Gameforumer's Basic Promo Videos at YouTube

Recently one of our Author AmitTeli Uploaded 2 new videos to YouTube 1) Youtube for 2) Youtube Video of Gameforumer PC Tech. Even though they are a very basic video we still recommend it to our viewers (Guests) and readers. Hope you enjoy watching them. We have disabled the commenting system as we wanted [Read more at]

Skylanders Giants a Review

MMO News: Skylanders Giants a Review

A Review of Skylanders Giants Skylanders was one of the biggest surprises of 2011. Pretty much everyone expected it to be a cheap cash-in of 90s nostalgia to sell toys to unsuspecting kids — and boy, were we wrong. It was actually a pretty fun, serviceable action game [Read more at]

Rift: Storm Legion NDA Drops, Beta 2 Begins

Short MMO News: Rift -  Storm Legion NDA Drops, Beta 2 Begins

Storm Legion NDA Drops, Beta 2 Begins

Trion Worlds has announced that the second beta event for the upcoming RIFT expansion, Storm Legion, is now underway and will run through the weekend. Additionally, Trion has lifted the NDA on Storm Legion, so feel free to discuss the expansion to your heart's content!

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