MMOGaming News

MMOGaming News

Sandbox MMO Dawntide Development Stopped Due to Lack of Money


Sandbox MMO Dawntide Development Stopped Due to Lack of Money

After disappearing from audience's sight for a while, the developer told that they suffered unexpected financial difficulties at the end of last year and stopped all development before they could find new investors.

Dragon Nest World Tour Might Starts on March 8th


Dragon Nest World Tour Might Starts on March 8th

A picture that shows the information about Dragon Nest World Tour was leak out. According to Duowan the world tour will start at Asia area and the final competition of Asia area is going to be held in Singapore.

WoW: A Sentence to Prove you were a WoWer


WoW: A Sentence to Prove you were a WoWer

Maybe most of MMO players have played WoW for a long time. Even though you no longer play the game now, there must be something in it full of your resonance and memory.

Dota 2 Coaching - Storm Spirit and Puck


Dota 2 Coaching - Storm Spirit and Puck

This is a coaching session with Kyle where we go over both Storm Spirit and Puck and I try to help him with his general solo mid playstyle.

RIFT 1.7 Carnival of the Ascended World Event Phase 1 Guide


RIFT 1.7 Carnival of the Ascended World Event Phase 1 Guide

Well, it's a daily crafting quest. You will receive different requirements according to your crafting skills. Outfitter, for example, have to collect 5 Ultra-Thin Hide and carfting them into a Bolt of Ultra-Thin Leather, so you can finish this quest. You can get the required materials from mining, butchering and foraging without any level limitation.

What Makes Gamers Turn off Online Shooting Games?


What Makes Gamers Turn off Online Shooting Games?

A survey of IGN shows that one-third gamers turned off by online shooting games abuse. What's the main reason about this?

CCP Confirms DUST 514 will be Free to Download and Play


CCP Confirms DUST 514 will be Free to Download and Play

Previous report said that DUST 514 could feature a $10 to $20 initial payment but now the game will just be free to download and play.

ShockX's Gigantes Nest Boss Video


ShockX's Gigantes Nest Boss Video

ShockX's Gigantes Nest Boss Video. hope you guys Njoy.

Diablo 3 Relased Date Leaked by Italian Retailers [Rumor]


Diablo 3 Relased Date Leaked by Italian Retailers [Rumor]

According to a post on Italian gaming site MMORPG Italy, Diablo 3 will be released on April 17 and the game will be retailing at 54,90 Euro for the standard edition and 89,90 Euro for the Collector's Edition.

Line of Defense Has Released Its First Trailer


Line of Defense Has Released Its First Trailer

3000ad has released the first trailer for Line of Defense, a new sci-fi MMO PC focused on PvP where players battle for control important locations on different planets.

CryEngine 3's Next Generation DX 11 Graphics To Be Showcased at GDC 2012


CryEngine 3's Next Generation DX 11 Graphics To Be Showcased at GDC 2012

GDC attendees can participate in CryENGINE presentations every full hour. Topics that will be covered are next-generation DX 11 graphics and tools upgrades, Cinebox, creating characters for CryENGINE, AI Systems, UI Actions and Flow Graph and After Action feature set for Serious Games.

Dragon Nest - Tarkel's Tank Crusader Build Discussion


Dragon Nest - Tarkel's Tank Crusader Build Discussion

No reflect and iron will: Reflect was nerfed badly, so it's now useless, while iron will has become superfluous to me after my gear has been pumped up enough. Now I can tank most things raw, use block/stance for stuff that doesn't bypass my defensive skills, and die at the stuff that can't be tanked anyway (like most of the GDN stuff).

Ghosts 'n Goblins Online's 2nd CBT Preview


Ghosts 'n Goblins Online's 2nd CBT Preview

Ghosts 'n Goblins Online, Korea-based CJ E&M's latest MMO, will open its second CBT in South Korea from Mar. 6 to 11. As the most outstanding feature of the upcoming test, PvP system will be finally opened together with new dungeons, skills, items and more.

