General: Ever Jane: The Virtual World of Jane Austen

Posted: 15 Nov 2013 03:16 PM PST

Ever Jane: The Virtual World of Jane Austen

A new KickStarter project has crossed the news desk here at that is worthy of attention for being something so different in the MMO-space that it deserves notice. Called "Ever Jane: The Virtual World of Jan Austen", the game centers, not around combat, but around building characters in a world of words, social interaction and more.

EverQuest Next: Landmark: November Producer's Letter

Posted: 15 Nov 2013 03:05 PM PST

November Producer

EverQuest Next Landmark's Dave Georgeson is the star of the November Producer's Letter. In the video, Georgeson talks about what the team has been up to during the last month, including the recent hands-on previews conducted by the team with gaming journalists.

WildStar: Community AMA on the Esper

Posted: 15 Nov 2013 02:55 PM PST

Community AMA on the Esper

In case yesterday's re-reveal of the Esper class in WildStar didn't contain enough information, the Carbine Studios team took to the airwaves in an Esper-themed Ask Me Anything session. Lots of new information was revealed to the discerning Esper eye, something definitely not to be missed for fans.

Eldevin: Launch Date Pegged for November 30th

Posted: 15 Nov 2013 12:32 PM PST

Launch Date Pegged for November 30th

Hunted Cow has announced that Eldevin will officially launch on Saturday, November 30th. Folks interested in an early start to the game will want to grab a Founders' Pack for three days of pre-release mayhem. In addition, the team has announced several changes to the game once it hits live service.

ArcheAge: Calculations, Schmalculations

Posted: 13 Nov 2013 05:01 PM PST

Calculations, Schmalculations

Recently, hosted an AMA session with Trion Worlds' Scott Hartsman. In it, he revealed some potentially nifty information which we take a look at in our latest ArcheAge column. See what he said, what we think before heading to the comments to add your own ideas.

General: WolfKnights Debuts at G-Star 2013

Posted: 15 Nov 2013 09:49 AM PST

WolfKnights Debuts at G-Star 2013

IMCGames has announced that a new MMO, WolfKights, is currently in development. Little else is known, including a Western release date but the team did release a game play video for your eye candy amusement for a Friday afternoon.

DC Universe Online: Now Out on Playstation 4

Posted: 15 Nov 2013 09:47 AM PST

Now Out on Playstation 4

DC Universe Online is now out and available for play on the PlayStation 4, which has debuted worldwide today. The game has been overhauled for PC as well and includes updated graphics and much more.

Trove: Trion's Next Big Thing

Posted: 15 Nov 2013 01:46 AM PST


What if you could play a game where the sense of newness and awe never went away, because the worlds you explored were different each time you played? That's the fundamental concept behind Trion's Trove, a game the company is calling a "Massive Multiverse Adventure". Read on for what exactly that is, and why Trion's so excited for this new project.

General: Fight for Your Right to Cosplay

Posted: 13 Nov 2013 05:13 PM PST

Fight for Your Right to Cosplay

Cosplay is a growing industry withing the overall game space, and in MMOs in particular. In today's Fair Game, we take a look at how one can get started in cosplay. See what we have to say before revealing your plan in the comments.

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Taking to the Sky in Galactic Starfighter

Posted: 14 Nov 2013 03:38 PM PST

Taking to the Sky in Galactic Starfighter

The Galactic Starfighter expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic is the most drastic change and largest update to SWTOR since the game went F2P. Our own Blake Morse was on hand for a preview event in California this week, and brought back this report on what he found.

EVE Online: Rubicon Launch Trailer Released

Posted: 13 Nov 2013 04:40 PM PST

Rubicon Launch Trailer Released

Even though the EVE Online expansion, Rubicon, doesn't officially launch until Tuesday, November 19th, players can check out the launch trailer. See what you think and get ready for Tuesday's release!

Lord of the Rings Online: Beta Smashes Previous Record

Posted: 13 Nov 2013 04:37 PM PST

Beta Smashes Previous Record

According to a post on the Lord of the Rings Online forum, Turbine has had to add test server realms to match the demand of players wanting to check out the Helm's Deep expansion content and assist the team with bug squashing, etc.

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