Runescape: First Expansion, Lost City of the Elves, Released

Posted: 11 Aug 2014 08:10 AM PDT

First Expansion, Lost City of the Elves, Released

Jagex has announced the name of the first expansion for RuneScape. Called "Lost City of the Elves", the expansion brings a new campaign, new mini-games, new weaponry, and a whole new area for high level players. Available now in game, players can take on more of the Elf's Quest campaign started twelve years ago.

General: Four MMOs That Died Pre-Launch

Posted: 09 Aug 2014 07:03 PM PDT

Four MMOs That Died Pre-Launch

Over the past couple of decades, quite a number of MMOG projects have suffered the rather ignominious fate of being canceled during development. It's difficult if not impossible to say which ones didn't deserve to make it to launch. That said, here are four, listed alphabetically, that particularly interested me. I wish they had been able to overcome the issues that led to their respective early demises.

MMOGaming News

MMOGaming News

Wolfknights: Development Process and Last Test Details


Wolfknights: Development Process and Last Test Details

Since Wolfknights made its debut in last year, Wolfknights has been regarded as similar as quite many types of 3D MOBA games in Korea, which arouses envy in western players' hearts. The game is still undergone a series of development by IMC Games. A few days earlier the development team has revealed an interview

Order and Chaos Online Became Free Permanently


Order and Chaos Online Became Free Permanently

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There's so much to see in Archeage


There's so much to see in Archeage

ArcheAge combines the best of all good MMORPG. One can at any time do get together with friends and operate PVP and any anywhere. Players can build their own homes and to produce furniture or tools / buy. Groups are formed with other players, villages and ships are built and new worlds to be discovered in the vast expanses of the ocean! Guilds can build their own castles

Mayday Emergency Landing Now Features 104 Different Missions


Mayday Emergency Landing Now Features 104 Different Missions

The one thing that sort of stinks about the App Store is because of the sheer quantity of things that get released, it's very easy to forget about cool games that launched without a whole load of content. Especially if you've got a smaller device, or a device packed with games you love, once you beat a game, it's not abnormal to delete it and move on.

WoW: Leveling Experience Changes in Draenor


WoW: Leveling Experience Changes in Draenor

In Warlords of Draenor, all of the stats have been squished and experience gain was no exception. Blizzard got rid of high numbers and values and lowered them instead. The latest beta build, increased the XP required to hit a certain level by 30%, for each level from 89 up to 99. At level 90, a quest yields approximately 15,000 experience while mob kills earn you 500 XP.

MMO Show Episode 35 "Week 8/10/2014" PVP In MMO


MMO Show Episode 35

I just wanted to shed a little light on these games. Majority if not all of them are very good solid games. And I want to also ask yourself. As an MMO gamer what do you really want? Because I think a lot of gamers don't really know. Some gamers ask say they want sandbox pvp.

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Top Five Android Shooting Games 2014

When you watch The Walking Dead, do you feel scared and wanna grab a gun to eliminate the zombies immediately? I guess so, and you'll instinctively fight with them. Shooter, featuring easy operation, interesting gameplay and exciting shooting, is able to meet your needs. But some types of shooters are of over exaggerated bloodiness and violence

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