Why EVE Online is Boring!


Why EVE Online is Boring!

Richard Garriott (Creator of Ultima and Ultima Online, one of the first popular MMOs in the 90s) has even taken the time to go into space for a holiday. Space Travel is just around the corner as some company in Europe currently finding a spaceport to build to set off tourists into space!

Continue reading Why EVE Online is Boring!.

Aion F2P: Does Ascension Meet up to Everyone's High Hopes?


Aion F2P: Does Ascension Meet up to Everyone's High Hopes?

Pay to play games that go free to play do it for two reasons, because their game is losing players on the pay to play model or because there is a brighter future for their game for both players and developer on the free to play model.

Action MMORPG Kritika (KR) Expected to Launch CBT in 1st Half of 2012


Action MMORPG Kritika (KR) Expected to Launch CBT in 1st Half of 2012

Developed and published respectively by South Korea-based Allm and NHN, Kritika is an action MMORPG featuring 10-min short instances and a combat mode taking attack as a means of defense.

NCsoft Sponsors GamesAid Marathon Team


NCsoft Sponsors GamesAid Marathon Team

GamesAid is a new UK video games industry based charity, a children and young people's charity.

RaiderZ(NA) Alpha Testing Dated with New Trailer Released


RaiderZ(NA) Alpha Testing Dated with New Trailer Released

Perfect World Entertainment announces the long-awaited exclusive Alpha Test of RaiderZ begins on March 14, 2012.

Latest Gaming and MMORPG Updates

Latest Gaming and MMORPG Updates

Assassin’s Creed III: Our Hopes And Fears

Posted: 04 Mar 2012 03:56 AM PST

Annual iterations in video games are something that we’re just going to have to deal with — as much as we may complain, there’s just too much money to be made in releasing yearly installments of the biggest franchises. While this business model obviously makes sense from a financial point, many lament the fact that this short span in between sequels hurts creativity and quality. If you need proof of this, look no further than the Assassin’s Creed series. The two-year gap between AC and ACII allowed the series to come into its own and evolve into one of gaming’s most ambitious franchises. Since then, the annualization of the series has brought a bit of stagnation to the formula. And yet, we continue to have faith that the franchise may return to its former greatness. With the recent announcement that Assassin’s Creed III will hit shelves on October 30, we remain cautiously optimistic that Ubisoft is prepared to make an ambitious leap forward for the next numbered installment in Desmond’s journey. Below are some initial thoughts and theories from the AC players at 1UP: Marty Sliva, Thierry Nguyen, and Jeremy Parish.

The Setting

Marty: A few months back, I received a pro-tip that ACIII was going to place you in the body of a half-Cherokee warrior during the American Revolution. Evidently you’re going to be tasked with traveling north along the Atlantic coast to Boston and Philadelphia, engaging in all sorts of wacky hijinks. If this is the setting for ACIII, it would be a great direction for the series to take, as America during the latter half of the 18th century is rife with potential in the video game world. With so many historically significant events occurring throughout New England at the time, Assassin’s Creed III could take a Forrest Gump-ian approach to history and have your character be present at all of the major events of the American Revolution. Imagine playing through historical moments like the Boston Tea Party, Paul Revere’s ride, or Washington’s crossing of the Delaware.

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Supply and Demand: Behind the Scenes of Retail Pricing

Posted: 04 Mar 2012 01:26 AM PST

Let’s take a trip back in time. Not too far; just 2006. America’s economy was zipping along at a frenetic pace. The price of real estate rose exponentially, and if you tried to tell someone that the market wasn’t sustainable, they would laugh in your face. Sony began gearing up for the release of the PlayStation 3, and if you spent any time on the Internet, you probably witnessed an argument or two concerning the $599 price tag for the more feature-rich of the system’s two models. The two sides of the argument generally boiled down to “it cost too much” versus “it’s a great value.” And you know what? Both sides were correct.

