Age of Conan: Unchained: May 2012 Monthly Update Published

Posted: 31 May 2012 07:42 AM PDT

May 2012 Monthly Update Published

The Age of Conan team has published its monthly update with the news that the annual survey is ready for players to complete. As an incentive for finishing the survey, players will be entered into a drawing for free premium lifetime subscriptions. The letter then goes into a bit of detail about what the team has been working on for the last month.

City of Heroes: Where Shadows Lie Launching Today

Posted: 31 May 2012 07:18 AM PDT

Where Shadows Lie Launching Today

Paragon Studios and NCSoft have announced that the latest City of Heroes content upgrade, Issue 23: Where Shadows Lie, will officially launch today. According to the team, Where Shadows Lie brings the story arc started with Going Rogue to its epic conclusion.

World of WarPlanes: Closed Beta Begins

Posted: 31 May 2012 07:13 AM PDT

Closed Beta Begins has announced that the closed beta test for World of WarPlanes has started. Players chosen to participate will have the opportunity to check out fifty nine different aircraft from Germany, the United States and the U.S.S.R. and four maps.

Runescape: Join the Jubilee

Posted: 31 May 2012 07:02 AM PDT

Join the Jubilee

This weekend marks the Jubilee Anniversary celebration for the Queen of England and the native developers at Jagex plan to bring the party into RuneScape.

Aion: The Aion 3.0 Review

Posted: 30 May 2012 03:29 PM PDT

The Aion 3.0 Review

Aion 3.0 was officially released not that long ago and brought some significant changes to the game. We've been checking out what's new in our latest review. See what we think and then leave us your thoughts in the comments.

Pockie Ninja: Revenge of Aizen Released

Posted: 31 May 2012 06:56 AM PDT

Revenge of Aizen Released

Pockie Ninja fans will want to check into the game to experience all the new goodness that arrived with the Revenge of Aizen content update. Devs indicate that Revenge of Aizen includes new characters, outfits, pets and more.

Dragon Crusade: Closed Beta Testing Begins

Posted: 31 May 2012 06:51 AM PDT

Closed Beta Testing Begins

Aeria Games has announced that its upcoming MMORTS, Dragon Crusade, has officially entered its closed beta phase of development. Players who have been chosen to participate can now log into servers and begin their epic journeys.

RaiderZ: Monster Tactics Unveiled

Posted: 31 May 2012 06:36 AM PDT

Monster Tactics Unveiled

Perfect World Entertainment and the RaiderZ team have produced a new video developer diary that shines the light on tactical ways to defeat epic monsters including using their own limbs to beat them to death. Check it out!

TERA: Inaugural Subscription Discounts Extended

Posted: 31 May 2012 06:32 AM PDT

Inaugural Subscription Discounts Extended

Due to a glitch in the subscription system, En Masse Entertainment has announced that players will have an additional month to choose the inaugural subscription plan. The original end date to opt for this plan was May 31st but En Masse has now extended the opportunity through June.

Luvinia Online: Update Reveals New Dungeon, Level Cap Increase

Posted: 31 May 2012 06:27 AM PDT

Update Reveals New Dungeon, Level Cap Increase

The Luvinia Online team has announced that the latest content update to the game features a brand new dungeon to explore, a level cap increase to 89, new bosses and much more.

Serenia Fantasy: Closed Beta Dated

Posted: 31 May 2012 06:19 AM PDT

Closed Beta Dated

KoramGame has announced that its retro-inspired game, Serenia Fantasy, will officially hit its closed beta phase of development on June 6th. To coincide with the CBT, KoramGame has a series of contests and events for players to participate in.

Allods Online: Our Official Allods Online Re-Review

Posted: 30 May 2012 02:48 PM PDT

Our Official Allods Online Re-Review

Allods Online has been out for awhile now and it's been making steady developmental improvements. We take a second look at Allods in our latest re-review. See how it's faring these days and then leave us your thoughts in the comments.

