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MMOGaming News

Music Man New Trailer Showcases Game Features


Music Man New Trailer Showcases Game Features

Publisher Cubinet has just revealed a new trailer of Music Man to the public, showcasing the game's high quality visuals, extensive character customization, flawless interactions and a few of the many game modes

The Elder Scrolls Online Working As Intended


The Elder Scrolls Online Working As Intended

During a LUGO livestream for The Elder Scrolls Online Tamriel Unlimited, after a few other bugs encountered in the game, this happens. Further proving why the game should have been delayed on PC, just like it was on console due to technical issues.

MOBA will Overtake MMORPG in F2P Revenue in 2015


MOBA will Overtake MMORPG in F2P Revenue in 2015

The F2P business model, with its wildly successful market leaders, offers an alluring proposition to many developers. Firstly, the upside is tremendous: F2P allows for an unparalleled audience size, which can be a bedrock for engagement and community. In addition, users can spend near infinite amounts of money.

Pocket Knights Raises Level Cap to Accommodate Rapid Growth of Hardcore Summoners


Pocket Knights Raises Level Cap to Accommodate Rapid Growth of Hardcore Summoners

ZQGame Global today announced its RPG, Pocket Knights have raised the level cap for Heroes to evolve from 6 to 7 stars, highlighting the games largest and most hardcore content update in its two-year history

Another Blizzard's April Fool's Day Prank - B'Motes


Another Blizzard's April Fool's Day Prank - B'Motes

It's always a convention that Blizzard likes to play a great prank on April Fool's Day. As a special gift to their players, they are proud to present you with a new way to enhance your Blizzard gaming experience: B'Motes!

DAUM Canceled Their Plans for Black Desert in Western Market


DAUM Canceled Their Plans for Black Desert in Western Market

Some idiots led by one of the biggest flamer in MMO History booked a flight to South Korea to attack Daum's Headquarters in Seoul. Soon they occupied the building and started modifying the game and server code to change the server name.

DN Sea: April Fool's Day Event


DN Sea: April Fool's Day Event

The wonderful summer sunshine means our female Alpacas have been giving birth to lots of baby Alpacas recently! To prevent overcrowding in our GMs' barn, we have decided to let YOU be the proud owner of an Alpaca mount!

Revelation to Change its Name to Big Revelation


Revelation to Change its Name to Big Revelation

Today the dev team of Revelation reveals an announcement on their weibo account, saying that the game is going to get a new name as "Big Revelation"

Happy April Fool's Day and Vote for the Best April Fool's Pranks!


Happy April Fool's Day and Vote for the Best April Fool's Pranks!

Aha, Happy April Fool's Day MMOsiters! How about your April Fool's Day? Did you feel surprised and happy about pranks from your friends? And today there are many MMOs preparing some great pranks for players, I've collected some of these silly pranks, hope them can bring more fun to you guys.

Blade and Soul CN's April Update Preview


Blade and Soul CN's April Update Preview

Blade and Soul CN will release a new patch in late April, along with new storyline and new instance zones. It's said that in the new storyline, we can see the loli Jin Seo Yeon and Pohwaran will become you ally to help you fight against enemies.

Warframe: Storm Files S2/Ep.39 "Volt Prime and Chroma"


Warframe: Storm Files S2/Ep.39

Volt Prime is a beast (Not his 4 skill) but overall he is certainly a frame you should get. I also touch on Chroma this week. I believe his one skill needs a buff in range. And that his skill goes to 100% stat chance. Things will work out better that way.

Skyforge Classes Preview Slayer, Necromancer, Kinetic, and Archer


Skyforge Classes Preview Slayer, Necromancer, Kinetic, and Archer

Here is a preview about some classes in Skyforge, such as Slayer, Necromancer, Kinetic and Archer. Read on and learn more about them.

Guild Wars 2 Overview of New Borderlands


Guild Wars 2 Overview of New Borderlands

In Guild Wars 2, the new maps are designed to take place of the existing Borderlands maps, bringing about entirely new challenges to the game's WvW content. Let's take a look at what to expect with these new and improved maps!

Turn-Based Strategy RPG Crowntakers Coming to iOS and Android


Turn-Based Strategy RPG Crowntakers Coming to iOS and Android

Kalypso Media Mobile announced their first release of the round-based Rogue-like strategy game Crowntakers on iOS and Android this week on 2nd April 2015. Just a few weeks later, Wings! Remastered Edition - a remake of the cult action aerial combat game from Cinemaware, will also be available on app stores.

Dragon Nest Europe Unleashes the Black Dragon with Full Force


Dragon Nest Europe Unleashes the Black Dragon with Full Force

Shanda Games International Europe releases more Black Dragon content, new dungeons and Easter events. All Black Dragon nightmare dimensions and patches the Hardcore Version of the Black Dragon Raid as well as the 4-player Black Dragon dungeons Memoria are available for EU players.

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