The fact that the PS3 cost more than the sum of its parts could be proven by gathering together the prices of similar, individual pieces (most Blu-Ray players at the time were still more expensive than the PS3, with none of the extra features). This much was undeniable. However, value is a wholly subjective notion and decided by consumers. If a consumer sees value in a product such as the PS3, then they decide that the price is just. If not, they simply don’t buy it, buy a substitute product, or wait until the price comes down to a level they feel is acceptable. This is known in economics as the subjective theory of value.

“The labor theory of value,” say Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Maine Michael Montgomery, “is a very old and very popular idea going back to medieval economic scholars.” The labor theory of value holds that prices are set objectively, the so-called “just-price,” where the price is set based on how much labor goes into producing the good. However, the subjective theory of value postulates that “the good is worth exactly as much as you’re willing to pay for it, and the cost of producing the goods may bear little or no relationship with the item’s value in the mind of the buyer.” A good example of both of these theories in action is the Nintendo 3DS. There was a bit of a hub-bub when it was alleged that the 3DS cost just around $100 to build. Under the labor theory of value, then, the 3DS is worth only around $100, or how much labor goes into producing a single unit.

Of course, it’s a little grey when you take into account things like research and development, distribution, and marketing, which add to costs for Nintendo, but the recent price drop to $169 goes to show that the initial price of $249 was considered too high by many consumers. At the individual level, consumers decided that the value of the device was less than the manufacturer’s suggested retail price, and sales of the device were certainly not as brisk as Nintendo had hoped — hence the drop in price. “In a capitalist system,” says Professor Montgomery, “a good is worth exactly what people are willing to pay for it, no more and no less. [Companies] speculate by putting their time and energy into things, but sometimes they don’t pan out. Sometimes they pan out above their wildest dreams.”

If the 3DS fails to capture the attention of consumers at its new price, it would mean quite a loss for Nintendo. Such is the nature of markets. Consumers, meaning you and I, ultimately have the last say as to whether or not a product will be successful. It remains to be seen whether the 3DS will succeed or fail, but if Nintendo moves a significant amount of units in the busy Q4 of this year, the initial lukewarm reception to the device could be pinned less on consumer disinterest in the product itself and more on the disinterest of consumers at the $249 price point. Time will tell.

The price of games are also subject to the whims of consumer subjectivity. The term “bargain bin” can be considered a slur when attached to certain titles. That’s because most bargain bins are filled with two types of games: ones that are very old, and ones that aren’t very good. Naturally, there are exceptions; some games can be good but still be unpopular, for example. They find their way from the shelves of the retailers into the bins as a way to unload excess inventory. Here, supply and demand — one of the most basic of economic concepts — comes into play. Demand for a title is low, therefore the price drops. If we lived in a society where all prices were negotiable we could go in and name our price, haggle with the shopkeeper for a bit, and walk away from the transaction with a price agreed upon by both parties.

Since that model doesn’t exist in most retail environments, it’s up to the retailer to set a price that’s desirable. It’s up to the consumer to send signals to the retailer that the price is acceptable or not through his or her purchasing habits. When demand falls, so falls price. All of those titles in the bargain bin are there because demand is low and the retailer is trying to sell them at a price close to the equilibrium price; basically, the hypothetical price where the supply curve and the demand curve meet.

In some cases, these titles may be priced for less than the cost to the retailers in an attempt to liquidate inventory, to make room for newer and perhaps better selling titles. There’s another cost tied in with having these unwanted titles taking up room in a store: opportunity cost; in other words, the cost of the next best alternative. If you run a game shop and have an entire rack of space devoted to games that aren’t selling, your opportunity cost is the money you could be making by stocking that space with titles you know will sell. Looking at it from that perspective, you can see why a store would sell something for perhaps less than they paid for it; they could be making more money simply by clearing up room for a better product.

