General gaming

General gaming

Can Etrian Odyssey IV Bring Hardcore RPGs to the Masses?

Posted: 23 Feb 2012 02:25 PM PST

Of all the Nintendo-related news to tumble out of Japan this week, I'm most excited about Etrian Odyssey IV, the 3DS debut of Atlus' map-drawing, F.O.E.-fighting, soul-crushing RPG series. While we've only seen a few details of the game, what little the company has revealed (both through a Weekly Famitsu spread and a short video trailer at Japan's Nintendo Direct press conference) indicates this entry has the potential to bring a cult-favorite series to a wider audience than ever before.

For starters, it's a much more modern-looking game this time around. Sure, it's still a first-person dungeon-crawler, and as ever it looks to be patterned after early '80s RPGs like Wizardry and The Bard's Tale -- not exactly the sort of thing that's likely to blow past Dance Central and Modern Warfare on the NPD charts. But the game looks considerably more immersive on 3DS, and not only because it includes 3D effects. The static sprites that represented monsters in the DS iterations are now animated polygonal beasts that stalk players through the dungeon exploration mode -- no more abstract balls of color to represent its roaming F.O.E. super-bosses. The bottom screen remains a do-it-yourself mapping sheet with which players chart their own progress, but the action on the upper screen is much more dynamic and lively than in previous chapters.

OP-ED: BioWare Doesn't Deserve Such Hate For Mass Effect 3's Day One DLC

Posted: 23 Feb 2012 02:21 PM PST

Mass Effect 3

Thanks to a mistake on the Xbox Live Marketplace earlier this week, a piece of Mass Effect 3 downloadable content was revealed sooner than it was meant to be. As it turns out, the From Ashes DLC is scheduled to be released alongside the game on March 6. This both means Jeremy's idea of a tuxedo T-shirt for Jack can't be the first DLC item and that a boycott is already being arranged by infuriated gamers who don't like the idea of having to pay for this particular content on the day the game comes out.

Note: If you'd like to avoid any and all spoilers related to ME3, you'd be wise to not read on as the nature of the DLC is part of the reason why series fans are so upset.

The Video Game Fashion Revue

Posted: 23 Feb 2012 07:22 AM PST



The Video Game Fashion Revue

We analyze the best and worst of video game fashion... well, mostly the worst.

By: Jeremy Parish and Tina Palacios February 23, 2012

As the coolest and most fashionable people in the 1UP/IGN offices*, Jeremy Parish and Tina Palacios are totally qualified** to commenting on the stylistic sensibilities of video game characters. Which looks work, and which should be sent back to the sewing machine? Our in-house style mavens take to the runway to offer their takes on the looks that dominate the video game industry. It's not all just hoodies and jeans, but is it good? We weigh in.

* This may be a lie.
** Also a possible lie.

MMOGaming News

MMOGaming News

F2: Floating Fortress (KR) - Debut Trailer


F2: Floating Fortress (KR) - Debut Trailer

As the supposed sequel to the global sensation, Fly For Fun (FlyFF), F2 came as a surprise to everyone earlier this month. The parent company of gPotato, GalaNet, decided to reveal the title without the usual stunt of weeks of teasing.

Something Important But You Maybe Ignore in C9


Something Important But You Maybe Ignore in C9

There is a special feature in C9, it's Disorderly Entry system(only translate it), you can enter other players' dungeons if you choose it.

WoW: Patch 4.3 Hotfixes -- Feb. 23


WoW: Patch 4.3 Hotfixes -- Feb. 23

Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to the recently released World of Warcraft: Cataclysm patch 4.3: Hour of Twilight.

EverQuest Going Free-to-play on Its 13 Birthday, March 16th


EverQuest Going Free-to-play on Its 13 Birthday, March 16th

Sony Online Entertainment launched EverQuest, one of the most monumental MMOs in history on March 16th, 1999 and now after 13 years later, EverQuest will be celebrating its 13th birthday in a huge way by officially going free-to-play!

Unreal Engine 3 MMOFPS Shadow Company to Be Published in North America


Unreal Engine 3 MMOFPS Shadow Company to Be Published in North America

Shadow Company: The Mercenary War is being developed using Epic Games' Unreal Engine 3, offering the FPS a level of graphic fidelity rarely seen in a free-to-play game.

