General: State of the Game: Building the Mad Max MMO Posted: 22 Jan 2015 03:51 PM PST
An MMO set in the universe of Mad Max is something I've been clamoring for for years, but as with any popular IP-turned-online game, it's a touchy subject for die-hard fans. With the Fury Road movie and the single player game both on the horizon for this year, I thought it'd be a good time to revisit my favorite topic of all time: building a Mad Max MMO. |
Shroud of the Avatar: Release 14: Strong Start to a New Year Posted: 21 Jan 2015 07:07 PM PST
The folks at Portalarium are getting ready to roll out their 14th release for Shroud of the Avatar, and of course they timed it just as PAX South was kicking off. I'm sure it was a diabolical plot to force me into cramming this article in before I get sucked into the pending media storm that follows any PAX. That's why I drove up to Austin this week. |
Wizard101: Double Gardening Rewards Through January 25th Posted: 23 Jan 2015 03:47 AM PST
Wizard101 players will definitely want to check into the game this weekend with the special double gardening rewards that will last through January 25th. This is a special boost for active members and is the first new perk of 2015. |
ArcheAge: What's Coming in 2015 Posted: 23 Jan 2015 03:43 AM PST
Merv Lee Kwai has taken to the ArcheAge forums to give players a preview about what they can expect to see headed into the game in 2015. Many of the changes seek to address the most common concerns voiced by players over the months since launch. Among other things, the team will be working to balance the economy and rising inflation, making sure players receive better loot for harder work and more. |
General: Cleaning the Litterbox Posted: 21 Jan 2015 05:52 PM PST
By people who pay attention to my gaming habits, I'm accused of being a themepark-only sort of MMO player. And lately, they're right... but it's not for lack of desire to get lost in a more free-form MMO experience. No, the problem with sandboxes is a simple one, if you ask me: there hasn't been a really good one in over a decade. |
General: My MMO Midlife Crisis Posted: 20 Jan 2015 04:38 PM PST
For the better part of a decade I played MMORPG's almost exclusively. I would sprinkle in the smash hit from other genres that came along but chances are if you caught me playing a game it was a MMORPG. I was also a sheep for the PC master race campaign. Over the past year I have quickly evolved into something else. Probably something I should have been all along. |
WildStar: Creating Veteran Shiphand Missions Posted: 22 Jan 2015 10:51 AM PST
The WildStar site has been updated with a new blog post by Kristen "Caydiem" DeMeza, Senior Game Designer. In it, she discusses Veteran Shiphand Missions, previously more suited to lower level players. The team has been actively working to put together level 50 versions of these missions and DeMeza discusses the differences and why they are worthwhile for high level players to take on. |
APB: Reloaded: Headed to PS4 and XBox One This Spring Posted: 22 Jan 2015 10:30 AM PST
Deep Silver, Reloaded Games and The Workshop Entertainment have announced that they are working in partnership to bring APB: Reloaded to both the XBox One and Playstation 4 later this spring. Console users will join the over five million players who have taken on APB: Reloaded since launch. |
World of Warcraft: Win a Set of World of Warcraft Funkos! Posted: 22 Jan 2015 10:12 AM PST has partnered with to give a way two sets of World of Warcraft Funkos! |
General: What IS the Next Big Thing? Posted: 20 Jan 2015 04:58 PM PST
A lot of people have been loudly championing the idea that MMOs are a dying breed and that the golden era marked by World of Warcraft, Ultima Online, EverQuest, EverQuest 2, EVE Online and others is over. Yet developers, both 'big house' and indies alike, continue to make MMOs and players keep playing them. |
Skyforge: Ranged Gunner Class Detailed in Latest Site Update Posted: 22 Jan 2015 08:15 AM PST
The Skyforge site has been updated with new information about one of the forthcoming game's classes, the Gunner. A ranged specialist, the Gunner can fire mini-guns, plasma rifles and use a missile launcher. Check out the video below to see the Gunner in action. |
ArcheAge: In-Game Events Pave Way for Forthcoming Level Cap Increase Posted: 22 Jan 2015 08:08 AM PST
The latest patch notes for ArcheAge have been posted and give players a heads up that February is 'gearing up' month. A series of in-game events will launch that will help players increase skill levels and attain new gear in preparation for the level 55 level cap increase that will arrive in a future update. |
Elder Scrolls Online: New Mounts, Costumes & Pets Showcased Posted: 22 Jan 2015 08:00 AM PST
The Elder Scrolls Online site has been updated with a bevy of in-game images of new mounts, costumes and pets that will be added to the game shortly. Costumes range from a jester to a wedding gown and everything in between. Panthers and hounds are among the pets, with new horses and guars rounding out the mounts. |