The Internet is a great place for people to come together and complain. Many gripe that the price of games for this generation is too high, that $60 for a title is ridiculous. Taking in the costs associated with developing a game is part of the pricing for manufacturers, but after that it’s in the hands of the consumer. “These are goods where there’s a tremendous amount of startup cost, where you have to put in a tremendous amount of intellectual labor, a tremendous amount of cooperation with other workers, a tremendous amount of debugging,” says Montgomery, “but once you put the thing out it’s costless.”

The cost difference between producing one copy of the game or producing a million copies of the game is insignificant, bound only by the price of the physical media itself, whether it be DVD or Blu-Ray or cartridge. People who feel that $60 is too much have many alternatives in today’s market, whether it be buying the game second-hand or waiting for a deal on the game, or just waiting it out until the popularity has waned and the price drops. Whether we know it or not, most of us subscribe to the subjective theory of value when we declare a game costs too much. Even if we decide a title or console is worth every penny it costs at launch, we’re making a conscious valuation of the good and expressing our opinion through our purchase. Believe it or not, when it comes to determining value, you’re always right… and so is the person who says you’re wrong.

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Pokemon Black & White 2 Predictions: What’s in Store For The First Numbered Pokemon Sequel?

Posted: 03 Mar 2012 03:52 PM PST

Annual iterations in video games are something that we’re just going to have to deal with — as much as we may complain, there’s just too much money to be made in releasing yearly installments of the biggest franchises. While this business model obviously makes sense from a financial point, many lament the fact that this short span in between sequels hurts creativity and quality. If you need proof of this, look no further than the Assassin’s Creed series. The two-year gap between AC and ACII allowed the series to come into its own and evolve into one of gaming’s most ambitious franchises. Since then, the annualization of the series has brought a bit of stagnation to the formula. And yet, we continue to have faith that the franchise may return to its former greatness. With the recent announcement that Assassin’s Creed III will hit shelves on October 30, we remain cautiously optimistic that Ubisoft is prepared to make an ambitious leap forward for the next numbered installment in Desmond’s journey. Below are some initial thoughts and theories from the AC players at 1UP: Marty Sliva, Thierry Nguyen, and Jeremy Parish.

The Setting

Marty: A few months back, I received a pro-tip that ACIII was going to place you in the body of a half-Cherokee warrior during the American Revolution. Evidently you’re going to be tasked with traveling north along the Atlantic coast to Boston and Philadelphia, engaging in all sorts of wacky hijinks. If this is the setting for ACIII, it would be a great direction for the series to take, as America during the latter half of the 18th century is rife with potential in the video game world. With so many historically significant events occurring throughout New England at the time, Assassin’s Creed III could take a Forrest Gump-ian approach to history and have your character be present at all of the major events of the American Revolution. Imagine playing through historical moments like the Boston Tea Party, Paul Revere’s ride, or Washington’s crossing of the Delaware.

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  • pokemon black and white 2 predictions

China developer claims MMO completed in 3 months

Posted: 03 Mar 2012 03:52 PM PST

As the competition in China’s MMO industry heats up, with new online games being churned out almost ever week, it will really take something special to garner notice. This is especially true for developers who are aiming to get the bigwigs to notice them and hopefully secure a publishing deal. In this case, this anonymous studio is claiming to have completed 90% of an online game in just 3 months.

The game is called Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and yes, it directly used the actual Chinese novel’s title as the game’s name. A small group of players were invited recently for a close session, with the developers announcing the game has minimal bugs and will be ready for Closed Beta at the end of this month.While “many” features are boasted as well, none are listed in details so far. More information when I track down the game’s developers.

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Wizardry Online (JP)

Posted: 03 Mar 2012 01:28 PM PST

The Open Beta phase for Gamepot Japan’s new MMORPG, Wizardry Online, began yesterday evening to with a huge pop. Despite having to fork out 3990 Japanese Yen (USD 52.09) to activate the game, Gamepot Japan announced earlier today that the number of registered players has exceeded 100,000. Several new events are being planned to celebrate this milestone.

