsel: Raid leading 101 Posted: 30 Jun 2011 04:00 PM PDT Filed under: Guilds, Opinion, Guides, The Guild Counsel It's time to break out the chalkboard and textbooks, as The Guild Counsel begins the subject of raid leading 101. Ironically, the more I think and write about guild management issues, the more I realize how much they really do have in common with my experience in the classroom management. Teaching history to a class of high school students and running an online gaming guild seem like two completely different spheres of responsibility at first glance. But in order to do each well, they actually require similar preparation and a common approach.Read on for a look at how teaching and raid leading resemble each other! Continue reading The Guild Counsel: Raid leading 101
RuneScape announces clan citadels Posted: 30 Jun 2011 03:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Previews, News items, RuneScape, Free-to-play, Browser Jagex made a huge announcement today, one sure to bring beaming smiles to the faces of all RuneScape fans. On July 26th, RuneScape will see a monumental new addition in the form of clan citadels. These fortresses aren't any ordinary castles, though. They're floating castles! That's right, clan citadels will be situated on levitating pieces of earth high above the clouds, providing an undoubtedly breathtaking (and vertigo-inducing) view from the top. Acquiring one of these prestigious strongholds will be no mean feat, however. Clan members will need to work together to gather the considerable resources required to construct their citadel. Progression will be tiered, allowing players to watch as their guild's home grows before their very eyes. The citadels will boast "a huge range of customization options" to ensure that each clan can craft a stronghold that suits its taste. This members-only update will go live on July 26th. Until then, keep an eye out for more news on RuneScape's newest undertaking, and head on over to the official site for the full details.
Champions Online issues state of the game letter, launches Aftershock Issue 5 Posted: 30 Jun 2011 02:30 PM PDT Filed under: Super-hero, Previews, News items, Free-to-play, Champions Online We've got double the Champions Online treats for you folks today, as Cryptic has released the June state of the game letter as well as the next issue in the ongoing Aftershock weekly comic series. We'll start with a quick run-down of the state of the game letter. Hideouts will soon be added to the game, giving heroes a place to call their own. The Telekinesis power set review is almost finished, and players should be on the lookout for a mid-July release. A good deal of new items have been added to the C-Store, and Cryptic has also announced that July's additions to the store will follow a fantasy theme, while August's will focus on sci-fi and technology. There's much more to the letter that we simply don't have room for, so head on over to the official site for the full state of the game announcement. Next we come to Aftershock's Issue 5, titled Dark Tower. In this issue, CO players must infiltrate a tower belonging to the nefarious Kings of Edom in order to save Luther Black and the last remaining UNTIL soldiers from a diabolical fate. It's a battle against time, as our heroes must succeed before the arrival of the Kings of Edom themselves, lest the very fabric of the Qliphothic Realm unravel with them trapped inside. Will our heroes survive? Find out in Aftershock, Issue 5.
One Shots: Anything worth having is worth a little pain Posted: 30 Jun 2011 02:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Galleries, Screenshots, Guild Wars, One Shots Today's One Shots submission comes from Ryan, who picked up some new armor in Guild Wars recently. It took a little more than just running to the nearest armor vendor to acquire it, though:Here's my Guild Wars Necromancer in her Elite Canthan armor set and facial scar pattern. Any experienced GW player can tell you there is but one way to have this armor crafted: You have to go through Shiro to get it! And pay a pretty penny, of course, but it is totally worth it. Oh, and if any of you were wondering, yes, that is a Gorgon head in her left hand!We're approaching the end of gear week, so if you've got some great armor or weapons to show off, send them in soon! We're also preparing for next week, which is pet week on One Shots. Have you got a great pet companion in your MMO of choice? Send it to, tell us a little about what the game is, the pet, and how you acquired it, and we'll feature it here on One Shots!