8BitMMO: New Update Deployed

Posted: 29 May 2012 05:12 PM PDT

New Update Deployed

The team being 8BitMMO have announced that a brand new and quite large update has been deployed for its flagship title. According to the press release, the patch brings new content and features on board.

Flyff: Updated Game Client 'Gold' Coming in July

Posted: 30 May 2012 01:15 PM PDT

Updated Game Client

The Flyff team has announced that the game will be undergoing a major upgrade that will be available to players in July. Called Flyff Gold, the team says that it will bring a "fresh look, sleek interface, and brand new systems" to the game.

Pandora Saga: Our Official Pandora Saga Review

Posted: 29 May 2012 04:42 PM PDT

Our Official Pandora Saga Review

Pandora Saga is a free to play MMO that features three nations vying for control of the game world. We've been checking out Pandora Saga and have our official review. Check it out and then weigh in with your thoughts in the comments.

Rift: Raptr to Give Away 10,000 Copies of Rift

Posted: 30 May 2012 08:46 AM PDT

Raptr to Give Away 10,000 Copies of Rift

Raptr has announced that it will be giving away 10,000 copies of Trion Worlds' Rift as well as 10,000 free upgrades to the Collector's Edition and 10,000 Dwarven Smithy Goggles. The give away is part of the new Raptr Rewards Program that players can participate in.

Firefall: Red 5 to Open EU Office

Posted: 30 May 2012 08:37 AM PDT

Red 5 to Open EU Office

The Red 5 team has announced that a new office will be opening in Cork, Ireland later this year. The new office will help spearhead Firefall's EU iteration and the move will create thirty jobs in the area.

SMITE: Closed Beta Kicks Off on May 31

Posted: 30 May 2012 08:34 AM PDT

Closed Beta Kicks Off on May 31

Hi-Rez Studios has announced that the closed beta for SMITE, its upcoming MOBA, is set to kick off on Thursday, May 31st. Devs also announced that there will be no character wipe for those who have already been involved in testing and that players will be able to try out seventeen characters.

Battlestar Galactica Online: One Year Anniversary Interview

Posted: 29 May 2012 04:29 PM PDT

One Year Anniversary Interview

Battlestar Galactica Online has been out for a whole year and has undergone some big changes since launch. We managed to catch up to Producer Tess Treadwell to talk about BGO's first year and more. Read on!

Warhammer Online: Wrath of Heroes: Pyramid of Settra Hands-On Preview

Posted: 29 May 2012 03:56 PM PDT

Pyramid of Settra Hands-On Preview has partnered up with the Warhammer Online: Wrath of Heroes team to bring you an exclusive preview of the newly released Pyramid of Settra scenario.

Rift: Conquest Preview and Impressions

Posted: 29 May 2012 04:17 PM PDT

Conquest Preview and Impressions

Last week, Trion Worlds revealed some of the first information about Rift's upcoming 3-faction PvP called "Conquest" and hosted an event on the public test server. We've got a preview of that event and some thoughts to share about Conquest. Read on!

General gaming

General gaming

Four Reasons to be Excited for Pandora's Tower

Posted: 30 May 2012 05:30 PM PDT




Four Reasons to be Excited for Pandora's Tower

Cover Story: Will the third and final RPG of Operation Rainfall be announced next week? Here's why you should hope so.


he Last Story is about to thunder across the U.S. skies; the beautiful Xenoblade Chronicles has struck. While the incredible community effort of Operation Rainfall probably isn't entirely to credit for the U.S. release of these games, it certainly didn't hurt. Operation Rainfall comprised three games, and unlike the first two the third -- as yet unannounced for American audiences -- has met with a tepid reception in Europe: Pandora's Tower. The Last Story and Xenoblade came from established creators Hironobu Sakaguchi and Tetsuya Takahashi, men who built their reputations with titles like Final Fantasy and Xenosaga. Next to such legacies, Pandora's Tower seems comparatively diminished and unattractive -- and its clearly limited budget certainly doesn't help.