This number is really something to take notice of, as Japan is considered as an untapped market for online games. It wasn’t until recently that foreign Free to Play developers and companies, especially from China and Taiwan, began setting up on the Land of the Rising Sun.

As posted earlier, Gamepot’s executives confirmed during E3 2011 that Wizardry Online will be hitting the English shores in the near future. It will be a welcome addition to the current dismay stable of games Gamepot USA has on show currently (link).

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The Cat That Got The Milk Review

Posted: 03 Mar 2012 09:51 AM PST

The Cat That Got The Milk is inherently simple. Your objective is to guide a constantly moving marker past a series of abstract shapes and obstacles, The Cat That Got The Milk Reviewtowards a set finish line that will advance you to the next section.

The up and down arrow keys are your only available tools in this endeavour, meaning that you have to keep adjusting the vertical movement of the marker so that it doesn't crash into any of the surrounding environment.

As you would expect, the obstacles that make up each level become more complex the further along you get, and there are some parts that require a considerable amount of concentration to get through. Even so, it's such a brief experience that it's worth slogging through the tougher moments just for the sake of it.

That's an unusual thing to say about a game, but it's a testament to its accessibility and tight control—and it doesn't wear out its welcome as a result. Plus, if you're so inclined, there is a subtle emphasis on playing the game repeatedly to get the best time possible.

Beyond its shortness and light puzzle focus however, the most striking aspect of The Cat That Got The Milk is undeniably its art style. Prominent artists such as Piet Mondrian have had a clear effect on the development of the game's visuals.

The prevailing vibe feels largely unique as far as game aesthetics go, relying heavily on abstract shapes and obtuse angles instead of a conventional "videogame" setting. With this in mind, playing The Cat That Got The Milk often feels like a step towards the concept of interactive art via our beloved videogame medium.

Of course, you'd be forgiven for thinking that sentiment sounds a tad flowery, but The Cat That Got The Milk's brevity combined with its simplicity and The Cat That Got The Milk Reviewcreative use of established visual styles allows for it to labelled as such.

It also still retains a sense of game-like mechanics—it's entire conceit from a gameplay perspective is still largely dependent on accepted game functions such as speed and precision.

In short, you will want to see it through to the end just to see more of each level's appealing aesthetics. It's also a free download, which is always nice.

The Cat That Got The Milk exhibits an interesting form in many ways: it's a short, focused experience that calmly rests its creative impulses on simple but engaging gameplay.

Its short length is also a welcome and appropriate way of maintaining interest in a condensed amount of time, and nothing about those ten to fifteen minutes feels truncated or wasteful. Whatever the draw is for you, it's certainly worth checking out. 8/10

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Previously On MVTV: The week of February 25th

Posted: 04 Mar 2012 07:00 AM PST

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So you missed out on some of Massively's wonderful livestreams, huh? You had to go out and hang out with actual human beings and missed some of the most exciting live game playing you could have imagined? Shame. Shame on you. Don't worry, though; I've taken the time to collect some of the very best moments from the previous week's shows and combine them into one easy, one-stop-shop for your viewing pleasure.

Really, it's no trouble. Do be a dear and bookmark our MassivelyTV Guide for future reference!

So what do we have this week? Some pretty awesome stuff, actually. Richie jumps back into some Guild Wars, Mike takes an explosive swing at EVE Online once again and then hops into RIFT, Psykopig slowly finds himself falling in love with Wizard101 despite his attempts at resistance, Karen and the team from Allods Online embark on a tour of high-level content and Astral ships, I get invited to a real wedding inside Luvinia Online, and Tboo does her usual best by shooting people in the face in APB: Reloaded.