The Perfect Ten: Reasons to go back to older MMOs Posted: 30 Jun 2011 01:00 PM PDT Filed under: Guild Wars, Lord of the Rings Online, Star Wars Galaxies, Humor, Perfect Ten, Miscellaneous When one MMO dies, it forces us to look at the rest of the bunch through the sunglasses of mortality. Games we didn't think twice about last week suddenly gain new relevance as we try to imagine a post-apocalyptic world where they cease to exist. I've always thought that our hobby is built on a shared illusion, one by which we all just pretend that these games will go on indefinitely, but that's not really the case.As I try to pull us out of the tailspin depression of the previous paragraph, let me say that the finite nature of MMO lifespans shouldn't deter us from getting involved in them; on the contrary, it should make what they do and what they are that much more precious to us -- precious like a little show dog that we pet obsessively or an all-powerful ring forged in the fires of Mount Doom and given to completely clueless gardeners for safekeeping. In fact, I think this is the perfect time -- summertime -- to give older MMOs a try, and I'm willing to argue that while wearing my best white suspenders and southern drawl. If it please the gentlemen and ladies of the court, here are 10 reasons why we should go back to the MMOs of yore. Continue reading The Perfect Ten: Reasons to go back to older MMOs
Ask Massively: There's no such thing as a Brontosaurus edition Posted: 30 Jun 2011 12:00 PM PDT Filed under: Business models, Launches, Opinion, Ask Massively, Miscellaneous Here's the problem -- pop culture has latched onto the Brontosaurus as a species of dinosaur, when the sample originally identified as such has since been acknowledged as a different subspecies within the Apatosaurus genus. It's telling that my spellchecker recognizes the former as a word but doesn't recognize the latter, which is the actual correct name for this type of dinosaur. So if you see an enormous herbivore with a long neck, a whiplike tail, and a slow lumbering gait, don't misidentify! Make sure to inform all fleeing passersby that that dinosaur is an Apatosaurus, not a Brontosaurus.Assuming that you aren't encountering massive phantom dinosaurs storming through the street of your home town, you'll have no problem moving past our discussion on the taxonomy of extinct lizards and onto this week's installment of Ask Massively. This time, we're tackling a whole lot of insanity revolving around starships, and if you paid the slightest attention to what was going on last week, you can probably guess the games under discussion. As always, if you'd like to see your question in a future installment of the column, mail it along to or leave it in the comments. Continue reading Ask Massively: There's no such thing as a Brontosaurus edition
Captain's Log: Shop till you drop (out of warp) Posted: 30 Jun 2011 11:30 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, Opinion, Star Trek Online, Captain's Log Captain's Log, Stardate 64997.8... Hello, computer (and players)! Over the past couple of weeks, there has been much heated debate about microtransactions within MMOs. Whether those microtransactions involve an accessory for your character, additional character slots, or a new mount, players have mixed emotions on spending real money to obtain such items. No matter what your position is on the topic, one thing for certain is that microtransactions are not going to disappear. In fact, they seem to be the future when it comes to how most studios will be delivering exclusive content and items. Star Trek Online is no stranger to such transactions -- the infamous Cryptic Store (C-Store) is full of items priced from just a dollar all the way up to $25. If you are new to the game or have never made a purchase before, at first glance, you may be wondering what you should buy. While some items are simply there as cosmetic enhancements, some will actually help in your battle against your favorite enemy. To help shed some light on your choices, this week's Captain Log is going to explore the top 10 must-have C-Store items that every STO player should not leave spacedock without. Ensign, warp 10! It's time to go on a virtual spending spree... Continue reading Captain's Log: Shop till you drop (out of warp)
Hellgate open beta starts tonight Posted: 30 Jun 2011 11:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Horror, MMO industry, New titles, News items, Hellgate: London, Free-to-play Free-to-play fans are looking at a long weekend filled with new fantasy titles thanks to today's big announcements. If Age of Conan: Unchained isn't your style, perhaps Hellgate Global is. You can find out for sure tonight at 7:30 p.m. EDT as T3 Entertainment takes the wraps off Hellgate's open beta.The public testing phase will feature four celebratory events: Guild Reservoir, Daily Supplies, To Level in Hell, and Level and Be Rewarded, each of which will grant "valuable prizes" to top players. The open beta also boasts new game modes including PvP duel arenas and the zombie-infested Cow Room. As an added incentive to check things out, T3's press release mentions a "special prize" in store for everyone who logs in today.
Dragonball Online open beta with Tiawanese client Posted: 30 Jun 2011 10:30 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, MMO industry, New titles, News items Heads up, Dragonball manga fans. Dragonball Online is now in open beta, and if you're willing to fiddle a bit with your PC gaming rig (or you're fluent in Mandarin), you can check out the game's Taiwanese client.Fansite Dbocom is providing an English translation patch for the game's UI (though you'll still be at the mercy of your Mandarin skills when it comes to NPC names, quest descriptions, and the like). Dragonball Online, which is being developed by NetMarble, takes place 216 years after the conclusion of the Dragonball manga series. Player characters are responsible for repairing various "cracks in time" while playing through a game under the creative control of original Dragonball artist Akira Toriyama. [Thanks to Scott for the tip!]
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