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General gaming

Closure Review: A Brilliant Light in the World of Puzzlers

Posted: 02 Apr 2012 06:04 PM PDT

Anyone who appreciates the loneliness and isolation in games like Super Metroid and Limbo will fall immediately in love with Closure. Winner of the DICE 2012 Indie Game Challenge, Closure is a puzzle-platformer for PSN that taps into man's primordial fear of the dark in ways which few games has ever quite understood. One of the very first things you're likely to do in the game is walk just beyond a light source and immediately fall to your doom. You see, the world of Closure is sprinkled with light sources that not only illuminate the world, but actually bring it into existence. Step outside the beam of a spotlight or glow of a light bulb, and you'll find yourself tumbling down into a void of nothingness.

While black space in Limbo was used primarily to advance the mood and atmosphere, Closure takes the actual concept of darkness and weaves it into the game's mechanics. This creates an experience where the tone of the game is symbiotic with how it actually plays. In the early levels, you only need to pick up a light bulb and carry it across the level to the exit door. Simple enough, right? Well, like all of the best puzzle games, Closure reveals its intricacies slowly and intuitively throughout the experience. You'll soon find doors that need to be unlocked using a key, so your goal becomes finding that item in the darkness, then making sure that you bring it back to the door without losing it in a nebulous void. As the game advances you'll have to make flowers bloom using spotlights, create gaps in walls using darkness, and collect moths that show themselves only when illuminated.

Do As We Say, Not As We Toon

Posted: 02 Apr 2012 01:18 PM PDT



Do As We Say, Not As We Toon

The misguided morality within some of your favorite Saturday morning video game cartoons.

By: Nadia Oxford April 2, 2012

If you played video games in the '80s and early '90s, then you probably watched the tie-in cartoons that were broadcast at around the same time, God help you. At first glance, the marriage of video game heroes and Saturday morning still sounds like an idea that should, by all rights, completely rock. Alas, the reality stank. Those early video game cartoons weren't just bad: some of them were arguably a bad influence.

It's almost heartbreaking to watch the likes of Super Mario World, Mega Man, or Double Dragon as an adult, because you can still smell the cartoons' wrecked potential. With a little effort, the storyboarders could have expanded on Mario's universe, or given Billy Lee a multi-episode quest to rescue Marian. Unfortunately, the cartoons' production companies weren't interested in making anything except an animated game commercial that would hold fast to kids' attention spans for half an hour, preferably without offending their parents. And in order to yark up the cartoons as cheaply and as quickly as possible, the show's writers typically built an episode around ten-cent morals that would make a fortune cookie manufacturer blush and turn away.

Let's Talk About Fortnite

Posted: 02 Apr 2012 11:17 AM PDT

When a new game gets announced, it?s fun to pretend that it will be everything you ever wanted. It is especially easy to have wonderful hopes and dreams when the details are very sparse. The game I'd like to discuss today that we know very little about is Epic Games' new title, Fortnite. The game was announced at the VGAs back in December, and we still have very little information on the mechanics, its platform, or the release window. Take a look at the teaser trailer below, then you'll know everything that I know.

Journey: Seeking the Light

Posted: 02 Apr 2012 10:37 AM PDT

This essay was republished with permission, and you can find more of Michael's work at Brainy Gamer.

You'll be on your way up! 
You'll be seeing great sights! 
You'll join the high fliers 
Who soar to high heights. 
-Dr. Seuss



Line of Defense: New Screens Released

Posted: 03 Apr 2012 08:20 AM PDT

New Screens Released

3000 AD has released several new screens from its upcoming MMO "Line of Defense". The screens feature several environment shots as well as a couple that show off some of the in-game weaponry. Check them all out in our Line of Defense gallery.

Guild Wars 2: The Black Citadel Video Preview

Posted: 02 Apr 2012 09:52 AM PDT

The Black Citadel Video Preview

Home of the Charr, the Black Citadel sits in a blackened plain surrounded by destruction. Check out our video tour of the Guild Wars 2 Charr capitol city, The Black Citadel.

EVE Online: The End of The Mittani Era

Posted: 02 Apr 2012 09:41 AM PDT

The End of The Mittani Era

Last week, all hell broke loose in the EVE Online community with the revelation of what some called "bullying" by The Mittani, a legend in the EVE Online world. In our latest One Jump Home column, we offer the unique perspective about the issue. Read on and then share your thoughts in the comments.

The Secret World: Pre-Orders & Beta Weekends

Posted: 03 Apr 2012 06:36 AM PDT

Pre-Orders & Beta Weekends

The Secret World is now available for pre-orders according to an announcement on the official site. In addition, Funcom has announced that those who pre-order TSW will automatically be granted beta access to the game that is slated to begin on May 11th.

Spirit Tales: Exclusive Interview

Posted: 02 Apr 2012 09:30 AM PDT

Exclusive Interview

Spirit Tales is ready to be unleashed on the world. We recently had the chance to catch up with the Spirit Tales community manager, Elliott C. to ask him a few things about the game. Keep reading!

World of Warcraft: Megablox Summer Releases Detailed

Posted: 02 Apr 2012 10:53 AM PDT

Megablox Summer Releases Detailed

Blizzard Entertainment and Megablox have revealed the 2012 summer releases that include dragons, vehicles and more. The World of Warcraft blog is packed with images and information about the summer releases.

Eternal Blade: GDC 2012 Preview

Posted: 31 Mar 2012 05:10 PM PDT

GDC 2012 Preview

gPotato is ready to unleash the latest addition to its stable of free to play MMOs with the launch of the dungeon crawler, Eternal Blade, later in 2012. We had a chance to chat with the Eternal Blade team at GDC and have the full report. Read on!

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria: Uncanny Valley or Paradise?

Posted: 01 Apr 2012 07:22 AM PDT

Uncanny Valley or Paradise?

In our latest WoW Factor, we take a look at the upcoming Mists of Pandaria expansion to World of Warcraft and its art direction. Does it stand up to the rest of the game graphically? Well, you be the judge after you read The WoW Factor.

MMOGaming News

MMOGaming News

Combat-based MMORPG Seven Souls Online Officially Launches Today


Combat-based MMORPG Seven Souls Online Officially Launches Today

The fantasy world of Akkadia is now available to all players, as NEOWIZ GAMES invites everyone to take on the combat-rich challenges in its intense, combat-based MMORPG Seven Souls Online. The sci-fi fantasy adventure officially launches today with the addition of a cash shop.

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