The Launch of Rift and SWTOR Makes HeroEngine One of the Most Popular Engines


The Launch of Rift and SWTOR Makes HeroEngine One of the Most Popular Engines

HeroEngine is a popular engine for MMO developers with its ability to let artists, world builders, scripters, game designers, producers, and customer service to collaborate live, online, in real-time.

Maple Story Guide to New Boss - Hilla in Maple Justice


Maple Story Guide to New Boss - Hilla in Maple Justice

The boss Hilla is finally released. Below are the three kinds of Hilla.Here I explain the level 190 of Hilla more detailed.

Ammuniton's Look upon Desertions in FPS


Ammuniton's Look upon Desertions in FPS

Desertions are counted separately on your profile when you leave/DC a game without seeing the whole way through. Desertion which also counts as a loss, has no benefits what so ever but is rather sometimes look upon by other players.

Hug RIFT 1.7 Carnival of the Ascended World Event


Hug RIFT 1.7 Carnival of the Ascended World Event

It's not literally a quest. Find and destroy Dragon Pinatas in the map and get prizes preparing for next world event phase. Few Dragon Pinatas will appear on the map. Actually, I never meet more than 2 Dragon Pinatas on the map in the first day of world event.

AION (EU) Free-to-play Change-over Dated, Former Subscribers Get Compensation


AION (EU) Free-to-play Change-over Dated, Former Subscribers Get Compensation

European players can play the game in several languages including German, French and English and they can on the other hand, check out new servers in Germany, the UK and France.

Frogster to Present Latest Gaming Highlights at 2012 GDC


Frogster to Present Latest Gaming Highlights at 2012 GDC

The Berlin-based publisher Frogster will be heading out to GDC in San Francisco to present its latest gaming highlights TERA and Eligium from March 7th to March 9th. Both titles have recently entered beta and will be released in the first half of 2012.

World of Warplanes Global Alpha Test Begins, Let's Fight in the Sky


World of Warplanes Global Alpha Test Begins, Let's Fight in the Sky

World of Warplanes massive alpha testing stage begins today. Hurry up to fight with us in the upcoming AAA flight combat MMO.

WEBZEN to Attend 2012 GDC with Upcoming Titles


WEBZEN to Attend 2012 GDC with Upcoming Titles

WEBZEN Inc. (WWW.WEBZEN.COM) is participating in the 2012 Game Developers Conference (GDC) held in San Francisco, U.S.A, to announce their unrevealed titles to the public.

C9 Warrior Skill Build(Both for PvP and PvE)


C9 Warrior Skill Build(Both for PvP and PvE)

There is a question first, why you choose Warrior? He doesn't have various shields as Guardian, he also doesn't have high movement speed as Blade Master.

Frequent M&A Change Market Shares in South Korea's Online Game Industry


Frequent M&A Change Market Shares in South Korea's Online Game Industry

Large-scale game makers' frequent merger and acquisition activities are changing the market shares in South Korea's online game industry. After four well-known acquisitions, Nexon has reinforced its leadership in South Korea's online game industry, leaving other competitors far behind.

Forgster's Bounty Bay Online Turns Five


Forgster's Bounty Bay Online Turns Five

Bounty Bay Online was launched on the 22nd of February 2007 and has been sailing toward success ever since.

Ubisoft's New MMOFPS ShootMania Storm Open Beta Scheduled for March


Ubisoft's New MMOFPS ShootMania Storm Open Beta Scheduled for March

In conjunction with the online competitive multiplayer, ShootMania Storm will also feature extensive map editing capabilities, allowing players to customise, design and share their creations across the community, using the soon to be released, upgraded ManiaPlanet 2.0 gaming system.

Maple Story New Pet - Demon Pets in GMS


Maple Story New Pet - Demon Pets in GMS

A new pet called Demon Pet joins the maple world from Feb 22. They're demonic, they're hewn from darkness, and they're infernally adorable. Become the master of fear, the controller of death, and the overlord of jealousy with three ornery demons from the underworld: Metus, Mors, and Invidia!

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