But beneath Pandora's Tower modest looks beats the heart of a great game.

Six Games Missing in Action from E3 2012

Posted: 30 May 2012 02:40 PM PDT





Six Games Missing in Action from E3 2012

Cover Story: A handful of titles we won't be seeing at the big show.


t's hard for us not to get caught up in the excitement and fervor of E3; the first week of June is pretty much a Christmas deluge of announcements, trailers, reveals and impressions. But at the same time, it's best for fans to curb their expectations just a bit to alleviate some of the inevitable disappointment that stems from the show going by without a single mention of your most anticipated game. To prepare for this punch to the gut, we've compiled a list of six titles that you shouldn't hold your breath on seeing at E3 2012.

E3 MIA Spot Art

Naughty Dog's Co-Founder Could be THQ's Savior

Posted: 30 May 2012 12:52 PM PDT

Jason Rubin

As it prepares to make a move to avoid a NASDAQ delisting, THQ yesterday announced some changes to its executive team. Core Games EVP Danny Bilson, who has helped to push the publisher in its current direction of focusing on wholly-owned IP is leaving the company along with Core Studios SVP Dave Davis. While Bilson's departure could have been a bad sign for those who view THQ's direction as promising, the newly-appointed president of THQ is someone who knows his games: Jason Rubin, the former co-founder of Naughty Dog, has assumed the role effective immediately.

THQ is not in great shape, due in large part to the failure of the high-definition versions of uDraw released last fall. Layoffs have struck the company in the past year, and back in January it was rumored that its slate of 2014 games had been canceled. This turned out to be untrue, although since then we have learned its Warhammer MMO, Dark Millennium Online, will be converted into a more traditional style of game, and that it is trying to sell off Devil's Third, the game from Tomonobu Itagaki's new studio Valhalla Game Studios.

How to be the Very Best at E3 (Like No One Ever Was)

Posted: 30 May 2012 12:24 PM PDT



How to be the Very Best at E3 (Like No One Ever Was)

Cover Story: Your editors prepare for next week's big event through unconventional means.


ith E3 2012 ready to devour our souls, the crew here at 1UP is devoted to providing you one final week of postulating and prognosticating. With a whole mess of previews, roundups, and speculations, it's easy to lose sight of the fact that the very act covering E3 itself is going to be a strenuous task. As we gear up for the big show in sunny Los Angeles, we brought in an expert to help us better prepare for any and all trials that may lay ahead. Granted, we'll only be prepared if those tribulations involve some sort of Pokemon, but that's neither here nor there. Watch as we train for E3 2012 by learning just what the hell a pocket monster is.

Our E3 2012 Wish List

Posted: 30 May 2012 10:05 AM PDT





Our E3 2012 Wish List

Cover Story: The games we'd love to see... if we had the power to change reality.


For we privileged members of the press, E3 has already become a known quantity; with so many of the conference's titles confirmed by press releases or revealed at events earlier this year, surprising our prepared staff may prove impossible. But there's always a chance that some unexpected announcement will make us remember why we got into this business in the first place. So, what reveals would make each of us pop our monocles, spit out our drinks, and squeal like newborn pigs? Read on and discover the E3 showings that will probably only appear in our dreams. And make sure you let us know about your own!

Jeremy Parish: I am a simple man of simple needs. Three simple needs, in fact. One: I need Capcom to bring back Mega Man. That's not so hard, is it? You wouldn't think so. They've managed to churn out, like, 120 Mega Man games in 25 years; surely one more every now and then should be cake. They made a pretty big splash a few years ago by taking the series waaaay back to its 8-bit roots, and after the past year's worth of Mega Man cancellations and disappointments they could do a lot worse for fan goodwill than offering us a simple reminder that, hey, we remember this series that helped make us a world-class developer in the first place.

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