Continue reading Previously On MVTV: The week of February 25th

MassivelyPreviously On MVTV: The week of February 25th originally appeared on Massively on Sun, 04 Mar 2012 10:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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    The Daily Grind: What game have you fallen back in love with most often?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2012 05:00 AM PST

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    Here I go, here I go, here I go again.  Girls, what's my weakness?  JOBS!
    Some games you just can't quit. You might unsubscribe and head off for a time, but you always wind up back in-game before too long. And some games just give you new things to enjoy each time you log back in. Even if you're bored with one part of the game, you start playing a bit differently and suddenly it's like the first time. Put simply, you fall in love with the game all over again.

    Most of the games we play for long periods wind up in the catbird's seat more than once. But there are games that you fall back in love with, and then there are games that you keep falling back in love with all over again even if you'd prefer not to do so. So what game have you fallen back in love with most often? Is it a game that you think of as generally one of your favorite or one that you have sharply divided feelings about to start with?

    Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

    MassivelyThe Daily Grind: What game have you fallen back in love with most often? originally appeared on Massively on Sun, 04 Mar 2012 08:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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      The Tattered Notebook: In like a lion, out like a dragon

      Posted: 03 Mar 2012 05:00 PM PST

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      EQII wurm
      With the recent drama surrounding the ProSiebenSat.1 deal last week, EverQuest II's March arrived with all of the fury as those storms that have been pounding much of the United States in recent days. But there's been a steady stream of news that signals a much smoother month is on the way.

      For the second week in a row, it's what's going on outside of the game rather than in-game that's topping the headlines, and The Tattered Notebook is ready for the roundup! From poll results to pathing to hints about Game Update 63, we'll look at the highlights below the cut.

      Continue reading The Tattered Notebook: In like a lion, out like a dragon

      MassivelyThe Tattered Notebook: In like a lion, out like a dragon originally appeared on Massively on Sat, 03 Mar 2012 20:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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        The Mog Log: Apparently I enjoy receiving hate mail

        Posted: 03 Mar 2012 03:00 PM PST

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        The Mog Log header image by A. Fienemann
        I like Final Fantasy XI, and not just because it was the game that introduced me to how awesome MMOs could be, although that's certainly a part of it. I like the game because it has a lot of things that are genuinely likable, several elements that are well-designed, and some really excellent parts that stand out even now. So keep in mind that everything I'm about to say is said on behalf of a Final Fantasy XI fan.

        Specifically, the rant that's about to ensue about how the idea of remaking it is a terrible idea.

        This suggestion crops up pretty regularly, largely among people still disappointed that Final Fantasy XIV was what it was at launch. There's some thought that somehow cloning FFXI with the models from Final Fantasy XIV would lead to a glorious revival. And I can understand the thought process, but there are two very good reasons why that shouldn't happen -- not won't, which is already obvious, but shouldn't.

        Continue reading The Mog Log: Apparently I enjoy receiving hate mail

        MassivelyThe Mog Log: Apparently I enjoy receiving hate mail originally appeared on Massively on Sat, 03 Mar 2012 18:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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          The Road to Mordor: Fording the Great River

          Posted: 03 Mar 2012 01:00 PM PST

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          At 1388 miles, the Anduin is the longest river known in Middle-earth, hence the name The Great River. If I put that into real-world perspective, it would vie for the 52nd longest river on Earth, somewhere between the Colorado River and China's Pearl River. Impressive, if not a record-breaker.

          The Great River flows from the Misty Mountains down out to the Great Sea (lots of "greats" in Middle-earth, which is great), and it's on this waterway that the Fellowship of the Ring traveled from the solace of Lothlorien to the tragedy at Parth Galen. The river represents transition in many ways: from safety to peril, from unity to dissolution, from north to south, from The Fellowship of the Ring to The Two Towers.

          For Lord of the Rings Online players, the Anduin will mark another transition: the bridge between Rise of Isengard and Riders of Rohan. Seeing as how we got a major taste of this brand-new zone this week, I thought we should take a gander at what The Great River will add to our journey toward Mordor.

          Continue reading The Road to Mordor: Fording the Great River

          MassivelyThe Road to Mordor: Fording the Great River originally appeared on Massively on Sat, 03 Mar 2012 16:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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            Lord of the Rings Online lets you add a game wallet by lightening your real wallet

            Posted: 03 Mar 2012 12:00 PM PST

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            Well, it's no sparklepony.
            If you're a Lord of the Rings Online veteran, you've probably accumulated a large number of different barter items for various upgrades. Skirmish tokens, regional tokens, festival tokens... all vital to getting various gumballs, all clogging up inventory space that could go toward other items. The development team has heard your cries for a solution, and thus, the improved barter wallet has come into existence. Unfortunately, this upgrade comes at a price -- just about $10, specifically.

            Needless to say, some players and subscribers will be rather galled by the fact that this feature is being sold. On the other hand, player testimonials indicate that the upgrade works wonderfully, and it's a single account-wide purchase for all of your past, present, and future characters. Whether or not you prefer to grab the account-wide upgrade or wish to abstain on matters of principle is a personal decision, but there's no denying that the freed inventory spaces are certainly appealing.

            MassivelyLord of the Rings Online lets you add a game wallet by lightening your real wallet originally appeared on Massively on Sat, 03 Mar 2012 15:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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            En Masse details TERA's roleplay server ruleset

            Posted: 03 Mar 2012 11:00 AM PST

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            TERA - Aman Sorcerer (who's probably not roleplaying)
            En Masse Entertainment has spilled the beans about TERA's roleplay server ruleset (yes, people still RP in MMORPGs!). A new server FAQ has all the details, and the short version is that there will initially be one "official" ruleset server.

            Celestial Hills is where you'll want to roll if you're partial to player-generated stories, but be aware that En Masse is taking a laissez-faire stance to its RP ruleset. The company says it will implement naming conventions to discourage leetspeak and real-world references, but it also says that the subjective nature of such a policy makes it difficult to enforce.

            En Masse also says it won't monitor out-of-character chat, but it will boot those who "continually harass others." Finally, the FAQ addresses player requests for RP tools like the ability to walk and create custom emotes. "We are working on a list of game features to enhance your roleplay experience," En Masse explains. "[As with] all game feedback, we are evaluating and prioritizing getting it in the game."

            [Thanks to Dengar for the tip!]

            MassivelyEn Masse details TERA's roleplay server ruleset originally appeared on Massively on Sat, 03 Mar 2012 14:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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            SWTOR putting a mailbox on the Millennium Falcon (and other Q&A tidbits)

            Posted: 03 Mar 2012 09:00 AM PST

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            With the upcoming Guild Summit for Star Wars: The Old Republic, BioWare had less time than usual to answer the weekly barrage of questions sent in by players, but an honest attempt was made to address some of them.

            The biggest news to come out of this new Q&A is that BioWare will be improving ship functionality through the Legacy system. We know that this system will allow players to unlock beneficial and cosmetic features inside the game, and Principle Leads System Designer Damion Schubert confirms that two of those unlocks will be the addition of mailboxes and Galactic Trade Network access to player ships. Schubert also said that BioWare is on the verge of revealing all about Legacies: "Watch for more information about Legacy unlocks coming in Game Update 1.2 -- we should be dropping that Real Soon Now."

            Other topics covered in the Q&A include endgame crafting gear, grey alignment rewards, why BioWare is sticking to a global maintenance window, the ability to turn off the smart camera in 1.2, and the mystery of the Accuracy stat.

            [Thanks to Drakkonus for the tip!]

            MassivelySWTOR putting a mailbox on the Millennium Falcon (and other Q&A tidbits) originally appeared on Massively on Sat, 03 Mar 2012 12:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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